Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hikikomori


by farfromhere 0 reviews

Time to worry

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-17 - Updated: 2013-01-18 - 348 words

Walking into the school building filled me with dread, I hated school yet wanted so bad to do well. It filled me with stress on a daily, social interactions with people I didn't even know, keeping up with my intense classes, and god knows whats in store for me today.

I noticed going down the hall, a lot of eyes were on me. I looked down to my outfit to see if I had any stains or holes in my short sleeve black dress. Nothing. I looked up again to see Gerard Way with his group of friends, looking over at me. I almost looked away until I noticed his eyes on me with a soft, crooked smile. I smiled back without thinking twice and almost kicked myself for being so dumb. He probably wasn't even looking at me. I'm an idiot. I looked down and tried to hide myself in my long hair. I had the most absurd crush on that boy, he was just so handsome and different from everyone else. But what do I even know? I haven't even spoken to him really, just a few words pass sometimes during classes we have. I barely even talk in school.
I did have one friend though, her name being Alice. She doesn't have many friends due to her reputation with boys. I didn't care though, people could call her mean names like "whore" or "slut" all they want, she was a nice girl with no selfish tendencies. I think if people gave her a chance and got over that she liked to sleep around, they would realize she's a sweetheart.
I walked into my first period and sat right down next to her. She looked over and seemed a bit dishelved, "Marina, are you okay?" I looked over and just tried to laugh lightly, "Of course, why?" She searched my face and spoke softly, "Claire is telling people that she saw you admitted to the hospital due to a suicide attempt, shes been volunteering at the hospital and claimed she saw you get your stomach pumped."
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