Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We All Die

Teenage Boys Talk Nonsence When Their Parents Die

by HellyWay 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-12-10 - Updated: 2012-12-10 - 370 words

This is a reeeeallllyyy short chapter but the next one should be longer and come out sooner.Rate and Review please:)

"Where have you been off to?" Marie asks as soon as I step through the door. I can smell that she's been cooking as soon as I close the door. When I find her in the kitchen I see she's made soup with a bunch off different veggies and I was honestly relieved she remembered I don't eat meat.

"Uh, sorry. I was just checking out that, uh, light house." She stops what she's doing with her back turned to me. The only sound is the fan over the stove and the bubbling water. Then she drops a dirty knife in the sink and wipes off her hands, turning to me smiling wide.

"Oh, didn't I tell you it was beautiful?" I nodded and she gave an approved nod and went back to cleaning up cooking supplies. I turned and walked over to the wooden table that had a bowl of different colored sea shells in it and stared at it for a little while.

"I met the uh, keeper of the lighthouse too. It was weird, he kind of appeared out of no where."

Marie had been carrying over two bowls of soup and set them down but stopped when I said this. She looked at the table for a few moments before moving slowly over to her seat across from me. She sat down, cleared her throat than gave a bright smile again and picked up her spoon. "Oh, You mean Sam? Ah, yes he comes over sometimes, in case there's anything that needs...taking care of." She started to eat her soup but I just stared at her a little longer, confused.

"Um, no. I think his name was like, G-"

"Oh Frankie sweetie your soup is getting cold take a bite. I worked all afternoon on it." She gave me another bright lip stick filled smile then winked at me, going back to her soup.

"No, wait but-"

"Frankie, Sam is the only one other than me, well now us, that comes any where near that old lighthouse. Now stop being silly and eat up."
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