Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Chapter 14

by ItsM0llyBitch 1 review

The finale Mild language

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Published: 2012-12-09 - Updated: 2012-12-09 - 1076 words - Complete

A/N: I am really sorry this took a long time but here it is. You’re probably going to hate this but this is the last chapter of this fanfic. I’m quite bored of writing it and by looking at the views on it, people are bored of reading it but I couldn’t bring myself to just abandon it so here’s the last chapter. I will be writing one-shots and other fanfics but they will be much shorter and hopefully much better. Thanks for the support and see you around
Molly x

Can you please stop whining? There isn’t that much left of the story. Anyway, things got pretty weird after that art class and you know whom that involves, Molly. I had just closed the door to my house when I received a text saying “oMG” but when I asked her what was up, she didn’t reply. I looked on her twitter and there were several tweets saying the same thing. I wanted to know what was up, but she wouldn’t tell me, until she turned up the next morning…


I hear a heavy knock on the door but it doesn’t stop. I glare at the door in confusion and start to walk towards it, a constant tapping echoing through the hallway. I open the door to see Molly who still hasn’t stopped knocking

“Ow, you bitch!” I shout, rubbing my forehead. Molly looks at me and immediately her eyes widen and she raises her hands over her mouth as she gasps

“Oh shit I’m sorry,” She says before grabbing my head and bringing it forward and kissing my forehead “All better”

“Not really” I say rolling my eyes “Now, will you please explain to me what ‘oMG’ was about?” Molly freezes like a rabbit and headlights and stares blankly through me

“Oh my god” She says airily. I lace up my shoes, grab my bag and walk out the door

“Walk and talk” I demand. We start down the path and Molly starts to talk

“Well, last night something happened, not anything bad just surprising, I think” Molly trails off. I nudge her slightly, reminding her to talk and she takes a deep breath “Well, when Frank and I left you guys we walked down the way we usually do. Anyway, we got to my house and I invited him in, you know being polite and all. We just hung out for a while, listening to music and dancing”

“Dancing?” I question

“Well I was dancing”

“Oh” I sigh, now understanding the situation

“Well, I finally stopped dancing and sat back down and he started to look at me all seriously and said he needed to ask me something-”

“OH MY GOD, I KNEW IT” I exclaim, interrupting her

“Let me finish! He looked at me and asked me if he could tell me something in confidence” She continues, “He paused then told me he likes Penina a lot and has done for ages. He wanted to know what to do”

“Aww” I reply “I’m sorry”

“It’s alright, they suit better anyway” Molly says shrugging “Plus I like Penina so”

“What did you tell him then?” I ask

“I told him to go for it and if he didn’t, I would tell her myself” She says smiling evilly “I love playing cupid, it’s going to be legen-wait for it-”

She’s back

“DARY! Legendary, let’s go” She finishes, gesturing towards the school gate before grabbing my sleeve and dragging me into the gates

We start to walk across the yard and spot the others near our usual bench. Halfway there, Frank looks over to us and Molly starts to point at Penina mouthing “Go talk to her”. When we finally make it over, I go over to Gerard and make everyone back away from Penina and Frank. Molly gives him a final poke before he starts to talk. He clears his throat

“Erm Penina, I need to talk to you” He stutters, fiddling with the hem of his shirt and biting his lip nervously

“Go ahead” Penina replies half smiling, half looking worried

“Erm well, I’ve liked you for a long time and, erm” Frank stutters, looking over to us for support. We all wave our hands, gesturing for him to continue. He looks down and rubs the back of his neck nervously before continuing “And I was wondering if you felt the same” He trails off. I look over to Penina to see her smiling widely. Frank looks up and sighs in relief before Penina leaps forward and grabs him in what looks like a suffocating hug. Frank pulls back, looks into her eyes for a while before inching forward and kissing her softly. A light “awww” is heard from our group before Molly starts clapping loudly

“Oh my god yay!” She exclaims, jumping up and down waving her hands about. She runs towards them and tackles them in a hug “I’m so happy for you two” She pauses and turns around to see all of us looking at her like she’s a mad person, even Mikey and that’s saying something

“What?” She asks shrugging “I love playing cupid”

“You did this?” Penina asks

“Yeah, he was too nervous to ask you and I was like ‘Just fucking do it’” Molly replies

“Thank you” Penina says, smiling warmly

“You are very welcome because oh my god, the cuteness”

“Ok, no more coffee for you” I say, grabbing Molly’s shoulders and dragging her back to the group. Penina and Frank follow, hand in hand when the bell rings signalling the start of homeroom. We all start to walk and look at our new group of friends. It used to just be Molly and I, we spoke to other people but it never went to more than that but now, we have Gerard’s huge group too. They’re crazy, loud but I definitely wouldn’t trade them for the world…


And that kids is how I met, and fell in love with, your father

A/N: Sorry if that wasn’t the ending that you expected I just really needed to finish it and I couldn’t think of anything but maybe I’ll update it one day. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story but keep an eye out for my other stuff
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