Categories > Original > Drama > Nice Idea.

Nice Idea.

by MCR-99 4 reviews

Soemthing nice,that I want some people to do. :)

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-21 - 277 words


Okay.I'm gonna get straight to the point.
I know I put this in my diary,but I'm gonna fully explain it.

So,we all know what happened yesterday with Mia.I wasn't there,I was calming down with a film.I read exactly what had happened to her,and have been sad all day.
She'll be out of hospital in Three days.So,here's what I thought we could all do.

To show how much we care,I've planned for us to all write something / do something,nice for her.

It could be either:

-A poem.

-A song.

-A oneshot.

-A drawing.

or a video.

I want loads of people doing this.I have her e-mail somewhere in the reviews,so i'll look for it,note it down and if you made a video,send it to my Gmail account,which will be at the end of the notice.You could either send the video directly to me,or if you have a youtube account,put it on there,and I'll save the link.

Songs,oneshots and poems,will of course be posted here,and when Mia gets out of hospital I will suprise her with the videos and stuff by putting them in a seperate fic.

So,tell me if you wanna do this.
If you wanna help organise too,tell me your email and then we can email eachother with stuff for this thing.

Also,we can find other songs by her fave bands and put them in too.

My email is (ps:put your name in the email,so I know who exactly you are and stuff.)

xx Cupcake :)
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