Categories > Original > Drama > This Love, This Hate

The next (next) episode

by KristyKillings 0 reviews

Hi Guys!! Another sort of filler chapter... if you're getting people confused, review and I'll explain who's who!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2012-12-14 - Updated: 2012-12-14 - 167 words

This Love, This Hate
30/05/12 8:37am

Paul was reading (or trying to) so I had to shut my laptop again. It’s official. I care. Fuck, now what? I’m still pissed about Gozza. FUCKING PAUL. SHE’S MINE, BITCH! Ah well, I guess she’s happy… Story of my fucking life, right?? Anyway… Corey ate a rabbit uterus, the fucktard. I still miss him. And Jared will definitely be a heart breaker when he grows up. Haha, like he’ll get any taller. He’s still gonna be HOT. And surprisingly, I actually miss Tyler. Like, LEGIT miss him. Sort of. But Lachlan is being like the sweetest ex ever. He knows just what to say and do… Unlike Corey and Jared, who just stand there when you press up against them and say “I’m fucking cold!”
Lachlan actually laughs and puts his arm around you to make sure you don’t turn into a kid-cicle.
PAUL YOU FUCKING BITCH stop looking at me like that!
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