Categories > Celebrities > Beatles > Help! If It Really Happened

fhe Famous Plan and the End

by Koolkitty9 0 reviews

The very famous plan takes place and finally Ringo's safe! :D

Category: Beatles - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: George Harrison,John Lennon,Paul McCartney,Ringo Starr - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-03 - Updated: 2013-01-04 - 875 words - Complete

Chapter 9: The Very Famous Plan and The End:

Paul was disguised as Ringo and he smiled. Then a coconut was thrown on the bassist’s head and he was knocked out. Then the cult members grabbed him and the realized something---that wasn’t Ringo...then the Bahamas’ police came and arrested the cult members.

John was disguised as Ringo as well and he was kicking a ball when the cult members came. John smirked and then the ball they were playing with exploded, knocking John out and they also figured out that wasn’t Ringo! But the police came again arresting the members.

George smiled he was taking Ringo out on a date. George smiled but then he turned around. Ringo gasped and George pulled him close to his chest. A cult member grabbed the duo but luckily George pinned the member down to the ground “Ritchie! Run!” Ringo nodded and he ran off. George then let go of the thug and he ran off, trying to find his lover. “RITCHIE! RINGO! “ George called and John growled “RINGO! RICHARD!” But no answer and George growled “Me princess is gone! Where did me Ritchie go?!” His mind screamed.

Little Did They Know That He’s Prisoner...

Ringo was strapped on a stretcher, on a boat, and he sighed. “This isn’t fair! I want Georgie!” Foot smiled “Finally I can have the ring!” Algernon replied “It took you this long.” He sat his hand down by Ringo’s head and Ringo tried to bite him. But Algernon quickly removed his hand. “Scalpel!” Foot cried and Algernon repeated “Scalpel!” He handed the tool to him “You wouldn’t want me to go in with a blunt scalpel now do we.” Ringo shook his head and then Foot went over to a sharpener. When he pressed a button for it to work—-it didn’t. Ringo sighed and then he saw Ahme. She quickly unstrapped Ringo. “Is that?” “Yes, the distilled extract essence of orchids, I got some more this morning!” Ringo smiled and Foot turned around. He pointed a gun at them. “Stop! Wait...what’s that?” “Distilled extract-“ “Essence from orchids! It is?!” “Yes, sir.” He grabbed it “This will get me a peace prize for sure!” “But the ring?” Ahme said “Who needs a ring when you have this?!” Ahme and Ringo shrugged and they turned around to the other side of the boat. “’s all in Eastern!” Foot gasped as he tried to read what was in the liquid. “Don’t you know how to read it Algernon?” Algernon shook his head “We’ll have to get it translated!” Ahme signaled Ringo to jump into the water and the duo did.

Ringo gasped “I-I can’t swim!” “What?!” “I ‘ave Georgie ‘elp me swim!” Ringo screamed as some thugs swam towards them and grabbed them. Ringo screamed again and he fought wasn’t working so he gave up...

Ringo and Ahme were being tied down by their wrists and Ringo was being painted red. “JUS’ WAIT UNTIL ME MATES AND ME FUTURE ‘USBAND GETS YE!” Ringo screamed and Klang laughed “I don’t think so. We have set up some rifle men to shoot them, you see, they’re quite merciless. One word from you and you die instantly.” Ringo gasped and his mind screamed “N-no! George and I made it too far to quit now!” Klang started chanting and Ringo bit his lip. He turned his head and he saw his mates John and Paul and his lover...his prince charming George. “RITCHIE!” George screamed and the rifle men raised their guns. Ringo gasped and he quickly got loose from the ropes holding him down. “GEORGIE! NO!” Then as he flung his hand the ring fell off “It’s off! I’M SAVED!” Ringo said tearfully and he quickly grabbed the ring.

He put it on Klang’s finger “I don’t subscribe to yer religion!” He quickly ran over to George “Georgie!” Ringo cried and George grabbed him, embracing him. “Oh God! I thought I’d lose ye.” George whispered and Ringo held onto him tight “I-I did too, Georgie.” George kissed him and said “Yer all red again, Ritch.” “I know, I think I’m beginning to like it!” John smiled and Ahme yelled to Klang. “Ha! To he who wears the ring!” She pointed the knife that was originally to be used to kill Ringo at him. George didn’t want to let go of his lover. So he picked him up bridal style, they didn’t even pay attention to what was happening behind them. George kissed him again and Ringo smiled “I missed yeh, I thought I was gonna die!” “Ye won’t now though!” George grinned and Ringo sighed “I’m glad I ‘ave someone like yeh Geo-bear.”

George smiled “I love yeh Georgie.” Ringo whispered and George nodded “I love yeh too, me princess.” Ringo smiled and George knew that his lover—--no wait George’s future wife was safe, the cult couldn’t get him again and the scientists gave up as well. So they were all safe...for now…...just kidding, they just weren’t safe from fangirls!

---The End---
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