Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Stolen Happiness

A Surprising Surprise

by letters 1 review

Diana tells Rouge one of her biggest secrets, which is really a huge secret.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow - Published: 2006-06-15 - Updated: 2006-06-15 - 867 words

Knuckles woke up at 11:18. He looked to his right, Rouge was gone. He got up from bed and slouched over to the kitchen. He noticed a note sitting on the counter, he read it. Sorry to leave on such short notice but Diana said somthing came up. Anyway feed the twins peas and cut up carrots. There's milk in the fridge and don't feed them cheeseburgers again!
Love, Rouge.
He set the note down. He walked into the twins room. Knuckles smiled as he saw there sleeping faces. One day they'll be just like me. He thought to himself. He closed the door on his way out and went back to bed.
Shadow! Is Nickey still asleep? Diana yelled to her hungry husband. I think so. Said Shadow stuffing his mouth with eggs. When you're done wake her up and take her to day-care. Fine. He said drinking the last of his milk. He walked over to Nickeys room. Nickey, it's time to wake up. He said shaking his 4 year old daughter. Huh? Nickey said looking around the room blankley. Daddy! She said putting her arms around his neck. Come-on, time for day-care. He said lifting her out of bed. Now get dressed. Shadow said setting her down and closing the door. Shadow sat on the couch as he waited for Nickey. She walked out of her room with green shorts and a shirt with a butterfly on it. She sat a the table as Diana made her a bowl of cereal. She quickly ate it. Come-on munchkin. Shadow said picking up Nickey. Bye mom! Said Nickey waving to Diana. Bye sweetie. She said giving her a kiss on the forehead. Bye Shadow. Diana said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Bye. Shadow said to Diana. Then with a streak of orange and red they were gone. Diana looked out the window. Where in the world is Rouge? Diana said to her-self. Soon Rouge came swooping down from the sky. Diana smiled. If Diana was in need Rouge would always be there for her. The door-bell rang. What took you so long? Diana asked Rouge. It's not that easy flying down from Angel island all the way here!Rouge replyed. Diana laughed.Anyway what did you need to tell me?Asked Rouge. Ok, I just couldn't hold it any longer! Said Diana squealing with excitement. I have to tell you! Said Diana sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. Then tell me right now! Said Rouge a little confused. Okay, I'm pregnant! Said Diana happily. No way! Are you serious? Said Rouge also excited. I bet Shadow was totally excited too, right? The room became silent. You haven't told him have you? Said Rouge quietly. I'm afraid what he'll think. She responded quietly. Don't worry! She said hugging her friend. He's gonna be okay with it. Said Rouge trying to calm Diana. Are you sure? Positive. Said Rouge smiling. Okay, I'll tell him when Nickey goes to sleep. So, when's Stanley and Dominics new play-mate born! Rouge said teasing Diana. 7 months. Said Diana smiling. But why don't you want to tell anyone? I want to keep it a secret but I'll tell them in about 3 months, when signs start to show. Said Diana. Do you know what it is? No, I have to go tomorrow. Well I can't wait! Said Rouge giving Diana a air kiss and getting her bag. Bye, oh and don't tell Knuckles, not yet. Sure, and we are still going to the fair tomorrow right? Said Rouge making sure. You bet! Great, I'll pick you up at 4:00 okay? Perfect! Bye! Said Diana waving to Rouge. Rouge left Dianas house excited, soon her phone rang. She looked at her caller id; You have a call from Knuckles. Hey, I'm on my way home. Said Rouge waiting for a gust of wind. Guess what! Dominic said his first word! He said his first word! Really what did he say! Said Rouge totally excited. He said Dominic! Okay I'll be there in about 5 minutes. Said Rouge hanging up the phone. Soon she arived on Angel Island. She ran home as fast as she could. She took out her keys and opened the door. Hey Domie! She said kneeling on the floor. (Domie is Dominic for short). You said your first word! I couldn't believe it either. Said knuckles cradling Stanley in his arms. Dominic rolled on his back and stuck his toes into his mouth. Stanley yawned from exhaustion. Rouge picked up Dominic. Come on, time for nap time. She said quietly. She laid them down in a crib, and they quickly fell asleep. Rouge walked over to Knuckles. Come on big boy, we got things to do. Said Rouge grabbing him by the hand and walking to the bedroom. Knuckles laughed. I like where this is going! Said Knuckles leaving the door wide open. Knuckles kissed her on the neck leaving a small red mark. Knuckles started to take off her gloves. Then her boots, then everything else. Rouge did the same to Knuckles. Soon sounds were coming from Rouge. Finally after a night of romance and love they both fell asleep.
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