Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A new assignment


by HeartBrokenMorbid 23 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-28 - Updated: 2006-07-28 - 578 words

Still fake!

Aidens POV
The next day i woke up and walked out to see Frank onthe couch eating out of a jar of peanutbutter. I grab a spoon and sit next to him puttin y spoon in the jar,
"Bitch get yo own" he says acting all ghetto and snatching the jar away from me.
"Bitch chillax" i say laughing. He laughs also then puts the jar in between us.
We sit there for about 5 minutes eating peanut butter when i notice Frank has some on his face.
I let out a giggle and Frank looks at me weird.
"What?" he asks raising an eyebrow.
I lean over and wipe it off his chin.
"Ohhh,thanks" he says blushing. I lick the peanut butter off my finger and stand up.
"No prob" i say winking the leaving the lounge.

Later that day we stopped at the venue and while the guys went to soundcheck i went and walked around.
As i'm walking around i notice Brendon from Panic! at the Disco setting up his merch wih some girl.
I walk over to him and tap his shoulder.
"Erm..are you allowed to be here yet?" he asks. I show him my pass and he smiles.
"Sweet, im Brendon and this is our merch girl Delilah" Dleilah smiles and give a small wave.
"So what band you here with?" he asks.
"My Chemical Romance, I've been on tour with them for a while now"
"Cool, their awesome guys" he says smiling.
I smile back and he says he has to go get ready and he leavs.
I really didnt find anything more intresting as i started walking again so i headed back to the guys soundcheck.
I stood there watching thenm play but i mostly watched Frank. I mean, how could you not? like how his whole body moves about when he ehadbangs or how he always spits on stage cuz he has a drooling problem.
After the soundcheck was over Frank comesto me with a hug.
"Ewww your all sweaty" i say makeing a disgusted face.
"You know you like it" he says winking at me.
"True" i say shrugging and walking away.

The kids started piling in about 2 hours later. Panic! rocked and while the guys played i got to hang with Ryan and Brendon.
After MCR was done Frank tried to come at me with another hug but i backed away and started running as he came after me.
I ran into the lounge and found a muffin.

"Dont make m do it!" i say about to throw it.
"I dare you" he says smiling. I smile evily then throw it at him hitting him in the head.
"Thats it" he says cmoming after me again.
"EEP!" i say as i run out the door. I run back to Ryan and Brendon and hide behind Ryan.
"Help me" i say as Frank comes up.
Ryan laughs and moves out of the way and Frank puts his arms around me.
"BASTARD!" i yell to Ryan. Ryan gives a small wave and leaves with Brendon.
Frank lets go and starts laughing.
"Ewww now i got Frank cooties, now i need a shower" i say.
"As long as i could join" Frank says giving me a sexy look.
"Sure why not" i say shrugging.
"Really?" he asks wide eyed.
"Nope" i say smiling and walking to the bus to take a shower.

5 and 6 will be up shortly!
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