Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Little Girl

"Shayla?" Shayla turned away from her painting to look at her Mom "What do you think about going to school?"

"Can I go to the same school as Izzy?" Shayla asked.

"I'm afraid not." Raven sighed "I'd like to send you to the same one but it's too far away for me to drive you there everyday. No, you'd have to go by yourself. Maybe you could just go in the mornings or something and then come home? I'll have to have a word with them." Shayla shook her head "Well you'll have to go to school at some point so you might as well start now, eh?"

"Why do I have to go at all?" Shayla pouted "I wanna stay home with you."

"Because you need your education." Raven told her "And I wouldn't be any good at home schooling you. Anyway, you need to make some friends. More friends than just Ellie, Mia and Izzy."

"But I like Ellie, Mia and Izzy."

"I know you do and there's nothing wrong with that. But wouldn't you like to have more friends?" Shayla shook her head "Come on Shayla, will you at least try? For me?"

Shayla sighed "Okay fine."

"Good girl." Raven smiled "I'll go look at local primary schools."

The front door opened then slammed shut and Ray came into the kitchen "Hey!"

"Daddy!" Shayla cried, leaping up from her seat and leaping into his arms.

"You're home early." Raven grinned.

"They didn't need me to do much at the studio today." Ray kissed Shayla on the cheek "Do you wanna go out for the afternoon?"

"Yeah, let's go to the park!" Shayla cheered.

"Okay, we'll go the park." Raven smiled.

"Did you get me what I asked for?" A tall figure asked, looking down at the young girl in front of him.

"No, I told you, she got adopted." The girl replied "We're not allowed to access her files."

"Well a find a way or you'll be sorry." The figure hissed "I'll meet you here tomorrow at the same time. And you'd better have what I want."

Bob ran his fingers over Jennifer's stomach "Not long left now." He smiled, kissing Jennifer's cheek "I'm really excited. I didn't think I'd be this excited. I never thought I'd want to be a Father. But when I met you I just knew. You were the woman I wanted to have children with."

"Oh Bob." Jennifer's eyes filled with happy tears "Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

"I kinda hope it's a little girl because then she could play with the others and I kinda want her to be a girl so she could be a Daddy's girl. But on the other I kind of want a boy because then we'd be the first ones out of our friends to have a boy." Bob grinned "I guess I don't mind either way. So long as it's ours."

"I can't wait to be a Mom!" Jennifer cried excitedly.

[A/N] - Chapters are getting shorter and shorter and I'm sorry about that D':
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