Categories > Original > Humor > HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE

Mikey Thing

by atomickilljoy 7 reviews

Just explaining the situation and my take on it.

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-27 - Updated: 2013-01-27 - 239 words

So, pictures were leaked of Mikey kissing and posing with a 19 year old girl named Sarah. The whole fandom is blowing up. Lindsey put up some statuses about Alicia being her family no matter what happens, and Alicia put up a status about being devastated, but she'll be back.

Anyways, my take?
If Mikey did, indeed, cheat on her and is really "engaged" to this "Sarah" person, then I think what he did is unforgivable.
Let me explain.

I know the reasons he could've done this. I know you're saying "They could've gotten in a fight" or "Alicia could've cheated on him", but let me address these reasons.

1. If you have a fight with someone, someone you care about, someone you love, you don't go running into the arms of another girl. You try to work things out. At most, you leave. Doesn't mean you go and cheat and get engaged to another girl.

2. If Alicia did cheat or have another boyfriend, if you go and do the same that doesn't make you the innocent party. You're no better than her. You're no better than the one who cheated. "Getting even" just means stooping to their level, which doesn't make you quite as innocent as the cheating party.

Honestly, my heart was broken. He was my hero. Whatever.

I'd love to hear your takes (IN A NON ARGUING MANNER)
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