Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > School Of Stardom

School Of Stardom

by ohheyitsscissortime 1 review

Dawn had a pretty average life, until her sister lost her voice. From then on, she started to believe that maybe dreams really do come true...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2012-10-28 - Updated: 2012-10-29 - 3348 words

A/N: So, this is my first story...or at least, it was. I've rewritten it in some places, as you may be able to tell if you had a chance to read it the first time around. This is loosely based off the Nickelodeon show Victorious (don't judge me, but I love that show!), because I was watching it one day and randomly thought "hey this would make a great fic", so yeah. Please be nice in the reviews, because as I said, this is/was my first fic.

“I’m so upset!” My older sister, Maya, yelled, as she walked through the front door, slamming it shut before stomping through the lounge into the kitchen, where my science partner and I were examining our mold bush. She paused only once, to put her bag down on the couch.

“Why? What happened?” I asked her, turning around to face her.

“You won’t believe who I got partnered with for the big showcase!” she yelled. I swear, if she didn’t shut up soon, she would make the roof cave in.

“Who?” I sighed. Honestly, I didn’t care. But knowing Maya, she would make a big fuss if I didn’t at least act like I cared.

“Riley Ross, a sophomore! A freaking sophomore!” she replied, making it sound like the worst thing in the world. In my head, I was saying, “Hey, I’m a sophomore! You were one too once, you know!” I was about to voice my thoughts, but my science partner asked, “What’s the big showcase?” I turned back around to explain to him.

“It’s a performance they put on at her school every year and--” I was interrupted by Maya rambling on about all the important people who came to the showcase and how it was a big deal. All I heard was the front door slam again as she basically kicked my science partner out of our house.

“Hey!” I said, following her to the far end of the lounge, where our family’s grand piano sat. “We have a science project due! We have to turn in our mold bush!”

“So? Riley’s coming over and you have to help us figure out what we’re going to do for the showcase!” she said, taking a seat at the piano, adding, “I definitely want to sing!” She hit a chord on the piano, belting out a very loud, very off-key “LAAAAAAA!” She looked at me. “How was that?” she asked, looking very proud of herself.

“Uh, loud?” I replied. It came out as more of a question than an answer, but there really was no nice way to tell Maya she was horrible.

“Awesome!” Maya said. Oh. I guess she thought it was a complement or something. Oh well, whatever lets her sleep at night.

Ding dong!

“Oh, great, he’s here.” Maya groaned, walking to the front door to answer it. I went to follow her, but she told me to stay. What was I, a dog or something?

“Come in.” I heard her say. I turned around, seeing her guiding a pale, brown-haired boy into the lounge. I heard him mutter a thanks to Maya, although it seemed to have a hint of sarcasm in it.

“Dawn, that’s Riley. Riley, that’s Dawn, my sister.” Maya said, pointing at us as she said our names.

“It’s Ryan.” The boy corrected.

“Hey.” I said to him, hoping I seemed nice. I wasn’t desperate to be popular, but according to Maya I’d be helping them rehearse in the days leading up to the showcase, and I wanted to at least get along with Ryan.

“Do you go to school with us too?” Ryan asked, as he and Maya joined me at the piano.

“Oh, no, I’m not a performer. Just my sister.” I said, thinking unfortunately, my sister’s the performer.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Maya goes to a special performing arts school in the middle of Las Vegas, appropriately titled Las Vegas Art Academy. It was one of the most prestigious schools in the whole of Nevada, you had to be extremely talented to even be considered the offer to go there. Maya was a great actor, which is why they let her in, but unfortunately for the ears of everyone else, she was more focused on her singing.

“Yep, I got the talent, and Dawn got the strong teeth.” Maya said, putting an arm around me and squishing my cheeks. “You know, she’s never had a single cavity? Lucky bitch.” she added, looking at me and shaking her head.

“I try not to brag about it.” I said, shrugging Maya off.

“Oh, nice piano.” Ryan said, sitting at the piano before playing an complex blues flourish that was honestly some of the best piano playing I’d ever heard.

“Oh my god, you’re fantastic!” I complimented, sitting down next to him.

“He’s okay…” Maya said, obviously thinking she was the best. That was one of the worst things about Maya, she was a great sister, honestly, but she was so full of herself, it wasn’t funny. Suddenly, Ryan picked up my hand and sniffed it, his face scrunching up afterwards.

“Oh, that’s fish mold, from my science project.” I said, letting him drop my hand in disgust. My hand landed on the piano, causing me to accidently play.


“No, grandma, there’s no way you can drown at my school!” Ryan said into the phone, standing outside on my patio. “You’re NOT going to fall in a toilet, grandma! Look, I got to go. I’ll call you later.” With that, he hung up, and I handed him a glass of my mother’s homemade lemonade.

“So, you’re grandmother’s coming to the showcase?” I asked, taking a sip of my own glass.

“Yeah, it’s going to be the first time she’s left the house in five years.” He replied. I nearly choked. Five years?!

“Why?” I asked.

“Because the woman’s afraid of everything! Rain, umbrellas, bikinis, rabbis, breakfast foods…” he trailed off, obviously showing there was much more.

“So, if she saw a rabbi in a bikini eating pancakes in the rain holding an umbrella above his head…” I wondered out loud.

“The woman would burst into flames.” He answered, making me laugh. We were interrupted by the striking of a few chords on the piano and Maya yelling “Come on, you guys!”

“Back to rehearsal. Let’s go.” I sighed. We walked in to be greeted with Maya. “Ta-da! What do you think? Fabulous, right?” She said. She was wearing an aubergine shirt with black lace sleeves that went down to her elbows. She had a matching eggplant skirt with black netting. Since the skirt only went down to her mid-thigh, she had put on black fishnet tights and black knee-high boots. Her shoulder-length mocha hair was curled, and she had put on so much black eyeliner, I could’ve sworn she was trying to be a raccoon.

“Do you really need to wear that just to rehearse?” I asked her, rolling up the sleeves of my red and white striped hoodie.

“A performer needs to feel the part to be the part.” Maya quoted, although I don’t know who said it originally, walking towards me and tapping my nose with her index finger.

“I thought we talked about you tapping my nose. Don’t freaking do it.” I said, referring to a lecture I’ve given her about a hundred times. Of course, she never listened.

Maya laughed. “Okay, we’ve got the comedy stuff down, so let’s start with my song.” She said, flipping her hair. “Take it from the chorus.” She snapped at Ryan. He sighed, before playing the notes of the song. When Maya opened her mouth to sing, I braced myself. And boy, am I glad I did.

When she finished the final note, she turned to me and Ryan. “Well? How was that?” she asked.

Ryan turned to me. “Do you have any aspirin?” he asked. Sighing, I handed him the bottle of aspirin I always kept in my handbag in case Maya started singing, but not before taking two of the pills for myself.


I watched the showcase in awe. Man, the students here were crazy talented! We were in the middle of watching a duet between two girls-a short redhead and a brunette with brightly colored extensions-when I noticed my parents being talked to by a man in his early 30’s-probably one of the teachers.

“Excuse me, are you Maya Monet-Johnson’s parents?” the man asked my parents.

“Yeah.” My father replied, looking confused.

“Why, what’s wrong?” My mother asked, looking concerned.

“Please come with me.” I decided to follow them too, mainly because I didn’t like being left alone in crowds.

Backstage, the first thing we saw was Maya. She looked like she was trying to speak, but no sound was coming out.

“Maya? Are you okay?” My mother said, obviously concerned for her oldest daughter. Who wouldn’t be?

Maya tried to respond, but once again, no sounds escaped her mouth.

“Something’s happened, and now she’s lost her voice.” A blonde woman, probably the school nurse, explained. “Does anyone know how this happened?”

“Well, just before this happened, she was practicing her singing while getting ready, but halfway through, she just stopped, and her voice has been gone since.” A girl with short, curly auburn hair explained. I recognized her as Erin, one of Maya’s friends.

“Did Maya happen to practice her singing a lot in the last five days or so?” Another one of her friends, a short, brainy Asian girl called Jocelyn, asked me and my parents.

“Yeah, even more than usual, why?” I responded.

“Ah, there’s your problem. She practiced so much, that she just couldn’t go on anymore. If she had waited until she was onstage, she could’ve lost her voice while performing, so in one way, we’re lucky she practiced one last time.” Jocelyn explained.

“Well, she can’t do her part, obviously. Miss, Robinson, Miss Ling, do one of you two know the singing part?” The nurse asked Erin and Jocelyn.

“No, I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics of the song.” Erin said, shaking her head, causing her auburn curls to bounce around.
“I know the chorus, but that’s it. Sorry.” Jocelyn answered, shrugging her shoulders a little.

“Oh. Well, I guess my grandmother came here for nothing.” Ryan sighed.

“Wait. Is there anyone else that knows Maya’s part?” Erin asked.

Ryan suddenly brightened up. “Her sister does!” he said, looking at me.

“Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, wait, me sister?” I said. When he nodded, I panicked. “No freaking way! I don’t even go to school here! I just helped you guys rehearse!”

“You know the whole thing off by heart. Please, just this once.” Ryan begged.

“Nuh-uh. No freaking way!” I said stubbornly.

“She said she’ll do it!” Ryan said, throwing his hands up in the air. What a liar, I thought.

“No! You’ll have to drag me if you really want me to do it!” I shouted, keeping up my stubborn facade.



“Pretty please?”

“Ryan, I said no, damn it!”

“Pretty please with whatever your fave band is on top?”

“Ooh, you make a great deal. Fine, just this once!”

“Great! But you can’t go on stage looking like that.” He said, gesturing to my outfit. It consisted of a simple brown tank top, light blue jeans, and a tangerine hoodie.

“Excuse me?” I said, somewhat offended.

“I mean, did you see what Maya was wearing for this, and by further extension, everyone else in the show? If you’re gonna perform, you need to look cool while doing so.”

As he finished, an extremely pale woman who, while she looked at least thirty in her face, but was very short, rushed up to me. “Is this the girl taking Maya Monet-Johnson’s place?”

“That’s me.” I said, waving a little.

“Please, come with me.”

I followed her to a curtain, where she handed me the clothes I would be performing in-a bright pink one-sleeved off-the-shoulder top, a ruffled pink skirt, a black sequined belt, black ankle boots, and fingerless gloves made of black lace.

When I was done changing, she quickly applied a little bit of mascara to my eyelashes, and a pale pink lip gloss.

“Okay, are you ready to go?”

“Not particularly, but whatever lets everyone sleep at night.”

As I was walking on stage, the two girls who did a duet were just coming off stage. Up close, I could see the redhead had black roots, so I figured her hair wasn’t natural. They stared at me-the redhead with curious brown eyes, the brunette with cold swirls of green and blue-and smiled. Although, I’m pretty sure the brunette was smirking rather than smiling.

“Well, you don’t go to school here, do you?” The brunette asked, taking the bright extensions out, cringing at them-probably because of the colors, she seemed like one who preferred darker colors-before handing them to the redhead. She probably borrowed them off her.

“Well, no. I’m just stepping in for my sister, Maya, because she--”

“Wait.” The redheaded girl interrupted. “Maya? As in Maya Monet-Johnson?”

“Yeah, why?” I asked.

“Are you as untalented as she is?” The brunette asked, sneering.

Okay, that was rude.

“Reagan, don’t be so mean!” The redhead gasped.

The brunette-who apparently was called Reagan-took one last glance over me, before turning to her friend. “Come on, Daisy. I’ll get you some candy.”

The redhead, apparently named Daisy, squealed. “Yay, I love candy!”

I decided that Reagan was a bitch, more than Maya herself-hey, she’s my sister, I’m allowed to speak about her that way-and I was glad I probably wouldn’t see her again. Daisy seemed sweet, and I’d probably get along well with her, but she gave off an air that made her seem a bit ditzy.

I walked onto the stage, bracing myself. I’d never sang in front of a large crowd-or even a small crowd, for that matter-on my own. The biggest crowd I had never sang in front of was my parents and aunt and uncle, and that was with Maya at Christmas when I was six singing Jingle Bells. Yeah, I didn’t have much experience. Plus, I never sang much at all. My voice was bound to be terrible. And the song Maya had chosen was not really my style. It was called “Famous”, so of course Maya would pick it. It was an okay song, and better than Bieber, that’s for sure, but I preferred classic rock, like The Beatles. Ryan didn’t approve either-he was a lot like me, music-wise-but Maya, being Maya, never let up. We came to a compromise eventually, if we did this song, Ryan would pick the song next time, if there was a next time.

I took my place on the stage, looking over to the side, where the band-Ryan on keyboard, two of his friend on guitar, one lead and one rhythm, another friend on bass, and a final friend on drums. Erin and Jocelyn, dressed in their performance clothes-simple black sequined dresses and knee-high boots-took their respective places at the back of the stage. The music started, and I slowly felt my nerves disappear. By the time I started singing, all my nerves were gone, replaced with a strange sense of confidence.

Do you want to ride in a big limousine?
Tell me do you want to take a little bite of the fame machine?
If you wanna be discovered, end up on the cover
Of every star-studded supermarket magazine
You can do it, stick right to it
It could happen tonight

You wanna be famous
You wanna be the one who's living the life
You wanna be famous
You wanna be the one who's taking a free ride

Do you want to cut to the front of the line?
Baby, do you need to see your name in lights just like the Hollywood sign?
Come on, we gotta work harder, fight the fight together
Take it to the top, we've got the winning team
It's your moment, you can own it
It's the American dream

You wanna be famous
You wanna be the one who's living the life
You wanna be famous
You wanna be the one who's taking a free ride

All day, all night
The camera's on and it never lies
You're under the spotlight
Twenty-four seven til the end of time

Whoa, you wanna be famous.
Whoa, you wanna be famous.

You wanna be famous
You wanna be the one who's living the life
You wanna be famous
You wanna be the one who's taking a free ride

Your song is on the radio
Hot rotation video
Bright lights, fan mail
Paparazzi on your tail

Tour bus, private jet
Thinking big ain't failed you yet
Just one thing you can't forget
Takes more than just wanting it

Aim high, never rest
Put your passion to the test
Give your all, never less
Famous means that you're the best

Next thing I knew, applause filled the school’s auditorium. I was being applauded? Really?

Ryan hugged me as the curtains closed. Soon, we were joined by Maya and my parents in a group hug.

“Oh my gosh, honey, you were fantastic!” My mom cried.

“Are you sure you’re Maya’s sister?” The man who brought my parents backstage, the man who was the whole reason I just did possibly the best thing I’ve done ever, asked. The look on Maya’s face was priceless.

A crowd of students and teachers from the school had formed by now, but were soon backed up as a pretty brunette woman who looked to be in her early forties approached me.

“Who are you?” She asked me.

“I’m Dawn Monet-Johnson. Who are you?” I replied.

“Oh, this is Ms Diamond, our school principal.” The man said, who Ryan had finally made a point to tell me was their school counselor.

“You don’t go to school here, do you?” Ms Diamond asked me.

“Oh, no. I’m just filling in for my sister, Maya.” I replied.

“Do you want to go here?” She asked.

“Oh. Well…should I?!” I asked the people around us.

There was a chorus of “Yes!” from the people around us. Well, someone shouted “No!”-I bet five bucks it was Reagan, it sounded like her voice and I think-no, I know she already hated me-but I chose to ignore that. Majority rules, after all.

“In that case…I’d love to go here!” I cried. All that could be heard from around me were cheers.

I was so excited. I was going to Las Vegas Arts Academy!

A/N: I'm not particularly fond of this chapter, but that's probably because the first couple of chapters are generally just to introduce the characters, settings, etc. and I love getting straight into the action of the story. So yeah. Anyway, I know I used the word "freaking" a lot, but that's because I'm trying to keep this mildly kid-friendly, in case my younger sister accidentally stumbles across it on my laptop and doesn't get scarred for life.
The song I used for the performance is "Famous" by Big Time Rush (don't judge me, but I love the show AND band, so yeah), not only because I like the song, but I felt it was fitting, both for a performance and Maya's personality, seeing as she picked it in this. So yeah.
Oh, and if you haven't already, feel free to go audition for another fic I'm writing! The auditions are on my profile!
xoxo Catrina
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