Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Killjoys

Killjoys5. Only hope

by NotKissingYouGoodBye

please R&R let me know what you like about to story so I can make the next chapter better X3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-12-12 - Updated: 2012-12-13 - 2507 words

Jet’s pov.

“Shit.” I mutter under my breath shivering in the cold as I notice the crack of dawn just beginning to raise, giving the desert scene a dark blue tinged. I don’t know what time it is but I know it’s still very early and I still haven’t found Ghoul. I’ve been back to the camp site a few times though out the night to make sure Kobra was okay by himself and to try and get more information out of the selfish pick Party as to where he had last seen Ghoul or what exactly happen but he was out cold in a deep coma like sleep. God I am so pisses off at that red head right now. Party has never acted like this before and it’s far from his normal character. I wonder if he’s actually lost his sanity.

I sigh heavily and try to push thoughts of Party to the side as I continue to march around clueless as to where I’m going. All I know is that I need to find Ghoul, especially if he’s hurt. The days may be as hot as hell but the nights get freezing cold. You could die from sun stroke in light and die from hypothermia in the dark.

“Come on Ghoul, where are you?” I whisper into the subtle breeze praying that he’s still alive. I frown and squint my eyes straining to see anything…something. Then my chest sinks and my heart flips as over in the distance I see the shadow of something Ghoul size lying face down on the ground. Before I can even registers it my feet are running towards the dark shape in the dirt. I jump over rocks and rabbit holes slightly panicked as I get closers and see no signs of life.

“GHOUL!” I scream out at the top of my lungs and really freak when there is no response. No, no, no, no. He’s gotta be alright. I skid in the dirt as I drop to my knees next to him and gently roll his small frame over so he’s lying on his back. His completion is as white as a ghost, his lips blue and parted, absent of any signs of breathing. His cheek is bruised and smudged with dirt. I look down at his lifeless form, scared out of my mind. I gently place two fingers to the ice cold flesh of his neck searching desperately for a pulse. I notice the dark marks decorating his pale neck.

“Oh fuck.” I whisper when I don’t find a pulse. My heart is racing and my breathing quickens, shit I’m gonna have a fucking panic attack! Ok, ok, ok. I need to calm down. I think to myself as I breathe in deep. I need to calm down for Ghoul’s sake so I can help him. I search for his pules again, placing my fingers to his cold frozen blue skin. Nothing. I lean down and hold my ear to his unmoving chest. I hear nothing so I start CPR. I am going to fucking kill Party if he’s the one responsible for this.

Kobra’s pov.

Oh man, Jet’s not back yet and Party’s still snoozin’ away next to me.

“Where are you dude?” I wonder to myself looking out at my surrounding thinking about Ghoul and Jet. I breathe out through my nose heavily as I turn back to the slightly dying down fire as a cool wind push the yellow and orange flames. I stand up to go and add some more wood on to build up the fire again. As I throw on a log the ambers rise into the sky like glowing rockets then fade to ash as their light burns out and float away on a wave of air. I stare up at the ash like butterflies until I can’t see them anymore.

I snap back to reality as I hear Party groan in discomfort and roll over onto his side. I walk over and sit down beside him.

“You okay Party?” I softly ask with concern, he didn’t look too well, he looked pale and was shaking.

“My head hurts.” He mumbles like a young child as he holds his head still half asleep. I gently feel his forehead with the back of my hand.

“Shit, you’re burning up.” I said as he moans in slight pain. Strands of vibrant red hair stick to his clammy skin as he shakes violently. Crap, what do I do? Jet’s the medical guy. I grab my personal water bottle and being careful not to use too much water I dampen a bandanna (these things are so fucking usefulI). Gently I dap the damp fabric on his forehead trying to cool him down as he drifts off back into a deep slumber.

I don’t think Party is well. I really want Jet to come back now. He’d know what to do, he always does. I sadly sigh as worry and concern makes my stomach swirl and churn. Party gradually stops shaking but still has a fever and looks bad.

A shot of adrenaline runs through me as I hear quick heavy footsteps from behind me. I whip around on the ground and nearly have a heart attack as I see Jet carrying a dead looking Ghoul close to his chest, wrapped in his jacket.

“Kobra grab all the blankest and jackets you can find and fast!” He orders without even looking at me as he passes by and lays Ghoul’s lifeless body down gently next to the burning flames.

“sh…sh..shit.” I stutter as I quickly stumble to my feet and race over to our supply bags to grab every blanket we have. I drop to my knees next to Jet beside Ghoul with my arms full of blankets waiting for more instructions from Jet as he loosens any constricting clothing and jewelry that may restrict Ghoul’s circulation.

“Kobra, in my bag there is a beanie with wolf ears on it. Can you go get that for me?” He asks as he covers the blue tinged Ghoul in blankets. I hastily nod my head and jump to my feet. I dig deep in Jet’s bag and find the beanie. I hand it to Jet and drop back down by Ghouls side. He looks dead and that scares the shit out of me. His lips are blue and I can’t see or hear him breathing. Jet puts the beanie on Ghoul, making sure to cover his ears, than makes sure the blankets are covering every inch of his body.

“We lose heat from our heads, that’s why he’s wearing the hat.” Jet answers a question that was never asked. I look down at Ghouls pale face. One cheek bruised and his neck is covered in purple marks. Bits of his long black hair were brushed in his eyes. I lean over and tuck the strands of hair out of his face and under the beanie with the wolf ears. Jet checks for Ghoul’s pulse and I hold my breath, a little horrified that there would be none to find.

“It’s ok he’s still alive…just.” Jet informs me, he must have notice my expression. I let out the breath I was holding with sight relief. Jet lays down over the top of Ghoul and I give him an odd look. Jet just rolls his eyes and smirks at me.

“My body heat will warm him up.” He informs me.

“ohhh.” I say in realization and lay on Ghoul too trying to help.

“Where was he?” I ask still concern that Ghoul isn’t gonna pull through this as I feel the cool seep through the blankets from his frozen body, and the scared look on Jet’s face doesn’t help.

“I found him face down on the dirt a few miles from here. He wasn’t breathing and was a hell of a lot colder than he is now.” He tells me his voice panicked with fear and worry as he sits up to check Ghoul’s pules again and tries to warm Ghoul’s colorless cheeks with his hands. I just lay there, too worried to move, my mind swirling with question I can’t really seem to put into words.

“He wasn’t breathing?” the words left my mouth on their own accord. Jet nods his head, I see a flash of fear and sorrow claim his expression then disappear.

“But he’s breathing now, and as long as we keep him warm then hopefully he’s be ok.” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

“I wish we had something warm and sweet for him to drink when he wakes up.” Jet announces as he rub the blankets on Ghouls shoulders in an attempt to warm him up. I just nod my head and watch Jet as he continued to tell me about hyperthermia and what treatments it requires. I think talking was helping keep Jet calm, so I just laid there on top of Ghoul listening and watching.

“The blood vessels in the skin constrict and this can lead to difficulties in breathing. Sometime there is sight thickening of the blood. The cold also freezes the nerve ending and that make them lose sensation.” Jet explains, his voice slightly cracking as he desperately tries to warm Ghoul.

“Cold lowers the heart's supply of blood.” He clenches his jaw and I can tell that he’s on the brink of tears and that just makes me wanna cry too. I’m so scared as to whether Ghoul is really going to survive, I know Jet says he should be fine but I don’t think he actually believes in what he is saying.

“You shouldn’t let the victim of hyperthermia drink alcohol or smoke.” He huff out half a laugh as he says this but a single tear rolls down his cheek. He laughed because Ghoul likes his cigarettes and I don’t think he would be too happy to have them taken away from him. I offer Jet a sad smile as he checks his pules again. Panic rolls over me like a tsunami wave as Jet stiffens and hastily removed the blankets covering Ghoul’s chest. I hold my breath as I watch on helplessly.

Jet gently pinches Ghoul’s nose and pistol grips his jaw to open his blue lipped mouth. Jet leans down and covers Ghoul’s mouth with his own and gives two big breaths. I watch wide eyed and scared out of my mind as Ghoul’s chest rises with artificial breaths. Jet puts the heel of one hand in the middle of Ghoul’s unmoving chest and puts the other on top of the first then Presses down at a reasonable rhythm. After about thirty compressions Jet repeats the two breaths followed by another thirty compressions.

I don’t want Ghoul to die. He’s one in a billion. No! He’s one of a kind. He’s such an amazing person. So passionate about anything he sets out to do, he’s committed and loyal. He’d do anything for us. He’s such a kind and gorgeous person with a soiled heart of pure gold. He’s always full of energy and bright new ideas. He’s creative and see’s the world though brilliant eyes. He’s open minded and always willing to give second chances. When he smiles at you, you can’t help but smile back. Life would seem so dull and colorless without him around.

He has to pull through this…he just has to. I continue to watch on teary eyed and lump caught in my throat.

“Come on! Don’t you fucking give up on me Ghoul!” Jet pants as he continues with another set of compressions. My hands begin to shake at the thought of Ghoul leaving us, soundlessly tears run down my cheeks and drip from my chin. He’s going to die, he’s dead. Jet glances over at me.

“Hey! It’s going to be ok,” He tries desperately to reassure me. I just shake my head, unable to like away.

“Jet, he looks dead.” I whimper and breathe in shakily, trying so fucking hard to hold myself together like Jet. I stare though tears as Jet stops to check for a pulse. There was nothing, Ghoul just laid there lifeless, pale and unmoving. Jet goes back to doing CPR obviously ignoring my negativity. Time passes and there is still no sign of Ghoul breathing on his own. Jet has not stopped for a moment, a thin layer of sweat cotes his skin making his fro-like hair stick to his forehead. He pants breathlessly as he puts all his energy into the compressions.

My tears have yet to run dry as I watch on broken hearted, all my hope gone. To me it’s too late, Ghouls gone and is not coming back.

“Jet…” I choke on my own words that get caught in my tightening throat. Jet needs to stop or he’s going to make himself sick. I reach out to touch his shoulder in an attempt to make him stop. He just shrugs me off and frowns deeply.

“NO!” he yells, not ready to let go.

“Jet…he’s…he’s…”I sob, unable to finish my sentence as my chest tightens like my throat. Relentless tears run down Jet's flustered cheeks, he’s expression determined.

“NO! I’m NOT GIVING UP! HE’LL PULL THOUGH THIS GOD DAM IT!” He screams, as he clings to the tiniest shred of hope, trying to remain optimistic but his clench jaw and grimace expression shine with denial. I wrap my arms around his shoulder and hold him tight trying to pull him away. There’s no point he’s gone. He stopped breathing nearly half an hour ago but Jet wouldn’t give up. He can be so persistent and stubborn when he wants to be, when he believes his right.

“Jet he’s gone. He’s dead.” I weep into his shoulder as he still carries on attempting to restart Ghouls frozen heart. My words just fall out of my mouth tied to so much grief, pain and sorrow. Jet tries to shrug me off but I don’t budge. Jet just continues with CPR more determined than ever, ignoring me.

“Hypothermia victims that have appeared ‘dead’ have been successfully resuscitated!” His voice full of persistent strength, which makes me admire him even more.

“I’m not giving up, Kobra! He’s one hell of a tough motherfucker.” He claims pressing down of Ghouls chest with everything he had left in his tied body. Jet is Ghouls only hope.
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