Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Move Over Boys!

Chapter 2

by tdeeley 5 reviews

Showing off gets you no where...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-18 - Updated: 2013-01-18 - 1163 words

Move Over Boys!

Chapter 2

Bio Hazzard's POV

“D-did you see the- the look on t-those guys' faces!” Atomic Revolver screams through fits of giggles as the tears of laughter roll down her face.

“I know right, they practically shit them selves!” Electric Baby joins into the laughing riot falling onto the ground as her body shakes with titters.

“They we're kinda' cute too,” Music Maniac states looking down at the desert ground and moving her foot back and forth in a shy awkward motion.
“especially the one with the afro... I just wanna squeeze it!”

“I cant Believe all of you? They nearly died, if it wasn't for us we'd be four killjoys down and ever father away from defeating BLI!” I yell. I take a break to glance at the three young girls, lying on the floor looking particularly scared.
'good' I think before I continue,
“Are you really such girly girls to worry about how cute a few guys are, when in reality they are probably the most ungrateful assholes i've ever had to save...” I trail off breathing heavily. The girls all stare at me, not knowing what to say with there mouths hanging open.

I huff an annoyed groan and stomp off to my bike.
“I'll be back later, when your done fan girling over a few joys.” I roll my eyes and put my green, black, with white stars across it, with my killjoy name on the visor, and hop onto my black and green Ducati Monster, with out another thought I kicked off and soared into the desert horizon. I don't care where I ended up, I just love to ride, I love the adrenalin, the danger, it makes me feel free. I decide to kick it up a notch and remove my helmet. I release my green hair from its pony tail restrains and let it flow.

I love the feeling of the roaring wind rushing through my long emerald hair, the sound of it flicking occasionally past my ears. But the sound I love the most is the sound of my baby's thriving engine, roaring through the desert at an intense speed. I keep my deep green eyes focused on the horizon ahead, inching closer and closer, yet in never seems to change. I take a deep breath and inhale the murky scent that is the desert at sun rise. Its times like this where I adore the life I live, screw the life I used to have as a child, true I'm only 17 but I wasn't living until this, I was just standing still watching the world go on with out me.
This... This is living.

I notice something on the horizon and in less that a second I have my hand on my holster, poised and ready if needed.
This was prime time for a Drac attack so my instincts are instantly heightened. As I draw closer and closer I notice the smoke rising from a small fire in the distance. I'm so close now I can feel the heat radiating on the fire onto my face.

Its then I notice the guys sitting round the fire...
It's the ones we saved and they're looking right at me and I don't have my fucking helmet on! I'm gunna give away my identity. I try to reach around the back for my helmet but I cant reach. My only solution is to speed up and hope I'm too blurred for them to see. I rev it up to 220 mph, I don't think I could go any faster without falling off and dying or at least being intensely injured.
I decide to try it anyway, I climb to 250 mph and the feeling of adrenaline and fright blasts through my veins. I belt past them and somehow here them 'woah!' over the roar of the engine. I take this chance to show them what it is I can do.
I keep at this speed but do a 540 degree turn so mi now facing them. I stop my bike for a moment and place my helmet back on. So far so good, they haven't figured out anything about me, they probably don't even know I'm a woman. I stand there with my bike, popping my hip out to the side with my head slightly bowed but looking straight at them through my visor. I spin the wheels a few times before blaring off and ragging the front of the bike up. I ride through them and hear the same admirable noises from before. I glance back to see them and I chuckle to myself at how dumb founded they look.

Then the worst happened...
I lost control!
The front of the bike begins to whirl out of control causing the back to buck and me to come flying off and plummeting to the ground before rolling rapidly and smacking my head off the rock so conveniently placed for this occasion.
I see blurs running over, I'm guessing its the guys I was showing off for,
and the last thing I remember before the darkness swallowed me was them removing my helmet...

*Hey all you awesome people!
Sooo?... What did you think? I know its kinda short and rushed but its just I really wanted to post again tonight but I got into writing a song called winter nights (the snow kind of brought that on) and I just didn't start to write this till like eight and now I have to go enjoy a bubble bath before bed.
I really hope you liked it and please rate and review, you don't know how much it means to me :3
I love you all!
(oo! And is it snowing where any of you are?, I'm currently snowed in which means more updates yey!)
(and also if you notice any 'mi' s in there its because my stupid laptop has decided to auto correct 'I’m' to 'mi' sowwie ^^)

T xoxo

*Also, if you wanted to know what the bike and helmet look like heres the pictures :3


and the bike (Ducati Monster),r:9,s:0,i:109 *
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