Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personalized Stories Trade?


by ZombieSlayer13x 1 review

When Mikey gets a strange email from his penpal, Niu he becomes suspicious. When she ceases contact he becomes even more skeptical. What happens when she shows up on his doorstep weeks later?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-11-28 - Updated: 2012-11-28 - 1725 words - Complete

*A/N: Good evening all!

This is my fifth and final writing trade. This was with the lovely NoPainNoGain. In return she wrote me a wonderful holiday themed Harry Potter fic!! I hope you enjoy!

Thank you and happy trading :D



As Mikey logged off of his email, he furrowed his brow. Niu’s last email sounded wrong. He couldn’t place what it was, but it was something. They were her words and her writing, but something was different.

Niu Song was a pen-pal of Mikey’s, if you would. She was a nineteen year old girl born and raised in Sha tin new territories, Hong Kong. Mikey didn’t know much about her past. She was having a bad home life, that’s all he knew. Over the past few years he had found out that Niu enjoyed reading (preferably manga), had a passion for swimming, and loved music.

Because of Niu Mikey had discovered a love for manga in himself. He would never admit it, but somewhere in the middle of their emailing he had fallen in love. He was oddly attracted to the Asian girl.

This was the very reason why he wanted to get to the bottom of this. If something was wrong on Niu’s end of the spectrum, he wanted to know. He couldn’t do much to help, but he could try.

-one week later-

It had been five days, six hours, twenty-four minutes, and forty-seven going on forty-eight seconds since Mikey had heard from Niu. Mikey was starting to get concerned for her, and Gerard was becoming concerned about Mikey.

Mikey lived by himself so Gerard would swing by as often as possible to cheer him up. Gerard honestly didn’t understand how Mikey’s attachment to a girl thousands of miles away had such a hold on him, but he went with it.

That is exactly why Gerard was very concerned when Mikey’s doorbell suddenly rang at four o’clock in the morning. Gerard had spent the night after a movie marathon with Mikey and was currently sleeping on his couch. He stumbled to the door to see who it was.

Upon seeing a fragile looking Asian girl on the other side of the door, Gerard stood dumbfounded. Could this be the same girl Mikey had been emailing online? Just as Gerard opened the door Mikey appeared from his bedroom.

“Who is it?” he asked as he yawned, rubbing his eyes and putting on his glasses.

“Some…Asian girl…” Gerard said in a dazed voice.

Hearing this, Mikey jumped up and sprinted to the door, knocking Gerard out of the way. Lo and behold, standing in front of his door at four in the morning carrying only a backpack was his pen-pal, Niu Sung.

Mikey gaped like a dying fish. Regaining his senses after a moment, he ushered Niu inside. Once he made her comfortable on the couch he hurried Gerard out.

“Mikes what…” Gerard started as his little brother shoved him out his front door.

“No time to explain Gerard, I’ll call you tomorrow!” Mikey frantically told Gerard, his voice an octave higher.

Gerard turned around just in time to see his brother shut and lock his front door. Still dazed, Gerard begrudgingly went to his car.

Mikey watched Gerard drive away to make sure he left safely before turning back to Niu. Throughout the whole ordeal she was silent.

“Niu…” he started, “What are you doing here…I can’t…I can’t believe it’s really you.”

“Mikey,” Niu said, her accent every evident, “I can’t talk now. Please, may I just sleep?” she asked tentively.

“Yeah, sure! Anything you want.” Mikey said as he passed her some blankets and the pillow Gerard was previously using.

Niu deposited her backpack on the ground, laid down on the couch, and was out like a light in no time. Mikey sat in the chair adjacent from her for a few more minutes, silently musing to himself about this girl in front of him. Why would she cut all contact with him, only to show up on his doorstep? He noticed the mysterious golden ring on her finger. It looked like a wedding band, but he couldn’t be sure. Mikey would ask her in the morning.


The next morning Mikey was up before Niu. He assumed she wouldn’t be up for hours. He busied himself with coffee and breakfast. He was so engrossed in his morning ritual that he didn’t notice Niu sneak up on him.

“Mikey,” she said timidly.

Mikey jumped a foot in the air, dropping his coffee mug. As it crashed to the ground Niu flinched. She instantly got down on her knees and started cleaning up the mess.

“Hey, you don’t have to do that.” Mikey said gently as he lifted Niu off the ground. She blushed as they made eye contact and looked away. Mikey grabbed a rag off the counter and cleaned up the coffee, dumping the broken bits of porcelain in the trash. Niu grinned sheepishly at him and sat down at his kitchen table.

When he had finished making breakfast he put a plate in front of Niu. As he slid into the seat across from her with his own, he observed her. She shoveled the food into her mouth and was finished before Mikey could even take a bite of his own.

“Niu,” Mikey said concerned, “what happened to you?”

She looked down, unable to meet his gaze. “It was nothing Mikey.”

Obviously it wasn’t just “nothing.” You showed up at my doorstep at four o’clock this morning for Pete’s sake!” Mikey exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air.

“Please!” Niu said, raising her voice, “do not ask me again.”

Mikey opened his mouth to respond but then shut it, deciding to give her some space. “The shower’s in there,” Mikey said as he gestured to it. “You can sleep in my room. I’ll take the couch.”

“No, I couldn’t allow you to do that for me.” Niu protested.

“Please,” Mikey pleaded. “If you won’t tell me why you’re here, at least let me help you.”

At this, Niu gave up protesting, “Fine, thank you Mikey.”

As Niu showered Mikey received an angry call from Gerard. Mikey assured him that yes, the situation was under control and no, Gerard should not under any circumstances call the police or make a point to visit him. Just as he hung up Niu came out of the shower. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a Chinese waistcoat with a long sleeve shirt underneath.

“Are you going to tell me what happened now?” Mikey asked her. As she sat down in his living room she shook her head, determined not to tell him.

“Fine,” Mikey said acceptingly. Instead he turned the television on. They watched some cheesy, low-budget movies for the rest of the day.

This routine continued for the next three days. As the days lagged on, Mikey and Niu grew closer. It was strange for them, to finally be real. Instead of words on a computer screen they were a real, living, breathing person.

He didn’t come to realize it yet, but Mikey fell even more in love with Niu the longer she stayed. He found her laugh adorable. The way she’d scrunch up her nose when she forgot how to say something in English. Mikey would have her type it into Google Translate so he could understand her.

A few nights later, Niu’s secret finally came out. She had just changed into her pajamas (consisting of a pair of Mikey’s old sweat pants and an oversized Smashing Pumpkins shirt) and went into the living room to join Mikey on the couch. It was the first time since she had been there that Niu had worn a short-sleeved shirt.

“Niu…” Mikey said as he saw her arms. They were covered in bruises. Niu looked down, then back up at Mikey. An expression of pure horror was etched on her face.

She abruptly got up and ran into Mikey’s room, shutting and locking the door in his face. Mikey ran after her and pleaded with her to open the door. Her sobs could be heard from the other side.

After about a half hour Niu gently nudged open the door, allowing Mikey to enter. She was perched on the edge of the bed. Mikey sat next to her. He kept a comfortable distance as to not disturb her.

Before Mikey could say a word, Niu told him what had happened in China. She and her family were falling into debt. They had forced her to marry a rich man whom she didn’t love. She was fine with the marriage the first few weeks. At least her family was supported. It wasn’t until he started abusing her that she reconsidered everything. She told Mikey that after sending her last email, she made up her mind to flee from her husband. Mikey’s eyes flitted over towards the bedside table. Her golden ring lay there, it hadn’t been touched since she moved into his bedroom.

“I’m so sorry Niu. I wish I could have helped.” He said as he pulled her into a hug.

“You are now.” She said as she smiled up at him. Mikey returned it.

“Niu…you may not want to hear this right now, but I think I’m in love with you…” he said hesitantly. “I’ve been in love with you ever since I saw your picture.

Niu closed her eyes as she smiled. “You’re too kind Mikey.” Then she looked up at him, her eyes overflowing with emotions, “I love you too.” She leaned up and softly kissed him on the cheek.

“Will you help me?” she asked as she snuggled up to him.

“I would go to the ends of the earth for you.” Mikey told Niu
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