Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Stolen Happiness

Where's Rouge?

by letters 1 review

Rouge is missing

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Cream, Knuckles, Miles "Tails" Prower, Rouge, Shadow, Sonic - Published: 2006-07-26 - Updated: 2006-07-26 - 652 words

Knuckles and Rouge arrived at home at about 7:00. That was fun. Rouge said taking the babies out of the carrige and putting them in the crib. No it wasn't! Knuckles said plopping himself on the couch. Knuckles your just mad cause I went with Shadow on the ferris wheel. Rouge said sitting next to him. I don't want my man to think that I like someone else. Rouge said cuddling up next to him. Your right, I guess I'm just jealous. Knuckles said putting his arm over her shoulder. Ya, you are. Rouge said looking into his eyes. Knuckles kissed her. Hey I'm going to the mall with Diana, I'll be back at like 8:00. Rouge said ruining the moment. Aww, come on! I was just in the moment! Knuckles said whining. Shh. Rouge said putting a finger to his lips. Fine leave you husband all alone, with no one to be with except sleeping twins. Knuckles said crossing his arms. Bye Knuckles. Rouge said leaving. Darn, I thought she would buy it. Knuckles said looking at the door. Oh well. Knuckles said turning on the t.v. After an hour Knuckles was bored to tears. She said he would be home at eight. After about 2 minutes the doorknob turned. Rouge walked in with 2 bags. Hey Knuckie. she said setting the bags on the floor. You said you were coming at eight and right now it's 8:02! Knuckles said looking at the clock on the wall. You were bored. Rouge said looking at Knuckles dismayed. Ya. Knuckles said shaking his head. Aww, I thought you just wanted to be with me. Rouge said looking at the floor sniffling. I did, I mean I can do a whole lot of stuff with you! Ha! You fell for it! Rouge said pointing at Knuckles. Hmmph. Knuckles said giving her a glaring look. Aww, little Knuckie is mad! Rouge said in a babyish voice. That's not funny Rouge. Knuckles said giving her a playful look. Rouge started circling around him chanting; Knuckles is mad, Knuckles is mad. Over and over. Knuckles grabbed her by the hand. Hmmm. Rouge said looking at Knuckles. Knuckles grabbed her by the waist. God you're hot. Knuckles said looking into Rouges emerald eyes. Ya, alot of guys tell me that but I'm only indimitated by you. Rouge said putting her arms around his neck. As they leaned in to kiss a cry came from the twins room. Huh? Rouge said snapping back from Knuckles. Huh, can't it wait? Knuckles said looking at Rouge. Sorry Knuckles, they're probably hungry. Rouge said as she walked into the twins room. Hmmph. Knuckles said crossing his arms. As Rouge fed the twins Knuckles started to doze off. He soon woke up at 8:30. He walked over to his bed and watched t.v. Soon he tired of that and fell asleep. He soon woke up at 9:10 to see the t.v. still on. He looked to his side hoping to see Rouge fast asleep, but strangley was not there. He checked at the twins room to see if she was putting them to sleep but no such luck. He aslo noticed her new dress was gone. He looked outside and saw Rouges car just leaving. He quickly grabbed the phone and called Sonic. A muffled voice came from the phone. Sonic! Knuckles said with a worried tone. Knuckles? Knuckles!? Do you know what time it is and shouldn't you be sleeping with that ugly bat of yours? Hey better watch it hedgehog! Sorry, so what are you calling me for? Rouge is gone! I just saw her leaving! So? Sonic said obviously not caring. I did saw her talking to Shadow. Knuckles said looking at the cieling. But that was years ago. Sonic said looking at Amy. Shadow may want his chance you stole from him years ago. Mayby your right. Where do you think they went?
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