Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can Run Away With Me,Anytime You Want

Chapter Eight.

by MCR-99 3 reviews

Okay,Chapter 8. Gonna be drama in the Diner.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-11 - Updated: 2013-02-11 - 919 words - Complete

Okay.Here is the Eighth chapter.I couldn't acsess my laptop last night because my mum said that I wasn't allowed it 2 hours before I go to bed.(which is 9pm now because of Dan and Phil on Radio One every sunday) But I can have it this sunday cuz I'll be on Half Term for a week and one day.Look at me rambling on...
Rate and Review this Chapter and the next one,I'll try and do tonight,if not I'll type it up tomorrow.
xo Sadie

Chapter Eight.
Gerard's P.O.V

"Gee,pass the water?"Sadie asks,sticking out a pale,bony arm to try and grab the glass of water on the lounge's coffee table.
"Here."I say,handing her the cold glass.
"Thanks."She smiles weakly,taking a small sip,before spitting it back out on the floor.She also coughed up a bit of blood.
"You okay?"I soothe her,rubbing my hand on her back as she coughed up the liquid.She was getting worse every day.
"Gerard.Is everything okay?"Mikey asks.I look up at him,and he sees how tired I am.
"Mikey,I need to talk to you.It's serious."
"Okay."He agrees,and I walk with him out of the lounge.

"Gerard,what is it?"
"Mikey,you can see how bad this is.I shouldn't have let her out of my sight.."I mutter,running a hand through my hair with a few tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Gee,it wasn't your fault okay? It would've probably happened anyway."Mikey cheers me up a little,hugging me.
"So,what are we gonna do?"Mikey asks."We could get that thing out of her."
"No.I won't let someone destroy our child."
"Would you rather the baby destroying her?"Mikey asks,staring at me with a questioning look.
"No,but it's still a kid.It's still mine,whatever Korse did to it."I protest.
"So,you're gonna keep this thing?"
"Yeah.There could still be some good left in it."

Sadie's P.O.V

"So,let's see how the baby is doing,shall we?"Dr.D smiles as he performs the 6-month ultrasound.
I clench tightly on Gerard's hand,and I felt him squezze it softly.It was his way of saying,he'd never leave my side no matter what.
I saw Dr.D's face turn from a frown to a grave look.
"Gerard,could I talk to you about this for a second?"Dr.D asked,and led him out the room,closing the door a little.
"Dr.D,what is it?"
"Well."I heard the doctor say.This was never good news."There's some bad news."
"Shit.What is it?"I heard Gee say,I could hear in his voice how he felt.
"The baby has grown too strong for her.It's killing her.Chance's are,she won't make it to the birth.But,if she doe's,she'll develop a disease that'll kill her within a month."
I could die giving birth to my child,or even before?
And,if I do make it,I'll die anyway?
"What should we do,Doc?"
"I honestly do not know,Gerard.You can either keep the baby,see if Sadie survives,or I can kill it now."
"We have to talk it over with her."
"You mean you'll have to talk it over with her.I just perform the deed and help the best I can."Dr.D says.
"Could you give us a minute? To talk it over?"
"You have all the time you need."Dr.D smiles,and Gee comes back into the room.

"You heard that didn't you?"
"The whole thing."I say,and I felt a few tears.
"It'll be okay."Gee tries to smile as he hugs me tightly.
"How,Gerard? I could either die giving birth to our baby,or die after a month anyway!"
"The doctor said he could be wrong,he said it was too early to tell."
"Too early to tell what? That this baby is killing me?"I shout weakly.
"You're right.I should've never talked you into having this baby."
"Gerard,don't even think about that for a second."I say,carefully geting up off the bed,before falling into his arms."It wasn't your fault,none of this was.It was all Korse."
Gerard stands there,supporting me,before kissing me softly.
"If you die,I'll die too."He whispers.
I rest my head on his chest,listening to his racing heart.
"Is everything okay in here?"Dr.D asks as he opened the door slowly.
"We're gonna be fine."Gerard smiles.
"Have you decided on your option?"
"We're gonna keep the baby."I say,turning my head to face the doctor."We'll see what happens."
"Okay.Do you wanna know weather your baby will be a boy or a girl?"
"Yeah,okay."Gerard smiles as he carefully lifted me up onto the bed.
"You're gonna be having a girl.A beautiful baby girl."
"A girl?"I ask with a wide smile on my face.
"Yes."Dr.D smiles.
"Thank you Dr.D"Gee smiles as he lead the doctor out of the room.

A girl.
Our baby will be a girl.

Do you guys like that chapter? Hope you did!
BTW.Mia what is the title of your oneshot gonna be,the one I'll be writing for you soon.
I need a title for it.

Rate and Review guys,I love you!

xo Sadie
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