Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreamland


by fabulouskilljoy8_8 0 reviews

The last chapter

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-21 - Updated: 2013-01-21 - 547 words - Complete

Something I learned in my all too short life was that shit involving a psychopath with a gun never really ends well.

There’s never a happy ending, despite the prayers made by every single teenage girl and the gnawing hope that fleetingly passes through those same girls minds, as they sit on a bus, staring out of the window at a world they don’t quite know how to live in.

Someone once told me that people who stare out of windows are those that are most discontent and disillusionmed with life and indeed living it.

I remembered this, as I lay beside the only love I’d ever have, dying of lead poisoning and blood loss. I had but a few minutes to live and unfortunately, due to the lack of oxygen travelling though my body, I chose my last words to Frank to be, “Since I met you, I haven’t once looked out of a window, I love you.” And then I peacefully, gracefully drifted my gaze to the centre of the ceiling above me, closed my eyes and let death overcome me.

Of course I felt like the worst person in the world, leaving the only boy I’d ever loved to live without me but I knew and he knew that I died for him. I died for Sophie, I died for Mikey, I died for Gerard, I even died, a little bit, for Taylor, evil bitch that she is.

Sophie killed her, in case you were wondering. It seems that Taylor realised what she had done, shooting and effectively killing me and so raised the gun immediately to Sophie, perhaps in the hope that killing her would get her out of a prison sentence. Scratch that, a longer prison sentence. Unfortunately for Taylor, Soph was a lot tougher that she looked and managed to get the gun from the killer, and when Taylor headed towards Soph with a murderous look in her eye, Soph chose then to pull the trigger, shooting Taylor straight in the stomach, killing her.

She was probably dying at the same time as me. Probably even in the same hospital as me but frankly, I don’t give a damn. I’m dead because of her.

I’m dead.

So that's it. I'm so sorry for copping out and ending it here, I can't bring myself to bullshit you and say "oh i felt it was the right time in the story" blah blah blah, because I owe you guys more than that. I ended this story because I just don't know how to write anymore. I still try, but I seem to get bored and just...stop, it's horrible and I hate myself because it almost feels like I've lost a little piece of myself but there isn't much I can do now. I want to thank each and everyone of you reading this, and those who read the story but gave up on me, you gave me confidence to express myself through writing, and you started me off in the world. I really hope nobody hates me for this, but I'm certain some of you will. All I can say is Au Revior and I hope you enjoyed this while it lasted. S xo
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