Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Love Story..

Chapter 9

by MCR-99 1 review

Final chapter. ;_;

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-25 - Updated: 2013-01-25 - 716 words - Complete

A/N:Okay,Ficwad was being a fucking dick for me yesterday,not letting me post.So,I'm posting it today.Final chapter,the wedding scene.I will include people from other bands I like,some familiar faces.Also,I'm adding all you guys too.Hope ya like it!
xox Sadie

Chapter 9

2 Years Later

"Ready?"Penina asked as she sorted out my long,black netted wedding dress.
"Yeah,I think so."I messed around with my brown hair."How do I look?"
"Fine.Here."Amy sighed and straightened my hair back out to it's original position."Perfect.You'll be fine,Sadie."
"Thanks,Amy!"I smiled and hug her.
"We gotta go guys!"Raven ordered,getting all the girls into order outside the church.
Penina and Amy in front,then Ellie and Abbey,my little bridesmaids.
I was in the middle,and Jen and Raven were behind me,grasping the hem of my dress.
I breathed deeply and thought of all those times with Gerard.
All the late night kisses,when he'd snuck into my room to check on me.
The good-morning texts,that made me smile.
When Ellie had been born,and his smile when he saw her.
His laughter.
He was all mine.
I opened my eyes again.
"I'm ready."

I took it a step at a time,breathing in and out to calm myself.
My eyes darted around the room,looking at everyone.
On the boys side,I saw all the familiar faces.
Andy Biersack,Pete Wentz,Patrick Stumph,Mitch Lucker,Alex Gaskarth,as well as Mikey,Ray,Frank and Bob.
Waiting at the alter,was Gerard.
He had the same smile on his face,that always made my heart skip a beat.
He had on his black combo,with a red tie.
I got to the alter,with my heart racing.

"Do you,Gerard Arthur Way,take Sadie to be your lawful wedded wife? To have,to hold.To love,and to cherish.In sickness and in health.As long as you both shall live?"
"I do."He smiled at me,and took my hand.
"And,do you,Sadie Jeanne Hobbs,take Gerard to be your lawful,wedded husband? To have,to hold.To love and to cherish.In sickness,and in health.As long as you both shall live?"The minister asked.
"Yes.I do."I beamed.
"Then,without further ado.I now pronounce you,husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"
I then shared the kiss with Gerard,that changed my whole life.
He hadn't just become my husband,he had become my life.

"Mommy?"Ellie asked at the wedding party later that evening."Can I have a juice?".
"Yes,of course!"I smile and turned around to pick up her juice bottle,and passed it to her."Here,little one!"
"Thanks,Mommy!"Ellie giggled and ran to play with the other girls,Shayla,Mia,Kennadee,Hozzie and Abbey.
Shayla was Ray and Raven's daughter,who they had adopted.
Hozzie was Amy and Mikey's daughter,who they had 3 weeks after Abbey had been born.
Mia was Penina and Frankie's daughter,and Kennadee was Mitch's little girl,who was about 5 years old.

"Okay,young lovers.We're gonna slow things down a little bit.."The DJ announced and the slow chords of the Avenged Sevenfold song Dear God filled the hall.
Gerard pulled me over to dance,and all the others came to dance too.
I wrapped arms around Gerard's neck and rested my head on his chest as we slowly swayed to the tune.

Dear God,the only thing I ask of you..
Is to hold her when I'm not around..
When I'm much too far away..

We all need that person who can be true..
I lost her when I found her..
And now I wish I stayed..

I looked into Gerard's hazel eyes.
"I love you,Gerard."I told him.
"I know."He smiled back.
"How?"I asked.

He then gave his simple answer.

"I know things,remember?"

A/N:I'm sorry,I may have just brought up your A Splitting Of The Mind feels again.But,it fits nicely,don't you think?
I wanna write a sequel to this fic,do you guys agree?
Anywho,R&R and I'll think about the sequel to this..

xoxo Sadie
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