Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Love Story..

My Love Story..

by MCR-99 2 reviews

This was gonna be a one-shot,but I thought I'd turn it into a story. Tell me what you think..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-01-20 - Updated: 2013-01-20 - 893 words - Complete

A/N:I crave to write something again.I know I'm starting my fic tommorow but I don't care,I need to write another fic.This'll be Me pairing with Gerard.I won't give away too many details..

My Love Story.

I woke up on the dreary Monday morning,to the sound of my alarm clock ringing sharply in my ear.
"Ugh,fuck!"I moan as I drag myself out of bed and to my dresser.I pull out my favourite t-shirt,which was black,and a pair of skinnys and dump it on my bed.I put on one of my favourite Fall Out Boy songs,Sugar We're Going Down.I get out of my pyjamas and into my clothes,singing along to the chorus.

We're goin' down down in an earlier round,
Sugar,we're goin' down swinging..

Lastly,I opened my curtains to reveal the snow covered paths of Belleville,New Jersey.
"Sadie!Come down for breakfast!"My mum called from the kitchen.
"I'm coming!"I shout back as I dash out my room,grabbing my bag and hoodie.

"Finaly,you've come downstairs!"My mum smiles as she sets down a bowl of Coco Pops on the table for me.
"Thanks,mum!"I smile as I tuck into my cereal.
"So,excited for starting a new school in the US?"She asks,sitting down at the table and eating toast.
"I guess.."I trail off.
"Hurry up and eat,or you'll be late!"She hurries,and I get up to get my Vans.
"Okay,I'm ready!"I smile as I look at myself in the hallway mirror.
My hair was tied back into a ponytail,with a side fringe over my eye.
I had carefully applyed eyeliner on too.
"Don't you want a hat,or scarf?"My mum asks,handing me a scarf,hat and gloves.
"I'll have the scarf and gloves,thanks."I smile as I take them and put them on.
"Right,well have a good day!"My mum smiles and I walk out the door to school.

I arrived at Belleview High at a normal time,just like everyone else.
I sigh as I put on my headphones and play music.
"Watch out!"Some bitch yells as she pushes past me,knocking me onto the floor.
"Ow!"I whine as I hit my knee hard on the concrete floor.
"Aww..Look Courtney,she's crying!"Another slut points out.
I then notice I am crying.
The whole school then looks at me then laughs.
"Haha,emo!"Courtney taunts,kicking me with her high heel shoes.
I manage to get up and run to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria,I'm lucky no one's there.
I huddle into a corner and sob.
Great,this was my old school all over again.
Just like back in England.

"Mikey,I'm telling ya that I'm right!"A boy says as he and another boy walk into the cafeteria.
I look up at the pair.
There was a boy with long,jet black hair and another boy with blonde hair and glasses.
"Okay,Gerard,I get it!You're better than me at video games!"The other boy,Mikey,moans as they sit at a table.
I was too busy looking at the black-haired boy to notice his brother calling me over.
"Hey,you coming over here or what?"Mikey yells.
"What?"I say back.
"Are.You.Coming.To.Sit.With.Us.It's not that hard to understand!"He smiles back.
"Fine.."I mumble as I get up off the floor and go over to their table.
I quickly sit down and look for my sketch-book,but I can't find it.
"Looking for this?"Gerard smiles and slides over the sketch-book.
"Thanks."I say and take the sketch-book and begin drawing.
I drew a quite graphic picture of my image of death.
"What are you drawing?"Gerard asks,leaning over my shoulder to have a look,but I close up the book before he got to see anything.
"It's nothing.."I mumble as I put the book away.
"So,what's your name?"Mikey asks.
"Sadie.I moved here from Portsmouth a few weeks ago.My mum got transfered here."I say.
"Where's Portsmouth?"Mikey asks.
"In the UK,you dumbass!"Gerard says and hits him playfully.
"Well,I'm Mikey.That's my older brother,Gerard."
"Nice to meet you."I smile.
"What've you got today,Sadie?"Gerard asks.
"Umm...Chemistry,English,Maths,Art and Study hall."I say as I look at my timetable.
"Cool,me too.Well,everyone has Study hall at the end of each day.But I got the same lessons as you!"Gerard smiles.
"Cool,it'd be nice to know at least one person.."I smile back.
I don't know why,but I felt that feeling you get,in the pit of your stomach.
All warm,and mushy.
"If you two are done staring at eachother,class starts in ten minutes!"Mikey interrupts.
"Oh,right.Well,we'd better go then."Gerard says as he gets up.
I also get up and sling my bag over my shoulder.
"See ya at lunch,Mikes!"Gerard says and me and Gerard walk off to Chemistry.

A/N:Was that ok?I'm not really sure if it'll be ok.Be truthful and tell me please.R&R and I'll update if you guys like it.

xo Sadie.
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