Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Stolen Happiness

Darts and ferris wheels

by letters 3 reviews

Darts and ferris wheels I guess.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow - Published: 2006-07-11 - Updated: 2006-07-11 - 641 words

Knuckles just grinned. Alright that'll be 5 bucks. The hedgehog said holding out his hand. Knuckles gave him the money as well as Shadow. Okay stand from right here and try to get 12 ballons. If you get at least 10 you'll get a surprise. Okay, oh and you only have one minute. Here are your darts. The hedgehog said handing them 12 darts. Now Start! The dude moved aside so he wouldn't get stabbed. Knuckles threw the first dart hitting the target. Shadow threw and missed. Shadow growled. Knuckles threw another 8 and hit all targets. He had three darts left. He missed 2. His last dart. He threw and the ballon popped. Ya! That's 10 darts! Shadow threw nine and hit all targets. Before he could throw the rest time was up. Okay I'll tally the results. Wait I can't, looks like we got a tie! So you guy both get the prize then I guess. You all get to go on the ferris wheel for free! And this is surprising how? Rouge asked bored. Well I really don't know, but it's free! The animal said shrugging. All right we get to go on the ferris wheel! Knuckles said jumping up and down. I mean,who cares about the stupid ferris wheel? Shadow held his laughter inside of him. Uncle Knuckles.... your creepy! Nickey said hiding behind Shadows leg. You see! You even make children tremble with fear! Shadow said crossing his arms. All right that's enough you two! Rouge said pulling Knuckles from the hand. Why I outa! Knuckles said clenching his fist. Come and get me pretty boy! Shadow said laughing. Let me at him! Let me at him! These fists weren't just made for impressin the ladies! Knuckles said very angry. Shadow! Diana said cupping her hand over his mouth. You know what lets just go on the ferris wheel. Diana said nodding. Ya, I think that's a good idea. They walked over to the ferris wheel. Uh, actually I think I'm just gonna stay with the twins. Your not gonna take them right Rouge? Diana said hopefully. Yeah, I don't think there not old enough to go on a 100 foot ride. Nickey you can go with daddy okay? Diana said crouching next to her daughter. Okay. Nickey said nodding. Nickey stood next to Shadow and Knuckles stood next to Rouge.Soon there was only one person in front of them. Knuckles stared at the ground. Hey look, 5 dollars. Knuckles got out of line to pick up the money. Next. The ferris wheel dude said. Knuckles wasn't there so Shadow had to go with Rouge. Huh? Wait! But it was to late. The man had already moved the ferris wheel up. What do you need sir? The echidna asked. Uh, nothing, it's to late now. Knuckles said looking up at Shadow and Rouge. Okay, you guys are next. The echidna said suspicious. Knuckles sat in the cart. Nickey sat right next to him. The ride moved around a few times. Nickey looked at Knuckles uncomfortable. Ya know uncle Knuckles, my mom hates you. Ya kid I know. Knuckles said looking below at Shadow and Rouge. Daddys right you are a freak! Nickey said huddling up in the corner. I should even comit suicide so I won't have to be with you! Nickey said looking at Knuckles. Go ahead, no ones stopping you. Knuckles said continuosley looking at Shadow and Rouge. Hmmph. Nickey mumbled crossing her arms. What are they doing? Knuckles said quietly. They're just... talking. About me? Do you always talk to your self like this? Nickey said staring at Knuckles. Knuckles stared at Nickey. Nickey just smiled. The ride was over. Knuckles got out of the cart as fast as he could. Can we go on again? Knuckles asked Rouge. Sorry Knuckie, the twins are already falling asleep. Mayby next time.
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