Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Stolen Happiness

A Day At The Carnival

by letters 6 reviews

Knuckles,Rouge,Shadow and Dina all go to the carnival.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Amy Rose, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Sonic - Published: 2006-07-04 - Updated: 2006-07-04 - 620 words

Sonic backed away from Amy. Amy looked up and stared at Sonic. Oh no. Stop it! It's the look! MADNESS, I TELL YOU MADNESS! Amy stood up and started walking towards Sonic. Soon he was conered. What am I going to do? He thought to himself. His eyes lit up. He grabbed Amys shoulders and kissed her. Amy relaxed as all her tension went away. He looked and saw that his plan was working. He broke away. Amy stared with her eyes wide wondering why he stopped. Why- why did you stop? Amy said quietly. You want more? Amy nodded. Okay! He said picking her up and throwing her on the couch. Yay. She said quietly. Sonic kissed her. Amy returned the favor by biting his lip then running her tounge over the sore spot. Amy even forgot that Sonic tried to flush Scrum-scrum down the toilet. All she thought was that Sonic was kissing her. My Sonic. She said quietly.
Come on, hold my hand so you won't get lost. Knuckles grunted. I said hold my hand! Rouge repeated a little frustrated. Knuckles surrendered and held her hand.Now all I need is a lolli-pop and a shirt that says little boy! Ooooh! Lets go on that one! Nickey said pointing at a roller coaster. I'll pass. Shadow said putting his hand over his mouth and turning a touch of green.Come on mommy. Please? I don't see why not. Diana said looking at Rouge. I don't think I can, not with the twins. Rouge said looking at the twins. They can stay with Shadow. Diana said in response. I guess. Rouge said. Diana got in line with Nickey with Knuckles and Rouge right behind her. Dina sat in the roller coaster, Nickey sat next to her. Knuckles stared at the height of the roller-coaster. Uhh, Rouge I'm thinking twice about this. No! I'm not going alone on this, and someone needs to go with me. But I'm scared! Knuuckles said whining. You sit! Rouge said sitting in the cart. Okay. Knuckles said sitting next to her. There was one thing that Knuckles didn't want to do was make Rouge mad. And right now he was doing a pretty good job of it. Knuckles held on to Rouge. The ride jerked foward. Knuckles whined. Soon they came to a down. AHHHHHHH!!! Knuckles screamed. Faster! Rouge yelled. No! Slower! Slower! After a few seconds the ride was over. Knuckles walked out of the kart dazed and dissoriented. Please- don't ever make me go on that again. Knuckles said putting his hand on his stomach. Okay. Rouge said planting a kiss on his forehead. Now I feel better. Knuckles said straightning his back. Yeah! That was so totally wicked! Nickey said jumping up and down. It was okay. Diana said shrugging. Suddenly a scream came from a booth. Come one and all! Hey you! Ya you over there! The big red head! Hey Knucklehead, I think he's talking to you! Shadow said bursting out laughing. My heads not that big. Knuckles said staring at the ground. And you the dark thing! Shadow turned around. Screw you! Shadow said yelling. Come on, lets just go see what he wants. Diana suggested. Hey guys! I'm giving you a one chance offer to try a dart game! A dart game? Rouge said not intrested. Sorry but we're not intrested. Diana said holding Nickeys hand. Not you, them! The hedgehog said pointing at Shadow and Knuckles. I'll take it! Shadow said. Then I can crush Knuckles like the phoney he is! What's wrong with you!? Knuckles demanded. Then count me in too! Knuckles said staring at Shadow. Your on!
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