Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Move Over Boys!

Move Over Boys!

by tdeeley 6 reviews

(Auditioned Story) The Killjoys get their asses saved from a Drac-Attack by four new 'guy's'. Only... 'guy's' isn't exactly the right words to describe the new joys on the block. Chapter 4 is up ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-01-17 - Updated: 2013-02-08 - 826 words

Move Over Boys!

Chapter One

Party Poisons POV

“FUN BEHIND YOU!” I yell as I notice a Draculoid sprinting up behind Fun Ghoul readied for attack. He rapidly spins and shoots the Drac right in the eye.
We're under an ambush, and loosing. There's just too many of them.
In my pursuit to warn Fun, I failed to notice the BLI creature running towards me to my left, my reaction time was too slow and before I knew it I was in a head lock enabling me to reach for my gun. I kick and scream, thrashing my body around to get out of the Drac's death grip but he's too strong.
My captor suddenly drops to the floor and I look to my left to see my brother Kobra poised with gun still in the air. I thank him and he nods his notice then continues shooting at the army of white.

That was close, where would I be without my brother?
I zone out completely, thinking of how things used to be, before having to run and hide for BLI, before my parents were killed, before all the shit that is today. I look around at the battle and feel my heart wells up with pride in my friends. Fighting for the right of freedom, for their lost loved ones, for me. there’s no sound in my ears, just a high pitched ringing and through my eyes I can see the faces of my piers contorted with rage and somewhat happiness with what they're doing.
“Look alive sunshine!” Fun yells, bringing me out of my trance, while kicking off two Drac's

The musty desert air is filled with churned up dust and the yells of my team. Lights are flaring through the air following the sound of the noise a gun makes after being triggered, illuminating the night sky. How did it come to this? We were normal people, just normal people who were very against the scum that is Better Living Industries. Why? Because if it wasn't for them, mine and Mikey's parents would still be alive and well. Also I hate their idea of 'better living', it pretty much sucks ass!

I duck and dodge a plasma bullet that was conveniently aimed at my head, I pull my gun out from its holder and spin to shoot and I hear the words that come from Jet Stars mouth screaming
But its too late.
I’m grabbed again from behind leaving me helpless. When I’m struggling to get out of the Draculoid's arms I notice my friends are also it similar grips, all fighting for freedom.

We all face each other its a sort of circle while we have Drac's diving all over us. And we nod our 'the ends' to on another. I close my eyes preparing myself for the end that its speedily approaching. Contemplating my life.
It was a good run, Iv had my brother form the beginning, I've known and lost love, I experienced freedom, I've had the best friends a guy could every ask for, no not friends... Brothers!

I prepare my last breath, then I hear the unmistakable sound of 4 Ducati Monsters breaking the noise of the battles intermission. I open my eyes and look up to see the motorcycles screeching to a swerved halt. The riders' identity being hidden by their helmets and leather jackets.

They hurriedly draw their guns from their holsters that are over their skinny jeans and begin shooting with absolute precision at the Drac's that are restraining us killing them all without struggle, its clear they are true Killjoys. The way they move and aim with such grace and exactitude leaves me in awe.
The white evils don't even have time to reach for their ray guns before their all lying dead on the stale desert floor. They all blow their guns before placing them back in their holsters and sauntering over to their bikes.
We all stand there with 'what the fuck?' expressions on our faces wondering what to do now?
These guys just saved our lives, I should be thankful right?
I feel a hatred towards them, and a hint of jealousy that they could accomplish something we couldn't. Who do they think they are?!?

they clamber back onto their bikes and nod their 'your welcome' before speeding off into the desert horizon.

“what the fuck?” Kobra Kid announces, expressing what was on every ones mind.

“I don't know, but I don't fucking like it!” I voice.

“Not one fucking bit.”

fwaaaaaa!!! First chapter done!!! I know its not the longest, its because I suck at writing battle scenes but that's how I wanted to introduce this story :)
ooooooo! Gerard doesn't like us guys! Whatever will we do? I cant wait to update this I wont take that long to either and don't worry the chapters will get longer, I promise :3

T xoxo
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