Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drifters

Chapter Four

by Dynamite_Fairy 1 review

'And then there was four; two brothers and two best friends. Let’s see where this takes us.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-12-28 - Updated: 2012-12-29 - 774 words

My head’s still spinning from that kiss, it was like there was no-one watching, good job I didn’t start giving him a lovebite, or do something even worse to him. Mmm, I like that thought though.
“So are you guys coming back to play the game or should we carry on whilst you stare at the sky together?” Christa shouts to us.
Oh God, yeah... getting carried away with my thoughts again, I wonder if he was deep in thought too, and if he was; what was he thinking about?
Gerard’s hand left my waist and took my hand instead, then he pulls me back to our previous sitting positions. His hand returns to my waist again.
“Nice of you guys to join us...” Ray says, oh how I love his sarcasm.
“Nice of you guys to hold the game for us, actually. But just how long were you staring at us for?” Gerard replies, American’s mustn’t understand sarcasm then, but good question, actually.
“Why would I want to watch my brother ram his tongue down some guy’s neck, especially when you met him... Hmm, about 3 hours ago...” Mikey says. Wow, 3 hours, huh?
“To tell you the truth, we watched for five minutes at the start, because, you know, ‘wasn’t gonna take too long’, we thought, we had to make sure you didn’t back out and not do your dare. But then we got bored and you guys took too long, we checked back every minute to see if you’d stopped but you hadn’t until the fifteenth minute.” Bob confesses.
“Nice.” I say “You watched me make out with a guy, what’s next? You’re gonna tape my first time?” Gerard’s hand tenses.
“Shit no. How are we supposed to know when that’ll happen?” Good point, Ray.
“Never mind...” I reply, no way will I go into more detail on that subject when I could happily fuck this sex god who’s sat next to me, right here, right now, even with everyone watching. But that; is wrong.
I take the bottle and spin it, not taking long to stop; my muscles must’ve turned to jelly during that kiss, I’ve lost all my power.
It lands on Ray.
“Truth or Dare?” I ask.
“Truth...” he answers “But nothing rude.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fine, then.”
A silence follows. What could we ask him? Oh yes, I’ve got it.
“Furthest you’ve ever gone?” I ask.
“I hate you.” He replies.
“Details included, please.” Bob butts in.
“I hate you too, Bob.” He must hate lots of people, cheery lad. “Erm... I’ve kissed Christa before...”
I raise an eyebrow at him, signalling that it’s too vague and more details are needed.
“And... Erm... It was quick and without tongues.”
A chorus of ‘Aww’s go round the circle because of Ray’s and Christa’s innocence and adorableness. Ray spins the bottle - Bob.
“Dare.” He says quickly.
Hmm... To have him kiss Mikey just after I kissed his brother is a little strange, I might stay quiet this round.
Ray gives me a look, one to say ‘It’s too risky, we can’t do that!’ I wonder if anyone else has an idea to save us...
“Give us your best sex noise.” Mikey says.
We all burst out laughing, including Bob. That was the strangest thing I’ve ever heard in my life; sex noise or non-sex noise.
“Oh man, Bob, that’s not the noise a guy makes during sex.” I say.
“Agreed.” Mikey adds.
10 more minutes of solid laughter was interrupted by Christa’s phone ringing. Her call tone was 45 by the Gaslight Anthem, good choice.
She picks it up and walks away, looking a little upset.
We wait.
Hearing Christa shout down the phone, stomp around and eventually slam the phone shut, she comes back to us with a look on her face that looks a cross between three or four emotions – two of them definitely being anger and sadness.
What the hell has just happened?
“Uhm, sorry guys, I gotta split, mum’s decided that dad made a bad decision having my curfew at midnight and that I have to leave. Like, now.” Christa says, bummer. The party was just getting exciting, except the newly found absence of alcohol, but that’s because we drank it all.
“Sure, I’ll try not to wake you when I come in.” Bob replies.
“Okay, later guys.”
And then there was four; two brothers and two best friends. Let’s see where this takes us.
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