Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fallen Angels

Know How Much I Want To Show You,You're The Only One

by MCR-99 5 reviews

Serard Oneshot Three. Title inspiration:Demolition Lovers by the great My Chem.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-02-16 - Updated: 2013-02-16 - 1075 words

The Third Serard oneshot of this series.The idea hit me like a ton of bricks.Rate and Review,cuz you're all awesome.
xo Sadie

Know How Much I Want To Show You,You're The Only One

I fixed my hair in front of the bathroom mirror on a bright,sunny Friday.I spend,literally,an hour in the bathroom,fixing my hair because it never looks right to me.In the end,I tie it up into a tight ponytail,with my fringe hanging over my left eye.Perfect.I then left the bathroom to pick out my clothes.

Walking over to my dresser,I pick out my patched jeans,and my Bring Me The Horizon top.I get out my present that I had got for my best friend Gerard.It was an ornamental teddy bear,holding a heart with the incription 'You stole my heart,I couldn't leave you if I tried'.It was my way of telling him how I really feel about him.I loved him,with all my heart.But,I knew I couldn't tell me because I didn't want to jepordise our friendship.Sighing,I put it to the bottom of my schoolbag,next to my Chemistry homework from last year.I never gave it in,but I did the detention for it,so I'm off the hook.

I walk out the house,closing and locking the door behind me,when a voice which sounded familiar startled me.
"Ready to go,Cupcake?"Gerard had a smile to his voice,I could tell.I spun around on my knee high converse to face him in all his beauty.
"Yep,let's go,Gee-Bear!"I giggle and we walk out the front gate onto the path.
You see,Cupcake was Gee's nickname for me,because of my love of Cupcakes.I called him Gee-Bear because he gives the softest hugs,like a teddy bear.
"So,wanna have a sleep-over at mine?"Gee asked,smiling.I liked his smile,it cheered anybody up.
"Sure!"I smile back as we walk towards the bus stop at the end of the street.
We met up with Mia and Frankie,her boyfriend.
His real name was Frank,but it sounded way too formal for us,so we called him Frankie.
"Taco!"I greet Mia,I gave her that name,because of her love of tacos.She is addicted to them.
"Cupcake! Hi,girl!"Mia greeted back,running over and hugging me.
"Hey,Frankie!"I smile,and Frankie smiles.
"Hey,Cupcake.Got any cupcakes?"He joked.
"Not after last time,Frankie!"I laugh.
Last time I brought cupcakes over,Frankie ate them all.So,I can never trust him with the cupcakes anymore.
The bus shortly arrived,and we all got on and sat at the back,like we do every day.Sitting at the back was fun,but we had to go through the chorus of laughs each day.
Like today,we got food thrown at us,followed by a chorus of laughs.
"Just ignore the haters.."Gee muttered as he took his usual seat next to me.

After school,we were all at Gee's house.His brother,Mikey,was over at his girlfriend's place.Amy was a pretty cool girl,I liked her.
We were all sat in the lounge,Frankie was setting up a movie.We all agreed on The Expendables,because we all loved that movie.
"Pass the popcorn,Taco!"I say,and Mia hands over the red bowl filled with the popped corn.I grabbed a massive handful and shoved it in my mouth.
"Can't get this damn thing to work,fuck this!"Frankie cursed as he struggled to get the movie to play.
"Let me see,Frankie.."I say,and got up to have a look.There was nothing wrong with it,it was just that the TV was on the wrong channel.
"You should try,"I began,and changed the channel to the DVD screen,and the title screen startled everyone."Changing the channel."
"Oh,right.I knew that."Frankie said with embarrassment and took his spot next to Mia,slipping his arm around her.
"You keep tellin' yourself that,Frankie boy.."I laugh as I took my spot next to Gerard.

Later that night,we all got ready for bed.Gee let me use his downstairs bathroom.He didn't sleep upstairs like his brother did,he had a basement bedroom.After I pulled on my sweats and got ready for bed,I left the bathroom to join the others downstairs.I saw Gee sat on the bed,drawing.
"What'cha drawing there,Gee?"I ask,sitting next to him on the bed.He quickly layed down,because he didn't want me to look.
"It's a suprise,Cupcake."He simply said,with a cheeky grin.
I then remembered the gift,which I had slipped into my sweatpant pocket.I breathed a quick sigh,then got it out and held it out to him.
"What's this?"He asked,taking the ornament and having a good look at it.I saw he read the incripton,because he looked up at me with a smile.
"Sadie,I love it."He smiled,and motioned for me to lay next to him.I did.
"I wanted to show you the drawing I've been working on,it's for you."He smiled,we were so close to eachother I could feel his breath on my neck.
He folded over the front page of his sketchbook,and handed it to me with a hopeful smile.
I took it from his warm hands and took a long hard look at the drawing.
It was a love heart.Inside it read:

Know how much I want to show you,you're the only one..

I looked back up at him and his round hazel eyes.
"I love it,Gee."I whisper.
"I've been wanting to tell you,for a long time,yet I didn't wanna --"
"Ruin this friendship."I finished his sentence.
"Exactly."He mumbled.I placed the sketchbook back on the bedside table,and led on my side next to him,just like he was.We looked into eachother's eyes for a while,before Gee planted a soft,subtle kiss on my lips.We never broke apart,we just held eachother,in the autumn sunset,entangled in a soft,passionate kiss.

That was so,so sweet!
5pm already? Wow..
Rate and Review,hope you liked it!

xo Sadie
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