Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreamland

The Antichrist

by fabulouskilljoy8_8 1 review

"I thought she was in prison. I thought she was gone..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-04-09 - Updated: 2012-04-09 - 686 words - Complete

So. Its been...longer than a year I think? I dont even know if there's any of you out there any more, but if there are, I'm sorry. I can't promise that I won't get ditracted again and forget about you guys, but for now I'm hereeee. A very action packed, but slightly short chapter for you, just to get me back into the swing of things. I hope you enjoy chirps in the distance Review if ya could, S xo

As I pulled myself to my feet, suddenly filled with false energy, I felt her eyes on me. Watching my every move, making perfectly sure she was one step ahead of me. I knew there was no fight I could give that could spare my life, but I was fully prepared to sacrifice myself to save Frank.

"We simply must stop meeting like this." She spoke in a way that was designed to fill me with terror, but instead filled me with contempt and disgust.

"Oh and here's me thinking we had. How'dyou break out? The voices in your head give you a manual?" I spat at her with as much spite as I could.

"Hilarious. You know, if I were in your situation, I'd keep my mouth firmly. Shut."

"Well, if I'm going to die, I'm going to die with dignity. Meaning nothing like you."
With every word I threw at her, another step of my plan cumulated in my mind. I had to know who that thump eliminated. If it wasn't Frank, I had to do everything I could to keep him alive.

"Oooh. You seem to have developed wit since our last meeting. Congratulations. Now. Back to the very reason I'm here. You can stop worrying about him, he's the very reason I'm here, as you well know, and with you finally out of the picture, I won't need to go out on these messy little adventures that bore me so much." She stopped to examine my posture, seemingly taking it all in. I knew the next move she made would be my only opportunity to get out of here and get to Frank.

In a second it was over, and I was running, one movement of her foot and I was gone. I'd had my route planned from the start. Left leg onto the sofa, right leg ready to kick her in the face if she came too close. I jumped over the arm of the sofa just as she lunged towards me, and I was out the door in seconds, climbing the stairs to where I knew I would find Frank. I could feel her hot on my heels, having recovered from the fall she had taken, "FRANK" I yelled, feeling suddenly overwhelmed with uslessness. "FRANK!!" I yelled again, fear building up inside me at the fact that he didn't answer. I crashed into my bedroom to find no-one except myself and now Taylor.

"You thought I'd leave him up here? Come on now Teetee, I thought you knew me better." She snarled.

"Don't call me that. Where is he?" I was no longer afraid of Taylor, my fear was now the Frank, and is was that fear that fuelled me to grab Taylors arm and wrap it round the back of her, tugging lightly. "TELL ME WHERE HE IS."

"Even if you break my arms Teetee, I wont tell you." I couldn't stop the tears running down my face as hope evaded me. Just then my name was called from the door way, and I turned just in time to see Soph reach her hand out to me. I let go of Taylor's arm in shock, and saw her hand flit in to her pocket, and pull out again with a gun. Before thinking, I flung myself away from Taylor, and towards Sophie, pushing her down as I landed on her, feeling a bullet collide with the left side of my back, piercing through my skin in a nanosecond. I feel our bodies hit the ground, and upon impact, the world is nothing but a blank page.
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