Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hozzie's Oneshot

Number 2

by tmbfucks 5 reviews

Toy shops and chicken nuggets.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-12-19 - Updated: 2012-12-19 - 961 words

‘Daddy! Wake up! It’s time to go.’ Hozzie, Gerard Way’s daughter, said loudly. Gerard stirred and woke up and sat up in his bed.

‘Okay bossy boots. Calm down. What time is it?’ He asked.

‘Time to go.’ The 8 year old said. Gerard laughed.

‘Well, actually, there’s a surprise first, and we have to wait for it before we leave.’ He said.

‘Now!’ Hozzie screamed. Gerard giggled and tickled his daughter and gave her a cuddle.

‘No. We’ve got to wait to go to the toy shop. You’re going to love this surprise. I promise. Have you had any breakfast yet?’ He asked. Hozzie was still giggling from the aftermath of being tickled. She just shook her head. ‘Well, how do chocolate pop tarts sound?’

‘Yummy!’ She answered. They went downstairs and ate. Hozzie had the pop tarts, while Gerard stuck to his Lucky Charms cereal. ‘Daddy, what’s the surprise?’

‘The surprise should await you once we’re dressed, okay? Come on. Let’s get ready.’ Gerard said. They both went to their separate rooms and changed. Gerard and Hozzie are going to the toy shop today as a treat for her doing really well in school, and little did she know, her uncle Mikey was coming along too. He’s been in New York with his wife for months, and today he’s coming back home, but the Way brothers’ wanted to keep it a surprise from Hozzie. They wanted to see the look on her face as he walked through the door before they went out to buy some toys. Speaking of Mikey, the doorbell rang. Gerard went to his window to check it wasn’t a mass murderer, and when he saw his brother, he went along with his plan. He went downstairs, and waited.

‘Daddy, who is it?’ Hozzie whimpered.

‘I don’t know. I think you should open the door.’ Gerard said.

‘No. What if it’s a stranger? I don’t like strangers.’ She said.

‘I know who it is Hoz. Just trust me and open the door. It’s your surprise.’ Gerard said happily.

‘Yay! A lifetime supply of chicken nuggets!’ She cheered as she ran to the door. She reached the handle and opened it. Of course, it wasn’t a lifetime supply of her favourite food, but it was the next best thing.

‘Hey Hozzie. Did you miss me?’ Mikey asked bending down to hug her.

‘Uncle Mikey!’ Hozzie screamed in excitement. She squeezed his neck as her uncle lifted her up from the ground. ‘Where are the chicken nuggets?’ She asked, making the boys giggle.

‘We’ll have some for lunch, okay sugar? But, for now, let’s go buy some toys.’ Gerard said. They happily skipped out of the house, and drove to Toys R Us to get Hozzie the 3 things she wants the most. However, what Gerard didn’t think about was her expensive taste.

‘This!’ She exclaimed, pointing at a massive, £100 toy dolphin.

‘I’m not so sure about that. Let’s look at a different part of the shop.’ He said taking his daughters hand.

‘What about that?’ Mikey asked. He picked up a toy bass guitar. Hozzie shook her head.

‘No.’ She answered skipping along. Mikey bought it anyway. He wants his future children to pick up on the bass skill. It’s not like he’s going to play it himself or anything. He’s too grown up for that. Of course, a little strumming to make sure it sounds alright couldn’t hurt.

‘Oh my god!’ Hozzie said happily. She was staring at her most favourite toy brand in the world. Polly Pocket. ‘I want all of them!’ She stated.

‘No Hozzie, you can only have 3 baby.’ He said.

‘Well then, I want that one.’ She said pointing to a rock star one, making Gerard very proud.

‘Okay then, how much is it?’ He asked checking the price. Of course it had to be £50. Oh well. It was her treat after all. ‘2 more.’

‘That one, and… uh… that one!’ She said. She picked out a car one, and one with a ranch. They were about £10 each, so that would be okay. Gerard went to the till to pay, and saw Mikey being in the centre of attention by playing the toy bass. Gerard rolled his eyes, and Hozzie giggled. After Gerard paid and managed to lure his brother away from the toy, they went to McDonald’s and had chicken nuggets and chips.

‘Mikey, are you sleeping over tonight?’ Hozzie asked.

‘I don’t know. I could ask Ali if she wanted to come, if that’s alright with you?’ Mikey asked Gerard.

‘Sure. When we get home we’re going to play with Polly, right?’ Gerard asked his daughter, making her all excited.

‘Yes! I can’t wait.’ She said. Once they finished, they went home, and got her new toys out immediately. Mikey got Alicia to come over and bring an overnight bag for the both of them. It was the best day Hozzie had ever experienced, but she’s determined to get that dolphin next time.

I hope you liked it Hozzie, and everyone else that read it! Haha. I really want a oneshot now too. Would anyone be so kind as to write me one? Mia, I'll write yours next. I'm sorry it's taken so long. It'll be up as soon as it's written, I promise. I'm really hungry, but there's never anything to eat in this damn house ever, so I'm upset kinda. I'm also bored. Ugh. I'm sorry I haven't written anything in a while, I just haven't been feeling it. Anyway. I hope you liked it. Rate and review! :D xx
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