Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fallen Angels

So Sick Of Playing,I Don't Want To Anymore

by MCR-99 2 reviews

Serard Oneshot II. Explanation in the bold description thing.. xo Sadie

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-02-16 - Updated: 2013-02-16 - 727 words

Okay,here's my next oneshot.
So,basically,I ruin my relationship with Gerard because I cheated on him with 3 other guys.Kellin Quinn,Andy Biersack and Vic Fuentes.I end up trying to commit suicide,but Gerard saves me and I tell him I'm sorry and all that jazz.You'll rate it Cliche but,eh what-fucking-ever.

So Sick Of Playing,I Don't Want To Anymore

I sat on the sofa at my Dad's place,in my room,and downed my 3rd bottle of Vodka.I was fucking stupid for what I did,and now I've ruined it.I ruin a relationship with the best guy in the world,over three other guys.I stare at the picture on the wall of my bedroom.Me and Gerard,we looked so fucking happy,not a care in the world.All smiles in those pictures.I threw the Vodka bottle at the wall and it smashed,causing the picture to fall to the ground and it's protecting glass to break.

"No!"I scream softly,as Dad was in bed.Like he'd care what happened in my life anyway,this was my first time visiting him in,what was it,4 years?
I grabbed the photo,cutting my hand on the glass.I stared as the blood seeped out of my hand.It fucking hurt.
I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the bandages and plasters.After half an hour,I had bandaged up my wound and was staring at my horrible self in the mirror.
I didn't belong here,in this world.

I drove all the way to the seafront and walked up the wooden decking,out to sea.

"Sadie,how could you? I thought you loved me!"

I winced at the memory,the thoughts.

"I do Gee!"
"Don't call me that!"
"But Gerard!"
"No,get outta here! We're over!"

I had reached the end of the pier with tears in my eyes.I looked down into the dark,mucky water.
"So sick of playing."I sob,ready to jump into the cold water.
"I don't want to ANYMORE!"I scream as the tears fell and the cold water impacted on my skin.
A wave crashed against me,and pulled me under.
I saw a person,jumping into the water.

So,I wasn't dead.Fuck.
That bleeding hospital moniter annoyed the shit outta me.
I slowly opened my eyes,to see Gerard stood there.His hair was still wet,so were his clothes.
"Why?"I ask.
"Why what?"He stared at the wall,not wanting to look at me.I wouldn't blame him.
"Why did you save me?"I ask,pretty much demanding an answer."I thought you hated me.For what I did."
"I did.Not anymore."He said,and he came to sit on the edge of the bed.
"I never mean't to hurt you.I didn't know what I was thinking."I mutter,and Gerard kisses me softly.
I missed his kisses.His soft,sweet ones.His long,passionate ones.
"Any room in there for me?"He smiled,and I laughed as I pulled back the bed covers and he slipped inside,wrapping an arm around me.
We both stared into eachother's eyes,then the door opened,and who should walk in but Kellin,Andy and Vic.

"Oh,I see you chose him."Andy muttered when he saw me and Gerard laying together.I flipped over in the bed to face him.
"You see correct,Andy.I love him,and I never will hurt him again."
"I see."Kellin sighed,before him and Vic walked out the door.
"We can still be friends though,right?"Andy asked.
"I'm sorry,Andy.I don't wanna replay the past."
"Fine.See you 'round."He muttered before leaving.
I flipped back over to face Gerard,who in that time had removed his shoes and shirt.Maybe that's why Kellin and Vic left.
"Go to sleep."He smiled,kissing my neck."I'll still be here when you wake up."
"Night,Gee."I smile back,and drift off to sleep with the smile put back on my face,where it was mean't to be.

Like it? Hope you did.
Title inspiration came from King For A Day by Peirce The Veil.
My fave song ever by PTV,well,the only song I've heard.
Rate and Review,please guys.
xo Sadie
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