Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hozzie's Oneshot

Hozzie's Oneshot

by tmbfucks 4 reviews

Hope you like it! :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-11-29 - Updated: 2012-11-29 - 906 words - Complete

Hozzie's P.O.V

I walk up the stairs of my apartment building with shopping bags in my hand. Today’s been a long day, and little did I know, it was about to get a lot longer. I heard a whimpering sound on my floor and I ran up there. I knew who that whimper belonged to. My best friend, Gerard. Sometimes I fear that’s all we’ll ever be.

‘Gee, are you alright?’ I asked. He shook his head. I quickly unlocked my door and got us inside. I put my bags in the kitchen and went up to him. ‘What happened?’

‘I broke up with Erin. She was cheating on me. This whole time. Ever since our first kiss for god’s sake. How could I have been so blind?’ He asked angrily. I gave him a hug.

‘You weren’t to know. Listen, you’re going to be better off without her. To prove that, we’re going to have a quite night here. We’re going to have a sleepover.’ I said in a ding-song voice. He giggled and sniffed.

‘I thought she was the one, Hoz.’ He said gloomily.

‘Well, the girl you want is coming to you closer than you’d know.’ I said.

‘Yeah right. I’m in my thirties. If I were to meet the perfect girl and get married, it would’ve happened by now. I don’t want to be alone.’ He moaned.

‘Okay, we’re going to watch Orphan, and when we’re done you’ll be put off the idea of having a family for life.’ I said. He giggled. I popped the DVD in and we started watching. Halfway through, he was a wreck. He was not only scared shitless by this movie, but he was still upset about his sudden break up. I gave him a hug, and we cuddled while we watched the rest of the movie. Once it was over I looked over at him. His eyes were red and puffy, and he looked deep in thought. ‘You okay there?’ I asked waving my hand around his eyes. He just looked at me.

‘Hozzie, what if I never find the perfect woman? Or worse, what if I did, and I was too stupid to see it. Or, I already went out with her but she broke up with me because she needed some space, although that last one doesn’t seem likely.’ He asked.

‘Gee, you’re the frontman in a famous band. You’ve only been out with women who weren’t too good for you. Maybe she was in the crowd or in the side-lines. And maybe you’re right. Maybe she was there all along.’ I said sighing. I wish I was that person, and I wish he could see it.

‘Are you positive? It’s just, when I was a kid, I always thought at this age I would be married, and with kids. Not that kid in the movie though. That was freaky. I mean mini-me boys and mini-wife girls. I never told anyone that in case it scared them off though.’ He said.

‘I haven’t been out with anyone for a few years, because I had my eye on someone who always seems to like someone else. It sucks more than you could ever know. And you don’t know, because you just think the first woman you see is your true love. You have no idea what it’s like.’ I said angrily. I then sighed. ‘Sorry for that outburst.’ I said. He was just staring at me. ‘What?’

‘Does this guy you have an eye on, well, have you known him for a long time?’ He asked. I took a deep breath in and nodded my head. ‘Is he the frontman in a well-known band?’ He asked. I looked him in the eyes and nodded my head again. ‘Did you know he’s always been trying to find someone else because he didn’t think that girl who just rambled felt the same way?’ He asked.

‘I had no clue.’ I answered truthfully.

‘I had no clue either. But I’m glad she did.’ He said. We looked at each other and smiled. He cupped my cheeks in his hand gently, and slowly leaned in. His lips touched and massaged mine. It was amazing. We eventually had to part for air.

‘So, this frontman, does he love me like I love him?’ I asked. He smiled.

‘He adores you way more than you could love him. He’s a bit of an idiot.’ He answered.

‘Yeah, maybe. But he’s my idiot.’ I said. I kissed him again. I guess finding your best friend in a state is sometimes the best thing that can happen in your life.

Yay!!! I hope you liked it. I'm sorry you feel ill today! I wish you better! I know this took a while, but meh. I was too tired and exhausted at any other time. Today my brother was screaming the house down at early o'clock because he was in a damn temper. I'm just not in the mood for it, but still. Haha. So, yeah. I hope you liked it. REVIEW!!! Also, I love Frank in all of your stories and real life. So... take that into consideration whenever you hold auditions... just saying... :P I LOVE YOU HOZZIE! XD xx
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