Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're just brothers

I'm Sorry

by DigitalGhost 0 reviews

Waycest Fanfiction. Gerard tries to make up for walking in on Mikey. Sorry my chapters are so short, It's just how I write, I find it really hard to write loads in one go... This chapter is a bit...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-01-14 - Updated: 2013-01-14 - 305 words

"Uhm, Mikey... please can I come in...?"
Silence followed.
"Mikey, I'm sorry about earlier, I'm an idiot, I know..."
He heard the lock on the door click and Mikey opened it.
Gerard pushed into Mikey and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, beat me, kick me out do what you like, just please realize that I'm sorry, I didn't know you were dressing!"
Mikey put his arms around his brother, for once, he wasn't the one being comforted...
Gerard buried his head into Mikey's shoulder and began to cry. Mikey stroked his brother's red head, he kissed him lightly.
"Gee..." Mikey sighed. "It's not you, I'm the monster, you're my brother and I fucking love you!?" He felt himself starting to cry as well.
There they were, stood in the doorway, crying, clinging onto eachother. Ten minutes must have passed before Mikey gently pushed Gee off of his shoulder. He grabbed Gerard and lightly shook him, "Don't you ever think this shit is your fault, It's me, It's my problem and I don't want it to get you down either."
Gerard broke away, he walked down the stairs and then began searching the lounge. Mikey was afraid that he had upset him but was surprised when Gerard returned back up the stairs. He was clutching a box, a huge grin spread across his face. Before Mikey could even ask, Gerard yanked his arm and pulled him downstairs. Gerard squatted in front of the TV, Mikey looked puzzled... Gerard held up the box. Mikey began to giggle and he flopped out on the sofa. Gee opened the box, took out a DVD and turned on the television, he fiddled around with the DVD player until the notorious JAWS music filled the room. Gerard sat down in front of Mikey, they both spoke, "I fucking love this movie..."
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