Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Savior Of One Broken, Beaten, and Damned Man.

The Broken One

by PrincessNightJazz 0 reviews

Chapter two, the reunion!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-12-03 - Updated: 2012-12-04 - 756 words

Hey guys I’m back! I don’t have anything after this typed up so it may be a while ‘til you see me again, so… Have a Mikeyway!


Chapter 2: The Broken One

“Where’s Mikey?”

The small smile Gerard had been wearing dropped off the face of the earth faster than the speed of light.

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“He’s at the bar.” Gerard said solemnly. The, ‘Same place he’s been all night,’ was implied.

I nodded a farewell to my current companions and twisted my way across the swirling crowd on the dance floor.

Spotting the slightly unfamiliar head of black hair, I glided up to the bar and ordered a glass of sweet red wine and sat down next to the man.

“Nice party, huh?” I asked hoping to start a conversation with him.

He grunted in response and sipped his drink again.

“Ah. Nice but not really your scene, right?”

He whipped around on his stool to glare at me, “Look lady, I don’t know what my brother is giving you to talk to me, but I’m not interes-” He froze mid-statement and a startled expression crossed his face followed closely by confusion.

“Don’t worry Hun; I’m not here to take you up to a hotel room for the night.” I winked at him, took a sip of my wine and spun around on my stool to face the crowd, leaning back on the side of the bar.

He continued to look at me with confusion, obviously trying to figure out where he knew me from but I could tell that all of the alcohol he had drank tonight was slowing down his thought process.

I sipped at my wine and started fiddling with my necklace, a small pendant shaped like the treble clef- base clef heart.

And that is when realization bitch-slapped Mikey across the face.

“ALEX?!” He jumped forward on his chair and yelling a bit louder than intended.

I smiled into my glass and chuckled. Turning my seat to face my dear old friend, I said, “Honey, I’m home!”

Mikey lunged forward, wrapping me in a wild bear hug that caused us to go crashing to the floor, (wine glass and all….)

“Oh my god! Where have you been?!” He laughed an smooshed my face into his suit, effectively stopping me from saying anything. Or breathing.

So of course I started slapping him with as much force as I could manage at this point seeing as my arms were pinned to my sides.

“Ow, ow, ow! Alright, Alright.” He relented and got off of me.

I shot up into a sitting position, gasping for air. Mikey just laughed and stood up offering me a hand. I accepted and he pulled me to my feet which created an odd crunching sound.

I looked down under my foot to see the sparkling remains of my shattered wine glass.

“Oops…” He said realizing he was the cause of the mess. “Are you okay?”

I checked my legs to make sure I wasn’t cut, “Yeah, I’m fine.” I moved over to the bar to tell the staff about the spill.

Returning to my long lost best friend I found him snickering at me. “What?”

“You’ve uh, got something on your dress….”

I twisted my body to try and see the back of my dress and on it there was a huge slash of purple-red swiped across my back and a large spot on my lower back/ass region.

“Hmm, I think it gives this thing some character.” I brushed it off knowing full well that I never planned on wearing this dress again, wine or no wine. We just laughed for a moment and my distain for girly clothing, just like old time.

We heard the song change and Mikey offered me his bent arm, “Shall we?”

Remembering all of the time I had spent teaching the poor uncoordinated Michael Way how to dance, I looped my arm through his and hoped it had stuck with him. “We shall.”

Gerard looked on with a very impressed Ray by his side.

“What?! How did she? She just- Is she? Who? She fixed him in like 10 seconds flat!” The guitarist stuttered.

“Fixed him for the moment,” The singer responded, knowing that his brother’s struggle was far from over.

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And there is chapter 2! Hope you liked it, Chapter 3 is like half written and if any of you want it just leave a review! Have a great day everybody!

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