Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Stolen Happiness

Unforgivable Mistake

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Sonic does somthing that makes Amy blow her top. Read and Review

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Amy Rose, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Sonic - Published: 2006-06-22 - Updated: 2006-06-23 - 1256 words

Rouge sat up from bed. She stared at Knuckles who was still sleeping. She grabbed one of her pillows and threw it at Knuckles head. Huh? Knuckles said half asleep and half awake. Wake up sleepy head. Rouge said softly. Do I really have to go to the fair? Knuckles asked. Shadows going, so you'll have someone to talk to. Fine. He said crossing his arms. But only if you go with me on the ferris wheel! He said with his eyes fully open. You know I'd go on that with you anytime sweetie. She said planting a small kiss on his fore-head. And plus you're incredibly hot. Knuckles blushed. Rouge stared at there clothes laying on the ground. She remembered the great and unforgetable night they had. Knuckles stared at the bathroom. Want to take a shower? He asked Rouge. Hmm. She thought to herself. Okay! She said jumping off the bed and running to the bathroom. Knuckles laughed and followed.
Yay! We are going to the carnival! We are going to the carnival! Nickey said skipping around the room. Do I really have to go? Shadow said crossing his arms. Yes you do. She said shaking her head and grabbing him by the chin. Shadow growled. Are you ready to go to the carnival Nickey? Diana said looking at her daughter. YA!!! She said screaming at the top of her lungs. I thought so. She said smiling.
Sonic! I'm home! She said calling her husband. Hi Amy. He said answering his wife. She kissed him on the cheek. Look what I got! She said very excited. Well I can't see if you don't show me. Said Sonic. It's a kitty! I got it a the pet store! I named it Scrum-scrum. She set the kitten on the floor. Aww. Isn't it precious? Amy said asking Sonic. He kneeled down on the floor. He little guy. He said scrathing it's back. The kitten purred. It's cute. Sonic said. So do you like it? Amy said quietly. Ya! It's adorable! Sonic said. Great! Now we get to keep him! I even got him a little bed! She said holding out a small basket and setting it on the floor. Scrum-scrum currled into it immediatley. And fell asleep quickley. Soon Sonic fell asleep on the couch. Scrum-scrum woke up and started to destry the house scrathing any furniture it could find leaving hairs on the bed. (Amy had gone to the store to get cat food and left Sonic at home). The pantry was left slightly ajar and Scru-scrum took advantage of that by eating all the food. Sonic woke up to find his house destroyed. AHHHHH!!!!!!! SCRUM-SCRUM!!!!!! He grabbed the kitten in anger and carried it to the bathroom. He set it down in the toilet and flushed. Scrum-scrum couldn't go all the way down because his head was to big. So his head just poked out of the hole. Sonic dusted his hands. SONIC! Amy yelled standing at the door-way. Yes? He said sounding scared. What happened? She said calming down. It was all Srum-scrums fault! I was sleeping and then I found the house destroyed! He said waving his arms in the air. Where is Scrum-scrum? Amy said looking around the house. In the bathroom. He said rocking on his heels. YOU FLUSHED HIM DOWN THE TOILET?! No, his head is still poking out of the hole. I'm coming Scrum-scrum! She said running to the bathroom. She looked down the toilet. There was Scrum-scrums head. Meow. It said confused. She grabbed on it's head and pulled. Finally it popped out. It's okay Scrum-scrum. Scrum-scrum licked her cheek. Sonic you are in so much trouble. She said still staring at Scrum-scrum.
At Knuckles House
Rouge came out of the shower dripping wet with Knuckles right behind her. That was fun! Knuckles said starting to laugh. Ya. Rouge said wrapping a towel around her head. Hey Knuckles, what time is it? Rouge said looking in the mirror fixing her towel. Uh, I think it's 3:30. Said Knuckles putting on his jeans. What? Said Rouge turning around with her eyes wide. Oh never mind. Knuckles said looking at his watch. Ok, good. Rouge said breathing out. It's 3:42. What!? It can't be 3:42! How long were we in the bathroom!? Rouge yelled. A pretty long time. Knuckles said smiling. I totally forgot about the fair! Rouge said looking through her closet. We are gonna be so late and then Diana might never talk to me again! Rouge said trying to pull out her hair. Knuckles ran over to her and kissed her. Calm down! He said holding on to her shoulders. You're right. She said taking deep breathes. I just have to stay calm. Okay, Knuckles go find a decient shirt to wear. Rouge said pointing at him. Okay- hey! He said walking out the room. Okay now I just need to get dressed. Rouge said to her self. Knuckles changed into a black shirt and went to the twins room. Knuckles picked them up carefully and changed them into matching red shirts and jeans. Dominic opened his mouth and showed a tiny fang right in his upper gum. Stanley just stuck his thumb in his mouth. Are they ready? Rouge said walking out with a purple and white striped shirt and some jeans. Yeah. Okay, lets go! Rouge said grabbing Knuckles by the hand and running out the door. Knuckles grabbed the stroller and jumped off the edge of Angel Island. Rouge jumped off right after him and grabbed his arms with Knuckles still holding tightly on to the twins and the stroller. Soon they landed. Knuckles! Hurry up! Rouge yelled. But I'm tired! He said panting. But you haven't even walked at all! But falling makes me tired! Knuckles wined. I SAID, HURRY UP! Rouge said with her eyes getting a small touch of red. Yes ma'am! Knuckles said suluting to Rouge. Can we call a cab? Knuckles said guesturing his hands to the nearest taxi. Fine. She said taking the twins from Knuckles. A cab pulled up next to the curb. Knuckles got in with Rouge right behind. 1314 Middleton Lane. Rouge said. Soon they pulled up at Shadows house. Okay we got here just in time. Knuckles gave the driver a 5 and got out of the car. Rouge rang the doorbell. Hey Rouge. Shadow said answering. Hey Shadow. She said giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. Knuckles squinted his eyes and shook his fist. Shadow smiled and stuck out his tounge. Knuckles walked into the room and layed down on the couch. Rouge just took the babies from him and sat. Diana's getting ready. Shadow said. Where's Nickey? Rouge said looking around. Nickey came running down stairs. Rouge! She screamed with glee running to give her a hug. That fixes your answer. Shadow said lazily. Hi Nickey! She said picking her up. Wow, your tall! Rouge said looking at Nickeys height. Ya, that's what daddy always says. Where are Stanley and Dominic? Right over there. Rouge said pointing to the twins. Diana came down-stairs. Hey Rouge. She said. Hi Diana. Rouge said giving her a hug. Hi Knuckles. Whatever. Knuckles mutered. Yeah, same here. Diana said putting a hat on Nickey. So are we walking or driving? Diana said. I vote driving. Shadow said leaning against the wall. Me too. Knuckles said still laying down staring blankly at the cieling putting his hand in the air. Fine. Rouge said.
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