Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drifters

Chapter Six

by Dynamite_Fairy

'That it’s not gravity holding me to the earth anymore – it’s him, I feel a connection between us – like this is meant to be.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2013-01-12 - Updated: 2013-01-12 - 1615 words

“So..." I say, wow, what can we do, or talk about?

“So...” He copies me. “That kiss was fucking amazing.”

“Really? I thought so too.”

“Where did you learn to do that?” Huh? I’ve only kissed two people before that! Not one of them were like that though.

“Nowhere,” I answer “I guess it was natural.”

“Wow. That’s... hot.” He breathes the last word onto my cheek. And God, THAT is hot.

“You know, when I came here, I thought that I wouldn’t find friends, and that everyone would hate me, like at my last school.” He says, changing the subject completely. Aww, how could anyone hate him? He’s so cute and sweet and hot and adorable and sexy. To fully describe him; it would take years, so I’ll leave the list there.

“How could anyone hate you!?” The words just burst out of me.

“In America – or at least at my old school – they hate anyone who’s ‘different’ to what is ‘normal’ and pick on them for it.”

“Same at this school, I get it all the time, or I get ignored.”

“Well, if we stick together... We’ll be just fine.” He suggests; good idea.

Then, he kisses my cheek, softly and sweetly. Will this evolve and turn into something more? His lips trail down my cheek and onto my jaw line, they sweep part way down my jaw and find a lily white area of my neck to kiss.

I knock my head back a little to give him more room. After debating for some time, I decide to put my hand in his raven black hair. As soon as I do, he changes his lips’ position. They feel quite wide apart and his tongue comes out to lick my skin, preparing it for his next move.

He starts sucking my skin, crushing it between his lips, i scream and groan and moan, it just feels so fucking good. He’s biting and nibbling that area now; he must’ve had practise, it’s too good for a first time thing. Five minutes and 187,093 moans later, he finishes.

“That. Was.” He cuts me off, smashing his lips against mine for the second time tonight, letting go a bit more because no-one is watching us. He’s also rougher than before, nibbling my bottom lip and lip ring whilst tangling his hand in my hair. I fight back a little, squashing his soft lips between mine then passionately kissing with all of my might, willing this to never end. Then suddenly he takes his shirt off; revealing a slim, snow white figure.

So I go further? What the hell? Might as well go for it, I mean he’s interested in me...

No. Stop it, don’t get carried away, that wasn’t you talking – it was the alcohol.

Fuck it, nothing to lose.

Yes, you do, you fucktard, you might scare him off!

Without listening to my conscience, my hand shoots out to his crotch area, finding his dick and squeezing hard. He gasps sharply at first but as I slowly massage him, the short gasps turn into big, soft moans.

Still making out, I pick up the pace a little and squeeze harder. If only we could get his tight jeans off so he could truly benefit from this...

As if he read my mind, he moves my hand away and starts to fumble with his pants, first off comes the belt, then the pants. We never broke the kiss once.

With Gerard now in a pair of tight black boxers alone, I continue stroking his dick through the material covering it. I can feel more without those jeans and he is HARD.

After another 5 minutes he stops. What the Hell? “We. Should.” He starts, heavily breathing between every few words “Move somewhere. Else. Where. No-one. Can find. Us.”

I point to the tree-cave where I put my Zebra for safe keeping. He pulls me up by my hand and we run over to the middle of the trees together, hand in hand, and then we get comfortable again.

We arrange ourselves in a different position this tie – he’s pinning me down, straddling me. With his crotch so close to me, I get excited, like this might go on to develop into something even more. Something, sexual.

We kiss more; tongues touching, feeling, discovering parts of each other’s mouths; loving the warm moist touch of another tongue in our mouths.

I look back to his dick, continuing what i started; it’s harder than before. I start stroking it again, slowly but steadily, picking up the pace, going faster than ever before, occasionally grabbing, squeezing and flicking his dick through the soft fibres of his tight black underwear.

I am so horny right now, fuck it. I gotta get something off.

As if he read my mind again – he starts taking my t-shirt off of me and casting it to where his top, jeans and belt are. He starts running his hands over my back and chest, scratching in some places, then settling his hands on my sides. I get rougher with my hands, he moans and groans more, sometimes grabbing my sides for a form of support.

This is actually happening. I am most likely going to lose my virginity to this guy, within the next hour or less. This is... wow... i came so close 2 years ago, but passed on the opportunity because of too many reasons. Mainly saving my virginity for someone I would see again; knew the name of; and most importantly, someone I loved. And so far, this connection feels like he’s keeping me sane; that it’s not gravity holding me to the earth anymore – it’s him, even though I met him just a matter of hours ago; I feel a connection between us – like this is meant to be.

Gerard’s now rubbing my bare skin again, kissing me stronger than ever before. He’s in the mood, I know; I can tell from his lower region, how it’s rock solid and standing on end, completely horizontal, straining his boxers with the pure size of it.

Just one more piece of clothing – one more...

You’re not gonna go through with this are you? I mean, seriously, you can’t!

Ugh, why not? Stupid conscience. There’s no good reason not to.

Erm, your morals? Waiting to have a boyfriend BEFORE tossing his off, blowing him and whatever else you want to do.

There’s a connection; I swear.

Think about your reputation! You’re gonna be known as the one who abuses and/or takes advantage of new kids.

So what? No-one else will know if we all stay quiet.

Fine, just remember – you had two chances to pull out. Don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with.


He seems way more eager now, wanting to get started already, not wanting to wait one more moment, like there’s a sex demon in him waiting to be unleashed, and he just can’t hold it in any longer.

He finds my jean’s button and zipper, undoing them carelessly and recklessly, yanking them off of my hips and sliding them off of my feet, flinging them away to where the other clothes are.

Two teenagers, now in their underwear; hot and horny as fuck – kissing, feeling, grabbing, squeezing, stroking, rubbing, groping. Everything.

I go for it, right in his boxers. I reach into his underwear, finding a cock as hard as a diamond, with fuzzy hairs around it; then throwing away the boxers.

I squeeze it without hesitance and he almost screamed into my ear, telling me to ‘go for it’ in that smooth, sexy American voice, which really got me started.

I held the base of his dick, slowly moving my hand upwards to the head and then back down, getting faster, rougher and putting more pressure on with each stroke.

He’s leaking already, his dick becoming moist with pre-cum. I roll us over so now I’m on top on him, still kissing him like this was my last night in Earth, and enjoying every second of it.

Gerard’s completely naked now, bearing all to me; I scan his bare body, taking in even more information on his appearance – A V shaped torso, very slim and toned but without much visible muscle; a contrast to his torso, his arms show off a lot of muscle and veins, they also have a few little freckles at the top but are hardly visible; his legs are slim and toned like the rest of his body but are covered in little dark brown hairs; and his cock is around 10 inches long [maybe more] and is surrounded my little curly dark brown hairs that are obviously trimmed; all of his skin that same vampiric shade of white, so sexy and beautiful.

I feel that he’s going to finish soon so I pull away lightning fast, to give him a bigger chance of lasting longer, but when I pull away, he gasps in near disbelief. To take up time I remove the last of my clothes, then I sent it to the pile of formerly worn clothes.

Continuing our insanely long make out session. What’s going to happen next? Will he get straight to the climax?

To urge him on, I grasp his ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling him closer, so our bodies touch from our upper chests to our feet; he moans again, like anything more will set off a ten minutes countdown to him cumming.

Then it happens.
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