Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drifters

Chapter Three

by Dynamite_Fairy 1 review

'He set my heart on fire and gave me the ignition I’ve been needing in my life for a while.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-12-17 - Updated: 2012-12-17 - 1295 words

Gerard. Gerard in all of his vampiric godliness. He’s just so beautiful. And hot. And sexy. And cute. All at the same time.

“Um, no, I guess I haven’t yet, been busy with clean up and shit” I answer him.

“Got any ideas?” Okay. I confess, I was gonna name him Gerard since this Zebra was how I first met him but maybe that sounds soppy, or clingy, or creepy, or stalkerish. I can feel the rush of blood to my cheeks instantaneously. I might as well tell him, I’ve nothing to lose.

“Maybe... I was gonna... Name him after you? Because you kno-“ He cut me off.

“Seriously?” Oh God no. He thinks I’m a stalker, way to go Frank. “Ah, man, that’s so cool, so he’s called Gerard?” Phew. I’m okay. I'm safe.

“Yeah.” I smile at him and he smiles back, giving me a strange but nice, warm feeling inside. Gerard comes and sits beside me and Mikey next to Bob. I can just feel his happiness sitting next to his not-Mikey-occupied other side.

“Frank.” Ray says, I can’t tell whether it’s a question or statement which follows, I just know that that tone in bad news. “You got alcohol? How?” He sounds pretty disappointed in me but Gerard’s, Christa’s and Mikey’s faces light up at the word ‘alcohol’ and Gerard grabs the Blue Raspberry sidekick from where I’d left it on the ground. At the same time Christa gets the Cola one and Mikey get’s the lemon-lime one.

“Uh... Fake ID.” I tell Ray. He looks even more unhappy now, almost as if I’ve let him down.

“Christ, give it a rest, Ray, and lighten up, it’s Friday!” Christa says to him.

“And... We don’t have a curfew.” I add.

The sun’s starting to set now, a range of blacks, blues and purples in the sky with a red, orange and yellow sunset in the horizon and a few stars are already starting to appear. I sigh in awe of the picturesque sky and its beauty; it’s almost as beautiful as Gerard.

“Look at the sunset,” He says “it’s beautiful.” When he says beautiful he slides his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, leaving his hand there. “I’ve actually never seen anything like it.”

“Shut up, art nerd.” Mikey tells his brother.

“No, he’s right. It’s amazing, too bad it only lasts about 15 minutes” Christa cuts in, she’s right as well, in other places it’s a 30 minute sunset but we get half the time; though probably a sunset twice the standard.

I start to think, taking in another mouthful of blue alcopop. I’m thinking about sunsets and how romantic they are, and how great it would be to kiss someone at sunset. Then I’m thinking about Gerard, how amazing he looks and the feel of his hand on my side holding me, maybe it would be nice to kiss him at sunset. I look at him, at his lips, they’re so pink and look so soft...

“Hey, want to play Truth or Dare?” Bob suggests, taking my train of thought away from me.

“Sure.” Mikey says.

“Okay.” Ray replies.

“Go on, then.” Christa answers.

“Alright.” Gerard adds.

“Cool, what do we use to spin?” I ask.

“Your blue bottle.” Bob says, so I out it down and spin it, praying for a dare to kiss Gerard before sunset’s over. It lands on him.

“Truth or Dare?” I ask, looking up over my shoulder at him.

“Erm, I’ll go Truth.” Fuck.

“Most embarrassing turn on?” Christa asks, ooh, good one. Gerard thinks and then blushes, he’s got an answer I’m dying to hear.

“Um, guitarists. I just think it’s really hot when they rock out and play their hearts out. Before you ask why it’s embarrassing, it’s because Mikey plays bass and people assume that I want to bone my own brother.” He answers. I play guitar, I gotta play and fucking impress him! But wait, lead, rhythm or bass guitar?

“Lead, rhythm or bass guitarists?” Bob asks him, he knew I was dying for someone to ask him that.

“Rhythm.” He replies. Oh my God! I have a chance! Calm down, Frank, you’re probably not his type, he’s probably straight.

Gerard spins this time, it lands on Mikey. “Truth.” Mikey says, before we even asked the question. There’s a long pause, I guess no-one knows what to ask him.

“Have you lost your virginity yet?” I ask him, completely out of nowhere.

“Yea, I fucked my girlfriend for the first time the day before we moved over here.” He answers. Holy Shit! The kid’s only 13! Everyone seems surprised. I’m impressed.

Mikey spins now, a pretty hard and fast one which takes a while to stop. Me! “Truth or Dare?” he asks me.

“Dare.” And I hope I get to kiss Gerard in the sunset, I don’t have much time left, 5 minutes maximum. There’s a long pause, Bob and Ray don’t want to seem so obvious so they don’t ask, thankfully Ray nudges Christa and she gives me my perfect dare.

“Make out with Gerard.” Gerard’s hand tenses up a bit but then he relaxes and his hand leaves my waist. I look over to him, he’s got up and is holding his hand out to me to help me up.

I stand in front of him – face to face. He makes the first move even though it’s my dare. His arms snake around my waist and settle on the small of my back, I wrap mine around his neck pulling him closer, our bodies touching as I feel something hard press against my thigh, what the..? Oh shit. This Is turning me on, he’s about to kiss me and has a hard on (Suddenly now making me hard) oh God.

He stops me in my thoughts by leaning in to kiss me. His breath is so hot, I open my mouth slightly to allow his tongue in and it feels so good. It’s been weeks since I had a kiss like this, too bad it’s just a dare but I feel a spark, maybe he does too. Gerard’s tongue tickles the roof of my mouth before I lift my tongue to touch his, it’s strange but good, though not a foreign feeling. Our tongues exploring each others’ mouths for what seems like an eternity before pulling apart, then standing side by side, his arm returns to my waist, my hip pressing into his. Staring into the night sky together, looking at the stars, he leans down and gently kisses me on the cheek, staying just like that for the next few minutes.

On the outside I was still, calm and collected, despite my hard on, but on the inside I was screaming like a little girl, my heart racing from a kiss better than any I’ve ever had in the past, it was mesmerizing but at the same time sexy as fuck. He set my heart on fire and gave me the ignition I’ve been needing in my life for a while.

“Hey, guys? You’ve spent like 15 minutes making out, are you coming back to play Truth or Dare? We paused the game for you and told Mikey about England and our school during the time you were sucking each others’ faces off.” Bob says. Shit, 15 minutes? It felt like 15 hours but it would’ve been the best 15 hours of my life.
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