Categories > Original > Horror > Halloweens Mystery

Chapter two

by ChelseaSaysSo 0 reviews

Category: Horror - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-12-21 - Updated: 2012-12-21 - 1123 words

"What if he doesn't make it?,"

"He'll make it Ms.Derle, I promise,"

"He, he's waking docter he's waking up."

"That's good, so Derek how do you feel?,"

I just lied there listening to the beeps of my heart, but why?Where am I, well wherever I am it smells like a dried out marker.For some reason my forehead hurt and it had a stingy feeling to it almost as if something was pinching my skin.I had an urge that someone or something really close to me had died.

"Well,"The man said again like Kyle did, haha Kyle...WAIT, KYLE'S DEAD THATS WHO IT WAS KYLE...KYLE!!!I screamed and tried to jump out the bed but the guy in white held me down."Son, calm down, whats wrong?"He asked me as I layed back down.

"Kyle,"I whispered as I started shaking.

"Oh,"He said looking back at my mom and back at me.I looked around a tiny bit and felt like I was being terrorized for life.I bit my lip as the guy told me that I got stitches in my forehead and I was in a coma for two weeks and that today is the 14th of October.So yeah now I get to go home but it won't do very much, my only other friend is George and he swears to God that his last name is Boloney, he's only 16 and he's already a hobo that lives outside my house.Oh yeah and theres Dolly, she's my crush but I'm too scared to ask her out.

On the way home I didn't say a single word at all.I guess my mom knew how much Kyle meant to me.T started to pick at my black nail polish on my thumb as my mom looked at me through the mirror.She was looking at the stitches going right down from the tip of my forehead through my eyebrow and at the top of my eye it stopped.I touched it gently and she looked away I softly moaned in pain because that just hurt.When we got home, I ran to the room that is now just mine.I walked over to Kyle's bed and picked up his phone, then I sat on my bed.

I looked at his phone and typed in his pass code it was "3CB!"After I got on I went to his pictures.He had this iphone since he was 15, he's 17 now.I hit slide show and picked one of his songs from his albums.I hit play and the phone burst out loudly with the music so I turned it down on low.The first picture of him was his girlfriend and him when he was 15.Then I paused it at a picture of Kyle and I when he moved in with me because his parewnts died we were so happy.I had black hair then and he had brown, we were both 16.I had on a unicorn shirt with blue sleves and he had a red shirt with a skull.

I continued through the pictures and stopped again at one me and him on the first day of school and then the phone went all wacked up I saw a picture of him under the water with blood coming out his nose and mouth.His eyes wide open with no longer brown eyes they were clear.His hair was no longer a bright sky blue it was a faded light blue with some of the bleached hair showing.He blinked and I threw the phone as an instinct.

"Derek, guess what!,"The phone said in Kyle's voice as Falling In Reverse, "Pick up the Phone"played.I screamed in terror and ran out the room slipping on my back.I saw a black figure walk into the bathroom, I shot up off the floor back into my room I shut the door and grabbed his phone."Derek, help me I love you brother I told you to run but why did you try to save me?"The phone said again still at the picture of Kyle.I turned off his phone and it all stopped, the music...gone, the where in sight, and Kyle's voice...quiet and empty.I sighed in relief as I set his phone on his bed and left the room.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mom she was baking cookies for me, her, and my little sister, Makenzi, I know its an awkward name so who gives a crap.She is 8 and she has a very creative/paranormal mind.I looked at my arms because for some very strange reason they stung.I jumped in terror at my arm, it said "Kyle"going down it but it was cut into my arm."How?"I asked myself as my mother looked at me and my arm.

"What's wrong?"She asked me as I looked at her and back at my arm...there was nothing, it was gone.

"Nothing just thought there was a bug on my arm."I said shaking my head as my mom turned back towards the stove.I smiled as I saw into Makenzi's room she was playing with her barbies.I walked into her room and sat next to her, she smiled at me and hugged me gacefully.

"Derek?"She asked me nervously,"yes'" I answered in a shakey tone."Wheres Kyle and when is he coming back?"She asked me smiling all I could say was that he went back to his home.She frowned, she loved Kyle alot and I just couldn't tell her He's dead.I got up off the floor and back into the kitchen.My mom smiled at me and I smiled back.

"So Derek, honey, your birthday is on the 20th what do you want?"She asked me as all I did was open my mouth with no words coming out and finally after a while i said.

"I want,"I started as I stopped to think."I want...,"I said again as I looked all around."I want a party!"I said knowing she wouldn't approve she never did.So I smirked and she nodded and turned back to the stove.I got up and walked back into my room, I looked into the mirror and saw the stitches they were bleeding so I got one of my shirts and wrapped it around my forehead.I then layed down on the bed and started listening to my mom's conversation on the phone.

I just layed there very still and Quiet.As the house got silent, I dozed off into the sweet slumber I wished for very badly.
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