Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drifters

Chapter Eight

by Dynamite_Fairy 0 reviews

'No longer am I the frightened, shy misfit of two days ago; I’m with Gerard, so everything’s better, I’m so much more confident around him, fearless, I even feel like I fit in.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-25 - Updated: 2013-01-26 - 1571 words

I wake up; it’s a warm and sunny day, without a cloud in sight. Shit, why can I see the sky? This isn’t Bob’s house...
Then it all floods back to me, last night with Gerard and then falling asleep with him here, at least I had the sense to put some clothes on, even if it was just my boxers – I suppose they could be swimming trunks if I needed it them to be.
I turn to me left to see him there; beautiful and sexy, as ever, only this time he’s led down and sleeping peacefully. How did I ever stand a chance with him?
I replay the memories I have of last night’s events – reliving each one of them as they swirl in my mind.
Soon after, he wakes up, rubs his eyes and then sits up, trying to make sense of this. Then he obviously remembers what happened and why and how he’s here, and smiles at me.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He says to me “How did you sleep?”
I kiss him softly “Fine, you?” I answer.
“Same,” he pauses, thinking presumably “Last night was the best night of my life.”
“Mine too; I loved every second of it.” I reply.
“So did I.” He leans in for a kiss, not as confidently as last night at first; but when I take it, and we passionately and lovingly kiss, his confidence grows, along with mine.
Getting carried away once more, I push him to the floor, get on top of him with my legs either side of his body, and continue kissing him but from that position. He kisses me back, now with a rush of power surging through his lips. His hands trail down my sides and rest on my ass, grabbing my butt, bringing me closer to him. We run our fingers through each others’ hair, entangling them, but his hand still caresses my butt.
We slowly come to a stop and I get off of him, we lie next to each other holding hands, me head rests on his chest as we stare at the sky from inside this little tree-cave.
Reality hits me like lightning.
“SHIT! What time is it!?” I suddenly remember about the instructions Bob and given me about coming home late, I have to be back there before 1, but getting back at 12 would be nice so I can make myself look like I didn’t sleep outside last night after hours of wild teenage antics.
“Oh FUCK! It’s...” he scrambles around in his coat pocket for his phone “...11, we’re fine.” He replies.
“Oh thank God.” A wave of relief comes over me. We have another hour, we’re safe.
“But man, I’m hungry...” Gerard says.
Hmm... What food do I have..?
“Aha!” I remember the Jelly Beans in my bag that I found last night whilst searching for the ID.
“What?” he asks.
I search for them in my bag, a few minutes later I look up at him triumphantly at having found the Jelly Beans. “Jelly Beans!” I announce.
We share them out, neither one of us fully dressed, if anyone saw us now, I don’t even know what they’d think of us.
After 10 minutes of jelly bean indulgence time, I figure that we gotta get dressed at some point so I get up and start putting my clothes on. It’s a struggle to get my jeans on but eventually I’m dressed. Gerard gets the hint and starts putting his clothes on too. By the time I’m lacing my Doc Martens up he’s fully dressed and waiting for me.
“So, what can we do now?” he asks me.
I honestly don’t know. There’s not much to do around here... “we could go on a walk, go home early, sit around...” I suggest although I hate the second one.
“I have a little bit of money left over from the fair, and I saw an ice-cream shop last night. Want to go there and have a walk whilst we have our ice-creams?” He says; sounds good to me.
So we leave our cave, I grab Gerard the Zebra from where I put it last night and we head to the ice-cream place. It’s only 5 minutes away; but with a stuffed zebra, I’ll get more weird looks than usual.
We arrive and there’s no queue so we get our ice-creams quickly. I get mint-chocolate with raspberry sauce and Gerard gets coffee with chocolate sauce.
“What time is it?” I ask, getting pretty conscious about it, if I’m late and Bob’s parents find out that I didn’t sleep there last night – I’m fucked, and not in the good way.
“It’s 11:30, 20 minute walk and then I’ll take you back to Bob’s?” He says, he’s full of good ideas today!
“Yeah, okay, sounds like a plan.”
We walk in a route I know very well, it takes us in a circle, past the river and then it’s only 2 minutes to Bob’s from where we turn away from the river.
“You know,” Gerard starts “we should spend all weekend together.”
“Oh yeah, that’d be fucking awesome!” I agree, I’d freaking love to do that.
“When I drop you off at Bob’s, I’ll go home, change, and then come for you and we can go to mine?” Even more great ideas from this perfect human, anything else to add to his list of perfections?
“That’s fine, but let me change too, so you’d have to get me from my house.”
“Okay, but I don’t know where that is.”
“We’ll walk past the road entry on the way to Bob’s and then call me so I can tell you which house is mine.”
“Right, what’s your number?” We exchange numbers, for both now and future reference.
We’re just on the river pathway, it’s so scenic, I love the place to sit and watch the world go by on the rocks down here; I even spent many summers here in my pre-teens with Bob, before I even met Ray, but obviously once I’d met Ray I brought him down here too. Gerard looks like he’s enjoying the picturesque landscape of the countryside, especially seen as this is the first time he’s been here.
“Frank...” Gerard says “This place, it’s beautiful, it really is. I don’t believe you live around here.”
“Well, it’s true, I live here. We should visit here another day.” I reply.
“Yeah, we really should.”
We carry on walking, we’re almost at a turn where we see my road. I catch sight of the time – 11:50. I’ll be back on time, no doubt.
I point to him the entry to road where my house is, so he knows where to get me from, or at least, what road to get me from.
“Just go down there and call me, I’ll direct you to my place or I can tell you the house number?” I say.
“Tell me the number, and if I get stuck I’ll call you.” Gerard says.
I’ve still got my stuffed Zebra tucked under my arm, I just finished my ice-cream so I grab Gerard’s hand; no longer am I the frightened, shy misfit of two days ago; I’m with Gerard, so everything’s better, I’m so much more confident around him, fearless, I even feel like I fit in – just because we look like misfits together, even though he clearly isn’t.
We’re walking hand in hand, towards Bob’s house. Only a few hours until I see him after I get in to Bob’s house.
This will be the best weekend of my life, I swear; meeting him and having our great time yesterday; waking up with him and spending the day at his today; and who knows what tomorrow will bring?
We walk towards Bob’s house, I can’t see his parents’ cars anywhere so I guess they’ve still not returned; therefore, I’m safe. We’re outside his front window, I just don’t want my time with him to end, I know it’ll only be for one or two hours, but still, I don’t want a second without him.
“Right, want me to come to yours at 2?” Gerard asks me.
“Sure, gives me time to change and everything.” I reply.
“It won’t be as long as you think, I promise. Before you notice, I’ll be outside your front door.” He assures me.
“Hmm, okay, if you say so, Baby.”
“I’ll miss you, Babe.” He says.
“I’ll miss you too, Gee.” I reply.
Soon to follow my last words was a kiss, different to the ones before, because, in a way, this one felt longer, like he needed to savour the taste until we met again – it was slow and gentle, although full of lust, passion and romance.
Then we go our separate ways, me letting myself into Bob’s and him walking off into the distance. Just before I took my steps in, I turned to him, winked and blew him a kiss, he saw and did the same back to me.
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