Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Danger Days:The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys

chapter 2

by MCR-99 0 reviews

in this chapter.. Party Poison and me (Syanide Skull) fall in love,we save Grace but Party Poison gets wounded. :(

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-12-12 - Updated: 2012-12-14 - 314 words - Complete

chapter 2

Things have been going pretty well between me and Party.
I love him.
He loves me.
Nothing will change that.Ever.

One day,me and Party were doing what other people in love do.
I pulled away and said
"I'm going to save Grace"
"No.I'm not going to lose you."Party replies
"It's my fault.I was supposed to watch her.But I didn't."I say,getting off his bed
and grabbing my mask and ray gun.
"I'll be back soon ok?With Grace"I say and grab the car keys.
At Better Living Industries,I walk towards the door.
I hear the of tires and turn to see the killjoys walking up the path towards me.
"Let's get her"Fun Ghoul says,pulling his mask over his face and blasting the door down.
I smile as Party comes over and holds my hand.
Inside,I check the security cameras.I see a girl playing with a ball in room 2.
"Found her?"Party asks,putting his head on my shoulder and his hands around my waist.
"Yeah,room 2"I say,getting my ray gun and walking towards the hallway.
I shoot down the three dracs guarding Grace.The others pile inside and Party gives Grace a hug and whispers to her "I'm sorry.I'll never leave you again.I promise.
I hear a gunshot from in front of me,and see Party's eyes widen as he drops to the floor.
I shoot the drac that shot him,then drop to my knees by Party.
He was dead,wasn't he?
"S-Syanide.."He chokes out.
Tears well up in my eyes.
"Yeah,its me"I say,grabbing his hands.
"I-I love you"He says
"So do I"I reply and the paramedics load him on the stretcher.
As he is carted away,I drop to my knees and cry..
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