Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy

New Horizons

by FightStriker 2 reviews

Wait, you said I only had to wait until I die, there is no such thing as time, inside this moment no sun rising, wait until I fly.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-01-03 - Updated: 2013-01-03 - 925 words - Complete

Hey guys, I thought I would give you guys sometime to get down from your Christmas and New Years high before you read this as I know that some of you will probably cry. This is the last chapter of Small Petunia of the Galaxy. I thank all of you for reading this. I don't really have an idea for another story but if you would like to suggest something I am totally open. I checked my grades and I actually passed all my midterms. I'm so happy and seriously thought I was gonna get kicked out. Thank you for sticking through this and I promise the next story will be updated periodically! I love all of you and enjoy :)


Chapter 21
New Horizons

4 Years Later

"You'll never believe what Mikey did, he went rollerblading for the first time at the boardwalk and he ran into this girl who was innocently walking with her ice cream. You should have seen their faces! They were both sticky and he offered to buy her another one. They've kind of been inseparable since. Her names Alicia. You would be proud of him Gerard." I said lying in the grass in front of Gerard's grave. I knew he heard me.

For some reason he became less and less frequent in my dreams. I missed him, I did, but I didn't mind.

"I guess I'll see you later. I'm meeting up with Josef." I said, getting up from the ground and dusting myself off, I have one last look at Gerard's grave, and the flowers I had placed there.


I sat at the table in the high class restaurant. I twisted my engagement ring around and around, watching the rubies glint in the candlelight. I heard footsteps approach my table and looked up to see Josef in a suit and tie. He looked beautiful.

He had become one of my closest friends after Gerard's death. Sure, I had more friends than I needed because everyone saw that your high school status didn't mean a thing. Josef, he was different, he didn't talk to me to make me feel better, he talked to me because he wanted to know me. That was more than I could have ever asked for. His feelings became apparent fast, and I just wasn't ready to let Gerard go. Then Gerard made his visit.


"You should let him in you know."


"You should let him in, he seems like a really nice guy. Don't want to pass him up do ya?"

"He seems like a really nice guy, but, I still love you. I can't love you and be with someone else."

"Frank, I'm dead. You see me a few times a month and some not at all. I'll be fine. Especially with him, he's a keeper. Be with him. I promise he'll make you happy."


Well, he wasn't lying.

"Hey sweetheart." Josef said, leaning down to give me a soft kiss.

"Hey Josef. How was your day?"

"Oh you know, classes, practice. More importantly how was your day?" He asked sitting himself in the chair across from me.

"Classes, went to go visit Mikey. Gave Gerard some new flowers." I said running through it. I was in my last year of school, on a scholarship too. I was getting my Bachelor's in Law. I was really excited as graduation was looming around the corner. Josef was too. That's how we'd met. In class. Just like me and Gerard. Josef played lacrosse so that's why he was late, but I didn't mind. He was good at it.

We ordered our food and laughed while we ate. When dessert came he ordered a huge chocolate sundae and with them came large spoons buried in the bottom. He eyed me as I pulled my spoon out, probably making sure I didn't hurt myself, trust me, I could make it happen. I licked the ice cream off the spoon and something hit my hand. I looked down and saw a beautiful golden band. When I looked back to Josef he was on one knee in front of me.

Tears started to well up in my eyes.
"Josef..." I tried to say but he put a finger to my lips. The whole restaurant around us got quiet as they watched the scene unfold before them.

"Frank, I know that you accepted a marriage proposal from Gerard, but I couldn't help myself. I had to at least try. I stood at his grave for hours, hoping that he would give me some sign that he would let me propose to you. I had this feeling in my gut that he was telling me yes. I don't know how I knew but I did. So I took this chance. Frank, I love you more than words could ever define. You are my whole world, everything I breath, your always with me, because I'm always thinking about you. So I hope that you can accept this ring. Frank Anthony Iero Jr, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Josef strained. During his speech, tears started to form in his eyes. I looked at him, for what felt like forever. That's when I knew.

I wanted to spend forever with him.

Yep, that's it everyone. I hope you enjoyed it cause I enjoyed writing it. Leave loads of comments and telling me how you enjoyed it and if you have an idea on what I should do next, please don't hesitate to say something! I'm open to all ideas!

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