Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Please help me?

So I was spring cleaning my Ficwad stories up by deleting old auditions and stuff like that... I was about to delete this when I saw the review from atomickilljoy asking how things went so I figured I'd let you all know :L Not that you're interested but it makes me feel better to write it ;)

Okay, I need to double-check what I wrote before...

Yeah so 'Grace' has been okay recently even though if she sees me spacing out, she'll still yell at me to smile (which is still getting on my friggin' nerves) but she deleted that status about 'oh try being a friend' or whatever the hell she put but kept up the one about my mood swings. We even went and watched Twilight and shtuff on her birthday :L

I'm in a better mood recently and I told this other girl Sam about what had happened and apparently Grace was also mad because I'd said I'd tell Sam over BBM and Grace was all up in Sam's face saying she had to tell her what was wrong with me. And what was wrong with me wasn't even very interesting to start with?

So yeah, everything's fine for now :3 Thanks so much for your advice, playlists and personal stories :D

Love Hozzie
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