Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels

by MCR-99 1 review

Serard oneshots.I thought these myself.Rate and Review OKAY.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2013-02-15 - Updated: 2013-02-16 - 914 words


Fallen Angels

Walking through the pouring rain on a dreary autumn morning,my converse-clad feet splash through the puddles,soaking the soles of my feet.I grab my phone from my jacket pocket and switch it on,clicking on my media player app.I go to my playlist and put on the song Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides and put it on full volume.Pulling up my hood,I carry on walking to school.

I enter through the big blue doors of Priory School,not even walking two steps,before getting shoved to the ground by Holly and Cherys,the girls who made my first year here hell.
"Hey,Sadie,what'cha listening to?"Holly laughed as she took one of my headphones and pressed it into her ear as the song still played.Within seconds,she glared at me.
"Who the fuck is that you're listening to?"She laughed,flipping her golden hair.
"Black Veil Brides"I reply,and Cherys and Holly giggle.
"Those goths?"They shout,and half of my year hear what they said and began laughing at me.
"Fuck you!"I yell at them,and lunge at them with my fist poised for a beating.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"Everyone cheers on as I carry on beating the shit out of the whores who insulted one of my favourite bands.
"Sadie Hobbs!"The booming voice of the head of year eight,Mrs.Morrison,shouted over the commotion,grabbing me by the collar of my newly-ironed shirt and dragging me to her office.

"Not a good start to the year,is it Sadie?"Mrs.Morrison glares at me from her seat.I sat opposite her,with my head hung down.
"No,Mrs.Morrison."I mumble,before I hear a knock at the office door,and a beautiful boy with raven haired locks appears in the room.
"Ah,Mr.Way! You must be the new transfer!"Mrs.Morrison's face lightens up as the boy sits next to me.
"Please,call me Gerard."The boy replies with a humble American accent.
"Okay,Gerard.Sadie,off to class,but if I have to talk to you again,you will get a detention."Morrison shot me a deathly glare as I collected my bag and walked off to English,my first lesson of the day.I could tell the boy watched me leave.

"Class,please welcome Gerard Way to our classroom."Mrs.Yeoman,my English teacher,introduced with a fake smile.I looked up from my work to see that same boy from Morrison's office,standing right in front of me.Well,my class.
There were a chorus of 'hey' and 'what's up?' around the room,and other said mean stuff.
I just sat there,staring at the beautiful boy in front of me.His gaze met mine,and I sheepishly looked away,blushing.I could feel he smiled after that.
"Gerard,you can sit next to Sadie.Sadie,you'll have to share your notes with Gerard."Yeoman instructed,and Gerard came and sat next to me at the back of the class.I placed my book inbetween us.
"You like to doodle I see."Gerard noticed the small doodles of vampires and zombies in the margins of the double pages.
"Yeah,little bit."I mumble.
"So,what were you in trouble for then? I saw you were in Morrison's office.."
"Oh,that.I beat up two girls who made fun of my music taste."I tell him,not meeting his gaze.
"So,you're not like a fan of Justin Bieber or One Direction,are you?"He asks,and I laugh.
"No way.I hate 'em."
"Same."He says,and I meet his gaze.
The bell goes after what seemed like seconds,yet it was really an hour.

I walked home with Gerard that day.We spent most of the day together,I showed him around school.He's in my Languages class,my Drama,Art and Music class and my Science class.He slowly became my best friend throughout the course of the day,and I began falling for him.
"Sadie."He stopped us while we walked down the busy road."I know a place,just for us."
"Really? Show me then!"I smile,and he swooped me up and we litterally flew to the church.Up the high steps of the steeple to the church bell.When we arrived,he placed me softly on the concrete floor,and looked at me.He had lust in his eyes.
"You okay..?"I ask awkwardly as I back up a little.
"Fine,it's just,I can't stop thinking about you,Sadie.You've been in my head all day.I've never felt this feeling before.My heart is beating it's loudest whenever I'm near you."He confesses,and I take his hand.
"That feeling,Gerard."I whisper to him."Is love.You feel love,for me.I feel love,for you."
He hesitated for a small moment,before pressing his lips to mine.The pressure overwhelmed me,and I backed up far enough to feel my feet slip on the edge of the bell tower.I fall backwards,but Gerard catches me and pulls me back up.
"My fallen angel."He smiles,before we kiss again in the pouring rain.

Oneshot DONE.
My title inspiration came from the Black Veil Brides song Fallen Angels.
Oh,you knew that?
K then.
Rate and Review,guys.
Now waiting for Mia's oneshot for me.
It's gon' be gooooood!

xo Sadie
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