Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A new assignment


by HeartBrokenMorbid 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-02 - Updated: 2006-07-03 - 434 words

Hey!...sorry i haven't updated..i had writers block >:( better now ^_^


~Frank's POV~
What the hell is going on?! First she acts like she's all into to me then the next minute she's leaving me sitting on the couch hard!
GAH! i hate women.

~Aiden's POV~
After we got our food we got back on the bus and sat in the lounge.
I'm sitting there in silence when out of no where a pillow hits my face.
"What the hell?" I look around see All the guys laughing so i couldn't tell who really did it.
"Ok, who threw the pillow?" i ask picking it up.
None of the guys answer.
I stand up and take a minute to carefuly look at each one of them.
And when i got to Frank i noticed his eye twitching.
"Was is you Mr. Iero?" I ask suspicously.
"N-no" he stammers.
"MmHm, Sure" I say. I look next to him and see a pillow. I ggrin evily then pick it up.
"What are you doing?" Frank asks eyeing me and the pillow.
"Oh nothing" i say smiling.
I take the pillow and hit Frank in the head with it.
"BITCH!" he scream and grabs another pillow hitting me with it this time.
I scream back and then next thing you know you got Ray, Mikey and Bob join in our little pillow fight.

After about 20 minutes of the pillow fight i drop mine and lay on the floor.
"FORFIT!, YOU LOOSE MISSY!" Frank says standing over me laughing.
I stare up at him with no emotion then poke his leg. He then kneels over me and starts tickling me.
"Fra-Frank sto-stop i cant-i cant breath!" i say through gasps of breath.
"Nope, not until you confess how your so much in love with me and you've been dying to touch my sexy body" he says smiling.
"NEVER!" i say as he starts tickling me again.
"FINE!..Frank i've loved you since i met you and i've been dying to touch your body!" i scream laughing. He smiles then gets off me.
"Told ya" he says smiling and wlaking away.

I stand there staring blankly at Gerard,Mikey,Ray and Bob.
"He so wants you" Ray says laughing.
"Oh shut up" i say throwing a pillow at his head but miss and hit Mikey.
"HEY!" Mikey says.
"Sorry, Meant to hit Ray" i say getting another pillow and succeed in hitting him.
"HA!" i say as i leave the lounge.

~Reviews would be nice ^_^
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