Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Love Story..

Chapter 2

by MCR-99 2 reviews

Lessons,Lunch,At the Way household after school. Frank and Penina are introduced,along with Amy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-01-20 - Updated: 2013-01-20 - 809 words - Complete

A/N:I kinda like writing this fic.I also get to introduce some of my FicWaddle friends!

Chapter 2

Lessons up to lunch passed quick.
Chemistry was fun,Gerard had to be my lab partner.
I still got that warm mushy feeling again.
I had it for ages.

At lunch,I got shoved again.
"Watch it,freak!"Courtney snarled,shoving me to the ground,which made me get food all over myself.
"Courtney,why'd you do that for?"Gerard shouted at her,getting all up in her face.
"Why does it matter to you?"She questioned,glaring at him."She your girlfriend?"
Gerard didn't answer then.Courtney just laughed.
"Aww..gone all shy?"She teased,flipping her hair.
"Just shut it,Courtney!"A small boy shouted.Courtney then smirked and walked off.
"Thanks,Frank.."Gerard mumbled,then helped me up.
"You ok?"He asks
"Fine.Why didn't you reply when she asked if I was your girlfriend?"I ask as we head to a table.
"Why do you wanna know?"Gerard replied.
"I was just wondering.."I trail off.
Two girls walk into the cafeteria,they didn't look like Courtney and her clique.
"There they are!"The brown haired girl smiled as she ran up to Frank and kissed him.
"Hey,Penina!"Frank smiled,kissing her back
"Hey,Amy!"Mikey smiled as the other girl walked up to him and hugged him.
"Hey,you!"Amy smiled.
"Who's the newbie?"Penina asked,looking at me.
"That's Sadie.She moved here from --"
"The UK,I recognise that accent anywhere!"Penina cut Gerard off as she sat down with Frank.
"So do I!"Amy smiled at me as she and Mikey sat down too.
"I'mma go get a new lunch"I say as I go back up to the counter.
"Sadie,wait!I was just wondering if you'd,maybe,like to come over for a sleepover tonight.Amy and Penina will be there too,along with Ray and Bob and their girlfriends,Raven and Jen."Gerard said nervously.
"Sure,sounds fun!"I smile.
"Cool,so I'll pick you up from your house then yeah?"
"Yeah,ok."I say and give him my address and number.

At home,I gathered up my things into my sleeping bag.Gerard was picking me up at 5pm,and it was 4 now.
It gave me enough time for a shower and to get ready.
I walked off to the bathroom after I laid out some clothes.
I slipped off my skinny jeans and top,which were stuck to me thanks to the snow.
I was in and out of the shower within half an hour.

"Sadie,Gerard's here!"Mum called up the stairs.I slung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed a few DVD's to watch tonight.
"Coming!"I say as I walk down the hall and downstairs.
Gerard was slunk against the wall,raindrops in his hair.
The feeling came back again,stronger.
"Sadie?"Mum said,snapping me out of the thought.
"Huh?"I say.
"Do you want a coat?"Mum asked,holding out a coat.
"Okay,thanks mum.."I mumble as I put it on and button it up.
"Bye!"Mum smiled as she hugged me tightly,then quickly let go and pushed me out the door.
"Ready?"Gerard smiled,holding out his hand.
"Yeah.."I smile back shyly as I take his hand and we walk down the road.

"Okay,Gerard.Truth or Dare?"Ray boomed as we sat on the floor of the living room playing Truth or Dare.
"Truth."He smiled.
"Ooh.."Everyone else gasped.
"Okay,then.Gerard,who do you love?"Ray smiled.
"Ummm..."He thought for a second,and I could see him blushing.
I ran out of the room when that feeling had come back stronger than ever.
I knew the feeling,it was love.
I loved Gerard.

"You okay,Sadie?"Gerard asked when he found me sat in the garden on the swing.
"Fine."I lied.I wasn't fine.I loved Gerard,but I couldn't tell him.
"No,you're not."He said as he sat on the other swing."You can tell me."
"Fine.I love you,ok?"I sigh.
"You what?"He asked.
"You really want me to say it again?"I say.
"N-no.I got it."He smiled."I love you too,ever since the moment you walked into the school."
I smiled when he said that.
"I like it when you smile."He said.
I couldn't help it.
I leaned in,and kissed him softly.
After I kissed him,I smiled.
He smiled again too,and kissed me.
A kiss in the rain,how romantic.
"C'mon,let's go back inside."He smiled and took my hand.
I giggled as we ran back inside.

A/N:There we go guys.I liked that chapter.A lot.Rate & Review,and I'll update soon! xoxo Sadie.
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