Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Home

The Way Home

by carmen 3 reviews

Gerard is trapped in a hell of his own making. Can Native American magic help him find his way home?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-12-08 - Updated: 2012-12-08 - 2658 words

Ayasha quickened her steps as the light rain began to fall on the darkened streets. She wanted nothing more than to get home, take a shower then fall into bed. The day had been long, stressful and she was tired both mentally and physically. A sudden clap of thunder followed by a flash of lightning hurried her along; her small house was now within sight.

Fumbling with her keys, Ayasha finally located the correct one, sliding it into the lock just as the storm hit. As the rain fell in sheets she pushed open the door and stepped inside not bothering with the lights. She knew every inch of this small house, her sanctuary, so taking several steps towards the kitchen in the dark wasn’t a problem. Once she deposited her bags on the table, she’d worry about the lights.

*We’re doing everything we can.*

His eyes snapped open as the thunder rumbled across the sky. Confusion quickly followed by fear took over. He blinked rapidly trying to see but the darkness was too thick. When a sudden flash of lightning lit the room what he saw offered no explanation. Fear keep him rooted in place. He had no idea where he was or how he’d gotten here.

From deep in the shadows he stood completely still, poised to strike, his mind calculating his options. Only one person had come in, and judging by the size, it was a woman. Briefly he wondered if he should have bolted for the door before she’d pushed it closed with her foot but it was too late now. She had moved through the room towards what he guessed was a kitchen. A moment later when he heard the rustle of a bag being set down he felt sure he was right. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness he was beginning to make out more shapes. From where he stood he could now see the person removing a jacket.

Ayasha hung her damp jacket over the back of the kitchen chair then turned to flip on the kitchen light just as another flash of lightning illuminated the interior of the house. It was then she saw the shape standing in front of the windows in the living room. For a moment her mind froze as fear clutched at her heart. In that brief second another flash of lightning lit up the room spurring her into action. She bolted further into the kitchen to grab a weapon.

He knew she’d seen him but still he stood still not knowing what to do. Should he confront her now before she could summon someone else? His mind seemed fuzzy but he desperately tried to make sense of things. Had be been kidnapped? Were there more people it the house? Should he make a move for the door? Before he could decide the room was suddenly bathed in light.

Clutching the butcher knife with one hand Ayasha had flipped on the lights with the other. Now she could see it was a man standing in her living room. She forced her mind to work, would she have time to grab her cell out of her bag to call the police?

He’s breath caught as he spotted the large knife in her hand. The kitchen light behind her allowed him to see the woman more clearly. She was small, if not for the knife he could obviously overpower her. But what he saw when he looked at her face shocked him, she was scared.

“I’ve called the police.” It took every once of strength to keep her voice from shaking.

“No, you grabbed a knife.”

His voice unnerved her for a reason she didn’t understand.

“Look, I don’t know what you want but you better get the hell out of here.” She said with false bravado.

“What I want?” He sneered. “What I want if for you to tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Still trying to decide if she could make a move for her cell she kept her eyes locked on the intruder. She stood clutching the knife. “You broke into my house and you want to know what is going on?”

He knew by the sound of her voice she was scared but so was he. How could he have no memory at all about how he’d gotten here? He desperately tried to recall what he’d been doing before he’d opened his eyes and found himself in this place.

“Well?” Her voice shook. “Are you gonna get out?”

Trying to think while a woman was clutching a knife, ready to strike, made it impossible for him to concentrate. “Where am I?” He whispered more to himself then the woman.

Ayasha tightened her grip on the knife as a new fear forced its way into her brain. Was this some drug crazed intruder? She gave a quick sideways glace at her bag once more deciding if she should go for her cell phone.

More and more his eyes were adjusting to the light in the kitchen behind where the woman stood. Now he could more clearly see the room where he was standing. Slowly, hoping his movements wouldn’t set her off, he stepped to the left where a lamp sat on a table. Keeping her in his sight he reached down trying to find the switch.

As soon as he moved Ayasha started for the door. If only she could make it outside she could run to her neighbor’s house for help. She had almost reached the door when the lamp he’d managed to switch on filled the small living room with light startling her.

“Wait.” He croaked. He was no longer afraid of the woman but sheer fear and confusion made him plead with her to stop. However when she turned to face him the look on her face made his heart began to race.

Several moments passed as they stared at each other. While she still held the knife her grip loosened.

He forced himself to speak. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t even know where I am.”

Ayasha’s eyes were wide. “Is this some sick joke?” Her voice raised several notches, “Did Kyle put you up to this?”

“Kyle? Who’s Kyle?”

Anger almost blinded her. “This isn’t remotely funny.”

Still not wanting her to bolt he remained unmoving. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. What the hell would be funny about me not knowing where I am or how I got here?”

She shook her head, “Yeah, you sorta look like him, ha, ha. Let’s make fun of stupid Ayasha some more.”

He ran his hand through his black hair nervously. “Look, I’m telling you I don’t know what’s going on.” He started to say more when she moved to the door and threw it open.

“Get out of my house.” She screamed loosing what was left of her control.

He needed to make her understand. “I don’t know what’s going on. At least tell me where I am?”

With the knife she motioned for the door. “In my house, you stupid mother fucker and I want you out now.”

Deciding it was best not to deal with this crazed woman anymore he took several steps toward the open door while keeping an eye on her. He was relieved when she slowly backed up clearing the way. At the moment it was best just to escape this house. Slowly he reached the door but suddenly stopped. The storm outside continued, another large clap of thunder rattled the windows. Should he go out into the storm?

“Get out.” She screamed again.

He looked at her more closely. He’d been right, she was small and if she didn’t still have a knife in her hand he’d refuse her command. But what worried him, more than the weapon, was the look in her dark eyes. “I really need you to understand, I didn’t break in here.”

She shook her head in the process dislodging several long, black strands of hair from the messy bun. “Yeah, you broke in. My door was locked when I left this morning.” Having decided now that she’d seen him clearly that Kyle was behind this she was more angry than scared. “Run back to Kyle and tell him I think he’s sick.”

“Who the fuck is Kyle and why do you think he has something to do with me being here?”

“You know as well as I do.” Her eyes narrowed. “Now get out.”

He glanced out at the storm then spoke again believing if he leveled with her it might help. “My name is Gerard.”

“Fuck you.” She screamed. “Get out.” Once more she waved the knife menacingly and took a step toward him.

“Okay.” While he didn’t want to go out into the storm he certainly wasn’t going to stand here and argue with a crazy woman. Moving quickly towards the open door he intended to take his chances with the storm.

Ayasha held her breath waiting for the moment he was through the door so she could slam it shut then engage the lock. When he suddenly stopped at the threshold she screamed again for him to get out.

His mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Suddenly he couldn’t take another step. It was as if an invisible barrier was preventing him from going through the door. Again and again he tried to move but it was impossible.

“I’m calling the police.” Ayasha turned for her bag. However, when he spoke her hands stilled.

“I can’t get out.”

Just wanting to get this man out of her house, now, she dropped the bag. “Don’t be stupid.”

“I’m telling you I can’t get out.” Now his eyes were large, he truly looked scared.

Hating that the fact the man looked so much like someone she….angrily she shook her head to rid herself of that thought. “Step back.” She waited until he moved away from the door. “Look.” She said walking out onto the small covered porch then back inside. “No invisible force field. Now get out.” Again she moved away from the door.

He took several steps toward the door but once again, stopped. “I’m not fuckin’ with you. I can’t go through the door.”

“Oh, for God’s sake.” She huffed. “Tell Kyle I’m tired of his stupid games.” Before he knew what was happening she grabbed his arm, walked out onto the porch intent on pulling him out. But that didn’t happen. “What the hell?’ She tugged on his arm harder but he didn’t budge. Now she was really angry. Pushing past him she went back into the house, dropped the knife and immediately pushed him with all her strength. Several time she tired, each time he didn’t budge. “How the hell are you doing that?”

“What the fuck in going on?’ He whispered in fear.

Moments passed as the stared at each other.

Suddenly the sound of footstep coming up the porch steps startled them both.

“Ayasha,” The blond man stared at her. “Why’s your door wide open?”

“I want him gone.” She said glaring at the intruder who’d moved slightly to the side of the door. As she spoke anther clap of thunder rattled the windows drowning most of her words.

“Hey, don’t be like that. I was just on my way home and saw your lights on. You still mad at me?” He believed she’d said she wanted him to leave.

An icy cold finger of fear raced down her spine. Not once had Kyle looked over at the man standing by the door. “Kyle, now’s not a good time, I have company.”

Kyle frowned while looking around her and into the small house. “Really?” He moved slightly so he could see into the kitchen. “Uh, who’s here?”

“What the fuck?” The intruder too knew something wasn’t right. “Is he blind?”

Ayasha kept her eyes on Kyle. “None of your business.”

“Hey, look. I’m sorry about teasing you this morning. I know how much you like that fucking group.” He smiled, “But if you forgive me, I’ll take you out to dinner.”

“Cold day in hell.” Before Kyle knew what was happening the door was slammed in his face. Several moments later the sound of his retreating footsteps was heard.

“What was that all about?”

Ayasha made her way over to the nearest chair and fell into it.

Feeling like he had been suddenly thrust into an episode of The Twilight Zone he followed her lead and took a seat. “You need to tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“He couldn’t see you.” She whispered lowering her head.

This was not what he’d wanted to hear. His heart began to race. “How the hell couldn’t he see me?”

“Oh shit.” She jumped up and moved to the small table near the kitchen where her computer was located.

He watched not knowing what to do. From where he sat he could see her pulling up different sites. Time seemed to stand still for him until she finally got up and moved back to her original seat.


He could barely hear her answer. “I was afraid someone had died.”

“Died? What? Okay, lady let’s start all this shit over from the beginning. I’m not sure how the fuck I got into your house but I swear I didn’t break in. My name is Gerard Way and I’ve picked up your name is Ayasha. Now tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Slowly she raised her head. “He didn’t see you and you can’t walk through the door.”

“Yeah we’ve established that.” He ground out angrily. “So tell me what kind of game are you playing? He’s in on it, right?”

“No game.” She whispered.

“Yeah, right.” He jumped to his feet moving toward the kitchen door he’d spotted earlier.

Ayasha watched as he threw it open but once more his body didn’t disappear, he couldn’t move through the doorway.

When he turned to her the look on his face was one of despair. “What is happening?”

She got up, walked past him then closed the door. “Please, have a seat.” She said softly.

The fact she was suddenly being nice after threatening him with a knife minutes ago, unnerved him. However once she sat back down he slowly moved towards the living room.

“Please” She motioned towards the chair.

Once he was seated she stared at him.

This was a nightmare and he just wanted to wake up. “Why can’t I leave? Why couldn’t that guy see me?”

“Because I don’t think you’re really here.”

Was she crazy or was he? “Not really here?”

She nervously pulled at her hair releasing a long black cascade down her back. “My grandmother told me stories about people who get trapped between the worlds.”

“Between the worlds?” He repeated her words slowly.

She nodded. “Yes, between the world of the living and the afterlife. Their bodies remain on this plain but their spirits travel.”

Fear made him angry. “Look, I’m here. I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.”

Instead of answering she stood and walked over to the computer once again. He followed her slowly, fear making his footsteps falter.

She pulled up a page then stood back. “Look.”

His eyes grew wide as the headline came into focus.

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