Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Savior Of One Broken, Beaten, and Damned Man.

The Savior Of One Broken, Beaten, and Damned Man.

by PrincessNightJazz 2 reviews

Mikey Way has hit a very dark place in his life and his brother has tried everything he can to help him, but does he need some help from an old friend to save his brother from an even darker future...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Mikey Way,Gerard Way,Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-20 - Updated: 2012-11-21 - 556 words


The Savior of One Broken, Beaten, and Damned Man

Chapter One: Meet Your Angel

"How about the blonde bombshell in the corner?"

Gerard shook his head, "Too tall, and blonde."

"Gee! You haven't seen this girl in like 10 years, how do you even know what she looks like? She could have dyed her hair!" Ray almost shouted his nerves were frayed; they had been looking for this mystery girl for almost an hour.

Gerard mulled the idea over in his head for a moment. "Maybe she did but she'd never go blonde."

The guitar player let out a long exasperated sigh then added a hopeless, "How about the short brunette on the stairs?"

"Hm..." the singer considered it for a moment, watching as the woman disappeared into the crowd on the main floor of the benefit. "I don't think so."

His friend didn't argue this time, and just continued looking for this magical mystery woman who would just show up and magically fix their problems.

Not two minutes later Gerard heard his name being called, his eyes darted around searching for the source of the noise, "Alex? Where are you?"

"Dude, I am standing right in front of you!" A very pretty alto voice quipped sarcastically.

Both men's eyes shot forward and down to land on the face of the small woman from the stairs. "Oh. Um, Hi."

Her face twisted into an amused smile. She chuckled, "Nice to see you as well Mr. Way, it's been a while."

"Why yes, it has," he answered looking over the girl in front of him.

She was maybe two or three inches shorter than Frank, butting her at about 5'3" or 5'4". She had shoulder-length, dark brown hair that framed her angular face with, (what I knew to be completely natural,)barrel roll curls. She was thin, but in a very healthy kind of way, and judging by her toned arms and what he could see of her legs in the knee length white dress, she worked out to stay that way.

Intricate tattoos decorated her shoulders and-

She cleared her throat and hazel eyes met peculiar bright blue ones. "Aren't you married?"

Gerard blinked rapidly, confused. Then it slowly dawned on him that the way her was staring at her may have seemed as if he was checking her out.

"Uh, yes. Very happily. It's just that you have changed so much since high school...."

"Oh I know! I don't look at all like I did back then!"

"Well think it was a change for the better." Gerard attempted to compliment the woman.

Sensing the awkwardness surrounding the two, Ray took that moment to introduce himself. "Hello I'm R-"

"Ray Toro, god of the guitar."

"Oh... so you know who I am?"

"Oh yes, I am a huge fan of your work, and it's absolutely amazing to meet you." She shook his hand and smiled up at the man with the Fro.

Stepping back, she asked the question that had been on her mind since she had walked into this Gala. "So, where's Mikey?"

The small smile Gerard had been wearing dropped off the face of the earth faster than the speed of light.

So that's the first chapter my friends! Thank you so much for reading and please tell me if you would like moreJ.


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