Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning In My Sleep

chapter 3

by MCR-99 0 reviews

This chapter includes a giant shocker at the end and a bit of comedy,as well as the mushy lovey-dovey stuff.Well,this is a romance story,what did you expect?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2012-12-26 - Updated: 2012-12-26 - 1227 words - Complete

chapter 3.
I hope you enjoy it..

chapter 3.
Gerard's POV.

I wake up the next morning,entwined around Sadie.
what the fuck happened last night? I thought as I carefully get out of bed so I don't wake her.
I walk towards the door and see our clothes at the end of the bed.
So thats what happened last night.
I put on a vest and trackie bottoms and left the room.
"Mornin' Frankie!"I smile as I get some coffee.
"Hey,Gee"Frankie says,ooking up from the video game he was playing.
"So,we left NYC yet?"I ask.
"No,we're leaving at 6pm"Frankie says.
"Oh.Right then"I say as I take a sip of coffee.
Frankie takes off his headset for the Xbox and looks at me,smiling like an idiot.
"What?"I ask,putting down the coffee cup and pouring some weetabix.
"I heard you guys last night."He says,nearly giggleing.
"You what?"I ask,confused.
"We could all hear you know"He says,going bright red.
I got what he was talking about.They could hear me and --?
I nearly went bright red as I started to eat my cereal.
I hear my bedroom door open and Sadie progresses down the bus.
"Hey,guys"She says,hoarsely.
"You ok?"I ask,putting down my cereal and going to give her a hug.
"Just a little sic --.Where's the bathroom?!"She asks,clutching her hand over her mouth and another hand clutching her stomach.
"Down the hall,by my room"I say as she runs down to the bathroom and in the room,slaming the door behind her.
2 seconds later,I could hear her puking.
"She really is sick."Frankie says quietly as he goes back to his game.
Sadie's POV

After an hour of puking,I sit against the wall,with my head in my knees.
I look at the open bathroom cabinet and see a blue box.
I stand up and take it out the cabinet.
It's a pregnancy test.
I couldn't be,could I?
I figured I may as well look and see.
I took off my pants as I sat on the toilet and got the test out off the box and taking off its lid.
I put it into the toilet as I peed.
After I peed,I took it back out and looked at it.
2 minutes later,a little pink plus sign pops up on the tiny screen of the test.
I was pregnant.
I got off the toilet and pulled up my pants and flushed the toilet on my way out.
I made my way back to the seating area.The bus was moving to the next city.
"You,ok?"Gee says as he comes over to me.
"fine"I say,trying to hide my tears as I hug him.
"You don't look fine.Come sit down with Frankie and tell us all about it"Frankie says,patting the empty seat next to him and smiling.
Way to help,Frank.
"I um..dunno how to tell you guys this but.."I begin and put the test on the coffee table and go back to me and Gee's room,shuting the door behind me and siting on the bed.
Tears began to stream down my face.
I was pregnant.But how?
I then saw me and Gee's clothes crumpled at the end of the bed.
Mikey comes into the room,shutting the door behind him.
"Hey"He smiles weakly.
"Oh,hey Mikey"I say,wiping the tears away and trying to put on the best smile possible.
"So.You're pregnant."Mikey says,walking over to the bed and sitting down by me.
Those two words kept echoing in my head.
You're pregnant.
I feel my tears stream down my cheeks.
I was crying.
"I'll go get Gee,ok?"Mikey reassures,getting off the bed and leaving the room.
He'd left the door open so I can hear everything.
"Gee,Sadie's crying.You wanna go talk to her?"Mikey said.
"Not right now,Mikes."Gee said back,his voice a little shaky.
I'd hurt him.
How could I be so cruel?
"I'll go talk to her for you."Frankie says,a little too over excited.
I didn't like where this was going.
Not at all.
I hear Frankie's footsteps come down the hall and I see him come into the room,closing and locking the door behind him.
"Hello!"He smiles.
"Stay away Frank."I say as I back away.
Frankie starts walking towards me.
"C'mon.It's just a little fun."Frankie smiles.
Frankie stands on his tiptoes as he puts his arms around my neck and forces his tongue into my mouth.
I manage to pull away and I run to the door but it's locked.
I start banging on the door,screaming for help.
Frankie comes up behind me and grabs me,forcing me onto the bed.
"Ready?"He smiles as he undoes his jeans.
Gerard's POV

I heard banging on my bedroom door,and Frankie was still no back yet.
I could faintly hear Sadie scream
"Help,Gee!Help me!"Was what I could hear before she got cut off.
I got up quickly and walked towards my room.
The door was locked.
"Fuck!"I scream.
"Gee?You ok?"Ray asks.
"Frankies locked my bedroom door and Sadie's in there!"I say through gritted teeth.
"Shit!"Bob curses as he walks towards the bedroom door.
"What are you doing?"I ask.
"Look I like Sadie.And I made her a promise that I would always help her when she needs it.I promised you too,remember?"He says.
Bob takes three steps back then runs forward and kicks the door right off it's hinges.
"Frank!Get the fuck off her!"Bob shouts as he drags Frank off Sadie and out of the room.
Sadie had been crying.
I ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.
I couldfeel her heart beating really fast.
"Shh..I'll never let him hurt you again.I promise you that.I don't want anybody hurting you or the baby"I reassure her,rocking her backwards and forwards slowly to calm her.
"So,you're not mad that I'm pregnant?"She asks.
"Ofcourse not.I love you.That's all that matters."I say.
"Gee..I always loved your voice.Sing to me.Sing to the baby.Your baby."Sadie smiles weakly.
I start singing to her as I rock her back and forth in the darkness
"The world is ugly,but you're beautiful to me.Are you thinking off me?Like I'm thinking off you?I would say I'm sorry,But I really need to go.I just wanted you to know.."I softly sing.
I then see Mikey standing in the doorway with his bass.
"Need any help?"He asks with a smile on his face.
"Thanks,bro"I smile back as I repeat the song with Mikey softly strumming the bass.
"I love you"I softly whisper after I finished the song and led Sadie's geadon my pillowas she sleeps.

Yeah,I'm sorry about my meaness to Frankie.
I really am.
But I really couldn't think of anything else.
Review it and rate it.
Also tell all your friends too.
xoxo -- MCR-99
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