Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cruise Control
Cruise Control
(#) atomickilljoy 2013-01-05
Aw man :(
I'm glad we met over my cruise idea, and I love that we became friends.
Update soon :)
Author's response
I will!!Cruise Control
(#) xxMikeyxx 2013-01-05
Mikey in a tux!!!!
So hot!!!!!
Mikey Hey Amy
-Wearing a tux-
-Squeals and faints in his arms-Cruise Control
(#) FrankIsMySexGod 2013-01-05
Aww! I don't want the story to end! It's perfect! I love it! But I guess all the good things have to end sometime. I loved this chapter though! It was really sweet and awesome! Update soon please?!? :D xx
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