Categories > Original > Drama > This Love, This Hate


by KristyKillings 0 reviews

In which the best TV show EVER gets a mention ;)

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2012-12-14 - Updated: 2012-12-14 - 361 words

This Love, This Hate
12/06/12 10:03pm
I think my world is just a little better with Supernatural in it. Sure, I sleep with the light on if I can and try not to sleep when I can’t, but still. It’s like focusing on Sammy and Dean and their problems makes my world fade a little. I’m happier with them there. Paul and I are on tenterhooks again. He’s a touchy little bitch and I’m a moody, aggressive bitch. Makes for good fun. Caitlyn helps though. Apparently she and Jared are fighting over money, and she’s taken to undressing him in public and shoving a tenner down his shorts. Always amusing. I think maybe I am into burning. Just a little. I play with lighter flames and then press my fingers on the hot metal to see how long I can touch it for. I feel like shit. I felt sick all day, both throw up and muscles and headaches AND MENSTRUAL AS WELL because God’s a bitch. I think I’m running a fever. I feel hot all over but my hands are ice cold. I think, I feel, if I can just sort out this Caitlyn crap, all will be good. Except I feel disjointed and odd and out of joint like a wrenched, twisted ligament with Ty. Something’s not right. And apparently Corey and I would make a good couple because we’re both so dirty minded. Yeah I wish, but he’s COREY and that would make it wrong. “It would disrupt the sanctity of Corey-ness!” As I told Mum. I’m gonna go read some Wincest because I don’t feel like this anymore.

Well do all the good girls go, to heaven, ‘cause heaven knows, that without you, is how I disappear, and live my life alone, forever now, can you hear me cry out to you? Words I thought I’d choke on figure out, I’m really not so with you anymore, I’m just a ghost, so I can’t hurt you anymore, no I can’t hurt you anymore – This Is How I Disappear (MCR)
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