Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drifters

Chapter Five

by Dynamite_Fairy 1 review

'Gerard starts whispering to me, in a very sexy and seductive tone. “When Bob goes home and Mikey does too, I want you to stay out with me."'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-04 - Updated: 2013-01-05 - 1038 words

So, what can we do? I’d love to get all hot and sexy with Gerard, but with Bob and Mikey here, I don’t think so. Maybe some more Truth or Dare? But it’s getting a little boring.
“So you play bass then, Mikey?” I ask, conversation is much needed here.
“Yeah, you play anything?” he asks back.
“Guitar, started when I was 7, so that’s like 8 years, I’m pretty bad.” I say.
“Rhythm or lead?” Gerard asks, hoping for a certain answer.
“Rhythm.” I tell him, I can tell he got the answer he wanted to hear.
“No, you’re amazing, Frank! He can learn anything insanely quickly, plays incredibly well and I’m sure he’s written some stuff too.” Surprise compliment from Bob there, obviously fishing for one in return to impress Mikey. Especially when Gerard’s turned on my Rhythm Guitarists – Bob probably thinks he gets bonus ‘I’m a good friend’ points.
“Really? Wow, I’d love to hear you play sometime. What’s your favourite song to play?” Gerard seems interested.
“Erm, I have a few favourites but my ultimate favourite would be We Will Rock You by Queen.” I reply.
“Oh yeah, I fucking love that song, Queen are amazing, Mikes likes them too.” Maybe I could play that song for them.
“You could sing along too, Gee, if he plays it for you. Gerard’s a singer, writes lyrics and that to go with my baseline. Who knows? You could even write together." Mikey says, it’s not such a bad idea, actually...
Hold on. This sex God of sexy godliness sings too!? Could he get any hotter? No! Not even if he was on fire! Actually, fuck that, he’d be hotter if he was naked and in my bed. God, no, stop thinking like that! It’s not good for you! Especially when he’s sat right next to you, dangerously close to a sex deprived hormonal maniac who may just jump on him at any given moment. Stop! Stop it, Frank!
“Oh, really? That’s awesome. Bob plays the drums; he sometimes makes up a drum beat to my guitar, when I’m making random shit up.” I say, keeping calm and containing the hormone crazed teenage side of my away from Gerard so that he’s safe.
“You do?” Mikey wants a confirmation from the man himself.
“Well, yeah, I dabble...” he admits, Mikey’s response is ‘hot’.
They now break into a long conversation about music, instruments and anything relatable.
Meanwhile, Gerard looks at me. His face tells me that he’s deep in thought again, I don’t know what he’s thinking though, maybe I should snap him out of him...
“Did Mikey call you ‘Gee’ before?”
It takes him a minute or two to acknowledge that I’d spoken.
“Uhm, yeah, it’s a nickname for me, you know? Short for Gerard?”
“Yeah, I get it. It’s cute.”
“You think so?”
“Yes.” I take this opportunity to swiftly kiss him on the cheek, to kiss him warm, pale, soft skin.
It’s around 11pm now, and it’s been an hour since Christa and Ray left. I really don’t want to go back to Bob’s when Bob does, I’d wake Ray and then have to listen to Bob on the subject of ‘How cute is Mikey?’.
I look at Gerard; drinking in his appearance. Jet-black, messy, unbrushed and unwashed [yet still sexy as fuck] hair, white as an albino, soft-looking, blemish and freckle free skin, dark brown, finely arched eyebrows which look shaped and well cared for [but probably are natural], bright hazel eyes rimmed with heavy, smoky black eyeliner and maybe a little mascara [or his eyelashes are as black as coal], a cute little nose, soft, pink, newly bruised lips, pale, strong hands, chewed fingernails that only grow to halfway up his fingers and are painted black; and he’s wearing black skinny jeans, a black, semi-clean Misfits T-shirt and some classic black converse.
He is one sexy guy.
It seems that whilst I was busy staring at every inch of his body, at all of Gerard’s features; he was staring at mine. God knows why though; A little 5 foot 4 misfit; with hidden tattoos that I’m too young to legally have covering my lily-white body; wearing steel lip and nose rings, which again, I’m too young to have; probably with too much eyeliner on; wearing black skinny jeans, though his are tighter, scuffed black Dr Martens and a black Iron Maiden T-shirt. Let’s just say god didn’t bless me with good looks.
I think Mikey and Bob are still talking about music when Gerard starts whispering to me, in a very sexy and seductive tone.
“When Bob goes home and Mikey does too, I want you to stay out with me. I really don’t think I could go back and listen to Mikes question me about the kiss and then go on about Bob. I mean, stay out for an hour or two longer than him so he can fall asleep before I get there. Is that cool with you?” I could tell he wanted to stay out with me longer for another reason too, but I go along with this.
“Yeah, sure. I don’t really want to back back with Bob either.”
Bob and Mikey get up and come over to us, what’s up with them?
“Hey, I’m heading home, I’ll expect you back by 12 noon, okay? My parent’s will be back around 1 so it’s for your own good.” Bob tells me.
“I’m off too, Gee, Mom and Dad get home around 1 too so get back before then.” Mikey says t his older brother.
“Okay.” Gerard and I say in unison.
Bob and Mikey turn around and start walking, holding hands. I’m so glad I don’t have to listen to him until tomorrow, when most of the excitement and alcohol has worn off.
And then it strikes me. It’s just me and Gerard. Alone. Where no-one can see us. Now, where will this lead us?
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