Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Rebirth of Hope

Cry Havoc

by sailorchick321 2 reviews

Harry makes since of what the Fates said and the order makes battle plans

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-27 - Updated: 2006-07-27 - 1498 words

Cry Havoc

In the kitchen of number 12 Grimmauld Place, a somber group sat around an old wooden table making battle plans.
"THEY CAN GO, THEIR TOO YOUNG!!" yelled Molly Weasley. She had accepted that her oldest sons were going to go on that cockamamie raid. But she would not let them take her babies.
"Mom, sit. Look, we're dead, all of us. If Voldemort wins he WILL hunt us down and kill us. Whether you like it or not Gin, 'Mione and I are on the top of his hit list." Ron said, calm in the face of his mother's rage.
Molly burst in to tears and collapsed in to her seat. She knew he was right, but that didn't mean she would give in gracefully.
Then Ginny picked up where her brother left off. "The only chance we have - any of us, 'cause the whole order is on that same list - is to find a way to kill Voldemort. I don't want to die mum, but I would rather die and be with Harry again than to live in a world where that snake-faced, sodding, son of a bitch won."
The whole table was taken aback by the vehemence of her conviction, and the depth of her profanity. For a moment, no one spoke. Then Bill gave a sad snort of laughter. "You've spent too much time with Ron and the twins, munchkin. You're starting to pick up their bad habits."
"I've heard every one of those words from you too, big brother." She replied mockingly.
"Yeah, but not in front of mum."


"So, what did the Fates tell you, kiddo?" Sirius asked as soon as Harry emerged from the hut.
"I have no idea. I went in thinking I new what the answers might be, and came out not even sure what the question was." He replied shaking his head.
James busted out laughing. "Well at least you have eternity to figure it out. Come on, son. Let's go home."
"You guys go ahead I need to think." He told them. He turned to walk in a different direction, but stopped and turned back puzzled.
"Where are we? How do I get back to Godric's Hollow - it is Godric's Hollow right?"
"Yes, it is." His father answered him. "and travel here is easy. Just think about where you want to end up, and no matter what direction you take, when you stop, you're where you want to be."
"Huh, neat." Harry paused again then asked the question that his visit to the Fates had raised and that the old woman had refused to answer. " there some sort of red phone to God around here?"
This question produced identical blank looks from both men. "A red what to who?" his godfather asked.
"Never mind, I saw it on one of Dudley's TV shows once." Again he was met with vacant expressions. He decided to ask about what had confused him the most. "Do either of you know the significance of me being angry?"
"You had your mothers temper?" Sirius ventured. "They say the 'hell hath no fury like a woman's wrath,' and with your mother... never a truer thing was said."
"That's actually a misnomer." All three jumped at this new voice "Hello Sirius, James, Harry." With each new greeting Albus tipped his head in the direction of the greeted.
"Albus," replied James. "What's a misnomer?"
"Hell hath no fury." He replied. "Hell hath fire, the Furies hath fury."
Harry tuned out the conversation at this point. He missed Ginny, he was confused to no end by his conversation with the Fates, and he was irritated at that infuriating old woman for not giving him any strait answers. He looked back as his father who was deep in conversation with Professor Dumbledore. Sirius caught his eye and smiled. Harry returned it then pointed away and waved before walking away from the group to find someplace quite to think.
Harry walked in silence thinking of all he had learned, not learned, lost and gained. He took no particular notice of where he was going or of his surroundings until he stepped knee deep in water, then fell face first from the drop. He came of sputtering and looked at his surroundings for the first time since he had left the others. Harry was surprised to find himself sitting in the river Styx.
Harry half swam and half crawled to the bank of the river then hoisted himself out. He remembered what his dad had said about travel in this place. "Just think of where you want to be and you'll get there. Have I been thinking about the Styx? Well no, but I was thinking of everything I left behind. Great and now I'm soaking wet, standing by a river in the Great Beyond, talking to myself. Damn. At least at the Dursley's I had Hedwig."
As he spoke, an image of his bird appeared in the river. He stared at it for a moment. "Why not, she never answered me anyway. Maybe I'll think more clearly with her around." And with that he stepped into the river.


Harry found himself in his and Ron's bedroom at Grimmauld Place. As soon as he landed Hedwig looked up at him. she hopped up and down for a moment before hooting and flying to him. He raised his arm out of habit allowing her to land gracefully on it. She quickly rushed up is arm to his shoulder to nuzzle in the crook of his neck, hooting all the way as if unsure whether to scold him for leaving her or cry with relief because he was back. To say that Harry was shocked at being solid enough to catch Hedwig would be an understatement, to say nothing of her being able to see him.
"I've missed you too, girl." He cooed to the owl that was making such a fuss over him. "Why am I always different? What the hell is these call? Why is my being mad important? And why in the bloody blue blazes did I have to die to find my special power?"
At his impromptu rant Hedwig hooted balefully and hoped onto the desk beside him. She fixed him with the he big blue eyes, her expression clearly asking, "What are you going on about, and why are you expecting me to answer you?"
Harry chuckled and sat down in the desk chair. "I guess I should start at the beginning, huh?" he spent the next few hours telling his loyal familiar everything that had happened to him, ending with his conversation with the Fates. However, this time he paused recalling that anger had not been the word he had used, it had been Fury. Then he recalled the last thing Dumbledore had said. The Furies. Harry jumped up, intent on leaving the Styx and finding the furies when he heard a scream coming from down stairs. Mrs. Weasley was clearly not happy about something.
Harry made his way to the kitchen where it seemed the whole order was crowded. He walked over to where Ginny sat and listened to their machinations.


"We know the Snake bastard is holed up in the catacombs under Riddle Manner. I first problem is luring him out. Any suggestions?" Moody asked.
"Let me." Said a voice from the corner. "He still trusts me. And I'm the only one of us that can possibly walk in there and come out alive."
Snape. Thought Harry. No matter how many times he heard that mans story about the Headmaster's death he would never believe it. Well I guess I must even Albus confirmed it. Snape had claimed that the headmaster knew he was dying slowly form the damage done to his body by the Gaunt ring before he destroyed it. He also knew that Draco had been ordered to kill him. Armed with this knowledge Albus had asked Snape, if it came down to it, to kill him instead of Draco; because he believed that the young many could be saved as long as he never did anything undoable.
"Alright, Snape draws them out." Moody continues. "Make sure He comes out too, it does us little good to strike at the body and leave the head." Snape nodded and moody continued. "We'll wait for night and position ourselves around the outskirts of the manner."
Every head turned to the map lying on the table as moody continued to outline the plan. Each person nodded as they were given their task. With the planning done moody folded up the map and turned to look at the group.
"Alright you lot, it 2 o'clock now, we will meet back here at 7:30, sunset is 8:46. I suggest you rest up."
At those words the kitchen began to clear. Harry waited till he was alone in the kitchen then left to find out all he could about the Furies and why they might have called him.
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