Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Authors Note

by ItsM0llyBitch 2 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-11-24 - Updated: 2012-11-24 - 160 words - Complete

Hi guys,

So I've been finding it really hard to update lately as you can probably tell from how little I update. I just have no inspiration and I haven't been feeling my best. I barely come on here because I am never in the mood to write or read fanfiction

I promise you, this is not a leaving note I just need to get my shit together and not have to worry about the story getting shit because I am putting no effort into the updates

Thank you to anyone who is reading it, it means a lot that anyone cares to read anything I do so I am deeply grateful but I think I'm going to put this story on a half-hiatus. I will update, it just probably won't be often. At least now it won't be as disappointing as me just not updating because you have a reason

I'm sorry, I hope you will understand

Molly x
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