Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Greasy Black, Ugly White

Proper Education

by OhmyGee 2 reviews

We don't need no education.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2013-01-11 - Updated: 2013-01-12 - 3017 words


This chapter is a filler, but it is a very important filler. Just letting you know, because it is a little silly at first.

I have finished typing about half of HONJ, so that should be up sooner than I expected.

I can’t stop listening to Aerosmith.

I know that this may sound cliché and all, but the song I’m Not Okay is probably one of my favorite song. The song just makes so much sense, y’know…

This chapter was actually really fun to write. I just love Patrick’s character. I’m homeschooled, so I don’t have to worry about anything like this happening at school… I really, really hope you know who sings this song for the title…

Greasy Black, Ugly White
XXI: Proper Education
“Well, Frank, we don’t actually make out with each other on a daily basis.”

About a week has passed since Mikey’s hospital visit. Frank was forced to resist the urge to say “I told you so” to Mikey. Mikey had refused to go to a doctor. It has been two weeks since he was diagnosed.

Frank was taking Mikey’s whole situation in an odd way. He was sad and angry. He knew that Mikey was going to die young, and that made him very angry. Once and a while he yelled at people for nothing. Mikey had been his first best friend who was actually nice. Frank’s first best friend that wasn’t his mother. He was allowed to be angry.

Gerard had been moping around all week. He pretended that he either didn’t know, or didn’t care. Everybody knew that Gerard is taking it the hardest. Mikey is his little brother. Despite the fact that Gerard thinks of Mikey as the most “annoying four-eyed person; right next to Frank,” but Gerard does love Mikey a lot. Him and Mikey had been best friends for life.

Mikey seemed to be taking it the easiest. He knew what the symptoms to having lung cancer were. He seemed to forget about it. He walks around with a better attitude than others’. He thinks of his cancer as a wakeup call to go and live is life to the fullest. Mikey now walks around with a bucket list in his pocket.

Mikey had decided that every day at least, he was going to complete something on his bucket list. Possibly, he should have at least five things done each week. Whether they are repeats or not, he is going to do them.

Today is a Tuesday – the day right before he must go see that doctor. Mikey and Frank had something planned together; as part of his bucket list.

“Okay, Frank, ready to go?” Mikey called from upstairs. It was nearing thirteen-hundred hour in the day. 13:00 is 1:00 in military time. I always use military time. My clock is set to military time.

Frank ran up the stairs as fast as he could with his bag. He couldn’t stop grinning.

“Mikey, don’t shout, it’s bad for your lungs.” Frank said, wheezing from his run. Mikey rolled his eyes.

“Okay, Mother. I’ll try not to.” Mikey said, but then he froze when he realized who he was speaking to. Frank doesn’t have a mother. Great, now the plan is probably ruined.

“Shut up, Mikey. I don’t want you to get like, super sick.” Frank replied, oblivious to the whole ‘mother’ joke.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” Mikey said as he shrugged casually. Frank stared at him with confusion. Mikey doesn’t need to be sorry for getting sick. It’s not his fault. It’s not like he could pick and choose who gets ill and who doesn’t. If he could, then they’re sure as all hell Mikey wouldn’t have lung cancer.

“Sorry ‘bout what?” Frank stared at Mikey as he readjusted his shoulder bag.

“Y’know… saying the whole “mother” thing. I know that you… y’know. Know what I am saying?” Mikey shrugged as awkward as ever. Frank rolled his eyes and laughed.

“You don’t have to be sorry about that. I’m not a pansy.” All pun intended. “I can take a joke. I can take a really bad joke at that. It seriously don’t bother me none.” Frank giggled.

“I am too funny.” Mikey mumbled while giggling. “Can we leave now?”


“I cannot believe that we are actually doing this. I cannot believe that this is actually on your bucket list.” Frank mumbled.

You were the one who said we can’t bomb the school. I had to switch that with this.” Mikey said. Frank rolled his eyes and shrugged. He did want to bomb the school just as much as Mikey does, but they just can’t do that without getting in some sort of trouble.

“Whatever. Are you ready?” Frank asked. He and Mikey stepped into the school building with their bags. Everybody was in class already, so they didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing them.

Mikey pulled out a can of spray black spray paint and shook it hard. Frank went to the other side of the lockers and pulled out his own spray paint. Mikey spray with black onto the blue lockers, “MIKEYFUCKIN’WAY”. Frank did the same on the other side, writing the same thing. They both wrote that all over the school, on lockers, doors, floor, tables, et cetera.

“My hands are all black.” Frank examined. Mikey giggled. Both of their hands were black. They were out of spray paint. Frank and Mikey walked down the school’s main hall and into the office. The middle aged women at the reception desk said:

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Yeah, we just gotta go talk to that guy.” Mikey pointed to a random closed door. The lady looked confused, but she was old, so she didn’t really care what they did. She nodded and went back to filing papers.

Mikey and Frank walked down the mini hallway and into the principal’s office. It was nearing thirty minutes till the end of the day, so they knew that Mister Johnson would be out.

“Lock the door.” Mikey demanded and Frank did so. Mikey walked over to the intercom and clicked the button. He pulled out his mini walking radio and played some small piano song while. Everyone in every class room could hear him – he stopped the music and spoke into the microphone and said:

“I need Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, and lastly but not least,” Mikey winked, “Alicia Way all to come to the principal’s office. Now!” Then he shut the intercom off. About five minutes later, the three people banged on the door. Mikey sat in the giant red chair with his hands folded. Frank stood by the door as if he were Mikey’s assistant.

“Come in.” Mikey said wearing the principal’s poker face. Frank opened the door and let the three students inside.

They all walked in before they realized who and what this was. Alicia smiled and stood in front of the desk like a diligent student.

“What the – whoa! What is this!? I’m outta here!” Patrick shouted, but Frank had already locked them inside.

“Sit down, boys.” They just stood there, disobediently. “Now.” Mikey spat. His voice was so harsh that Patrick and Pete sat down immediately. “Come here, Alicia.” His voice was much softer. The socs did already know that Mikey and Alicia had a thing going on, but they didn’t know how serious it was. This is going to push them over the edge.

Alicia walked over to Mikey and gave him a sloppy, wet, nasty kiss. Smirking. Frank even started to smirk when he saw Patrick and Pete’s faces: mouth hanging open, eyes wide open, shocked.

Once Mikey pulled away, he laughed in their faces. Not a light friendly chuckle, but more like a ‘HAH-HAH, you suck,’ kind of laugh. Patrick fumed with rage.

“Stay seated, Patty.” Mikey giggled. He could tell the Patrick was about to get up. Everybody knows that Patrick can’t stand the nickname Patty. Patrick will get angry, but if he was called Patty, then he would most likely do nothing about it. Pete had to stifle a giggle.

“Do you guys know why I called you in here?” Mikey asked. Alicia was sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck.

“How the fuck should I know that!?” Patrick screamed. He looked as if he were about to get violent.

“Frank.” Mikey nodded, Frank nodded back. “Frank is here to make sure that you two… follow the rules.”

Him? You’re trying to tell me, the guy who is barely four feet tall, and can’t defend for himself is going to try and beat me? Look at him! He couldn’t hurt a dog if he tried!” Patrick screamed back. Frank walked back up to the back of Patrick and slapped hard upside the head.

“I wouldn’t even want to hurt a dog.” Frank said casually. Patrick was clutching his head, whining. Frank can throw a good punch; especially if he wears rings.

“Do you know why I called you in here?” Mikey said. Alicia grinned widely – she knew what was going on. Frank also had to hold down a grin.

“So you can make out with our girl.” Pete spat back. Mikey glared at him evilly. Alicia could sense the tension between Mikey and Pete, so she gave Mikey a kiss on the cheek.

“No… No. I think we are all a little more sophisticated than that. I think we are – even you, Patrick.” Mikey smirked again. Patrick and Pete were literally fuming with rage. Mikey stole their girl. “I want revenge. You guys are a bunch of assholes. You terrorize anyone without reason. It’s time you know how it feels. I am in charge now, so you will do what I say.”

“Who died and made you in charge!?” Patrick shouted sarcastically. Frank snuck up behind the two socs, preparing for whatever is to come.

“Franklin Fucking Roosevelt. Who the fuck do you think?” Mikey shouted.

“I’m outta here. Fuck you!” Patrick replied. Before he had a chance to even move, Frank had his hands gripped around the back of the socs’ necks. He dug his fingers into the pressure points of their necks, causing them to groan loudly in discomfort.

“You will do as I say!” Mikey shouted. The two boys quickly went quiet. Mikey shared eye contact with Frank, then they both nodded. “Now,” Mikey smirked, “strip your selves.”

“Umm… What?”

“You heard me. I want your clothes. Do it. Now.” Mikey replied causally as ever. Frank slowly let go of Pete’s neck. He brought his hand back with a long knife. He has always been carrying a knife with him, ever since he got beat up that one day after church.

“Wh-why?” Patrick eyed the knife suspiciously.

“Because I fucking said so. Now do it before Frank makes you.” Mikey said with annoyance in his voice.

Patrick and Pete slowly stood up. They had both thought of just running out, but they didn’t know if they had more people outside the door, so they stayed. The two socs both took off their expensive jackets, then their madras shirts, then their shoes and pants. They both stood in front of Mikey and Alicia wearing nothing but boxer shorts.

“Come on, now, don’t be shy.” Mikey said in his mocking tone. Alicia and Frank both giggled.

The socs slowly – oh so slowly – slipped off their boxers. They both stood, completely naked, cupping their junk, in utter humiliation.

Mikey waited a minute before saying, “hmm… Not much to look at. Give me your clothes.” Pete and Patrick stuttered at first, but eventually, they handed over their last shreds of dignity. “Perfect. Frank, you’re up.”

Frank smirked so hard, his face practically split in half.

The bell at school had just wrung, signaling them that seventh hour class was over.

“Come with me.” Frank said, grabbing on their necks again.

“Oh, hell no.” Patrick said. Hell no. They were not… they… no.

“Come on, you better come before I parade you around like the dogs I supposedly try to kill.” Frank said in a light tone of voice. He pulled on their necks, forcing them to move.

The three men walked out of the office – receiving the best looks from the staff – and in to the hallway crowded with people. Most of them were too distracted by the spray paint, but when they got a look at the socs, they laughed. About half of the girls – and a few boys – were eyeing their junks; but the other half of the students was laughing.

“Get away from me. Now.” Frank said before he pushed them into the crowd of people. Revenge never had tasted so sweet. Mikey and Alicia soon came out a minute later, hand in hand. They watched as Patrick and Pete waddled down the hall with red cheeks. Embarrassed would be an understatement.


Mikey sat in the hospital room, on a Wednesday evening.

“So then I told the fucker, ‘NO,’ I mean… seriously… who mixes … ugh, never mind.” Gerard was going on about a story that had happened at his work earlier in the day. “So, I feel like I haven’t seen you two in weeks. What’s going on?”

Frank looked over to Mikey as they shared a knowing smirk.

“Oh, yanno… just the usual.” Frank replied, smirking. Before Gerard could interrogate them anymore, Ray Toro and Bob Bryar had walked in the door.

“Hey, guys, what’s up?” Frank asked. They shrugged and took a seat.

“Apparently some guy down the hall is getting arrested for stealing syringes.” Bob said, looking uninterested. Gerard cringed slightly at the mention of needles.


“Yeah, prison isn’t that great.” Ray commented.
“Whoa, you’ve been to prison!?” Frank asked excitedly. He only knew that Gerard has been; he never thought that anybody else had.

“Oh no DON’T START. FRANK! DON’T ANTAGANIZE HIM!” Gerard shouted. Bob and Mikey both giggled. Ray rolled his eyes, making Frank want to pester him more.


“He never shuts up about it.” Gerard sighed.

“He’s been to prison?” Frank asked, loving how annoyed everyone looks by it. Ray just grinned.

“Yep. That’s where Gerard and I met.” Ray said. “We were cell mates. I was in for getting in multiple rumbles. The fuzz all thought I would kill ‘em.”

“Uh – huh. Whatever, I am going to go get coffee before this conversation lasts forever.” Gerard said. He stood up and gave Frank a kiss on the cheek before walking to the door. “Anybody wantin’ some?”

“I’ll come with.” Bob said. He, Ray, and Gerard all walked out of the door.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Frank decided to break it. “You know, I always wondered if, like… you and Gerard kissed the same, since you’re brothers.”

Mikey looked up. That was unexpected.

“I mean,” Frank started again. “Since you two are brothers. I always wondered if it was different or not.”

“Well, Frank, we don’t actually make out with each other on a daily basis. You do know that, don’t you?” Mikey smirked. Frank giggled.

“I know that. Ugh… just… you know what I mean.” Frank rolled his eyes and giggled some more.

“I know what you mean, you weirdo. Will you grab my bag for me? It’s right down here.” Mikey asked. He pointed to a small duffle bag that was resting on the floor, on the other side of his bed. Meaning, Frank will have to climb over Mikey, of walk around. He is lazy, so he’s going to climb.

“Fine.” Frank leaned way over Mikey, almost crushing him. After a minute of trying to reach the bag, he gave up, though he was still leaning on Mikey. “I am too lazy to get up.”

“You’re warm, you don’t have to move.” Mikey giggled, causing Frank to join in.

Frank lay halfway on top of Mikey – his feet were still standing on the ground, but his torso was on Mikey’s.

“AH Ha! I got it!” Frank grabbed the bag, “damn…” then he dropped it. He went to bring his head up, but somehow, by accident, he ended up with his lips on Mikey’s. It was only a small peck, nothing major.

“Sorry.” Frank apologized. “I – yeah. Sorry.”
“It’s fine… Uh… yeah.” Mikey said. “I mean…”

Frank cleared his throat, well this is awkward.

‘’I mean… come here.” Mikey repeated, though it came out more like a question, rather than a demand.

Frank did so. He leaned in close to Mikey, but not close enough.

“Come closer.”


Frank eventually leaned in too close, pressing his lips to Mikey’s. He didn’t do anything with his lips; they just sat there against Mikey’s. After a while, he un-tensed, and begun to open his mouth for Mikey’s tongue to enter. Frank was right; Mikey didn’t kiss nearly the same as his brother. He didn’t kiss bad, just different.

Oh great. Gerard. Frank bulged his eyes out of their sockets. For some reason, he couldn’t pull away from Mikey though. Frank just continued to kiss Mikey.

It seemed like forever when someone finally opened the door to save Frank from this. Though, Mikey was actually a great kisser.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HIM, FRANK!?” Gerard screamed indignantly. He was venting with red rage. If looks could kill, this whole hospital would be gone. (It’s a hospital, so that shouldn’t be hard to do.) “YOU ASSHOLE!” He screamed louder, dropping his coffee on the floor.

Uh oh! Don’t hate me. How do ya’ like my cliffhanger!? author grins

Next chapter: No… that… he… he can’t do that!
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